Saturday, June 7, 2014

More Mike Maihack

I have marveled over the work of  Mike Maihack  on this site before. His Supergirl/Batgirl comics in particularly fill me with joy.

Over on Twitter, Maihack posted a 'quick' Supergirl he did to test out some art supplies. That fast piece resulted in this. What a beautiful take on Kara.

There is so much about this that works for me. The headband adds a touch of 'Gwen Stacy' innocence. But the flowing hair is much more defined here, looking almost like a tidal wave. Really wonderful. The determined yet smiling face and the Matrix costume, as well as the setting amongst the clouds, makes this a big win for me.

Amazingly, this was done with 'cheap' watercolor as a test!

I wish I had such talent!

As always, you should visit Maihack's website at

I keep hoping he will make it up to the Northeast for a convention. I have some sketch coverissues I would love to get commissioned!

1 comment:

Count Drunkula said...

That is an amazing little sketch. Charming, beautiful, and full of more "character" than anything I've seen in a while.