Showing posts with label Brian Bolland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brian Bolland. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Review: Superman Red And Blue #2

Superman Red and Blue #2 came out last week and overall was a better issue than the first issue of this mini-series. I know that is an awkward opening sentence for a review but I was basically let down by the first issue and worried that this mini-series wouldn't be a celebration of Superman but instead using our hero as a plot point to celebrate others.

That unfortunately continues in this book. We get a Ma Kent story. We get a Val-Zod story. We get a Lex Luthor story. And we get a story about Ava, the sweet heroic school girl. And we get a Cyborg Superman story. Of these, Superman is really only involved in the last two. And of those, he really only uses his powers in the last one.

These are all fine stories. They all have something to say. And they all give us their message very nicely. Unlike last issue, this doesn't feel like every story has an important social message to tell that a tangential Superman story is bolted on. But this felt more like a Superman family book than a Superman book and that isn't what I am hoping to get out of a six dollar prestige book titled Superman Red and Blue. 

Maybe the Bolland cover alone is worth the price. Love it!

On to the particulars.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bullet Review: Wonder Woman #750

 Wonder Woman #750 came out last week and was a thick anniversary issue on par with Action Comics #1000 and Detective Comics #1000. It is a beautiful squarebound book with numerous variant covers including one commemorating each of decade of Wonder Woman stories. Of course, I had to pick the Brian Bolland 1990's cover, the first time I ever read Wonder Woman for any length of time, drawn in by Bolland's covers.

There are a bunch of stories looking at current continuities, Elseworlds, and some just capturing who Diana is as a character. It brings in a bunch of creative heavy hitters including Steve Orlando, Gail Simone, Scott Snyder, Bryan Hitch, Greg Rucka, and Nicola Scott.

If you are a Wonder Woman fan, it is worth the price point.

But this is a Supergirl blog, so I'll talk about 'To Me' by Marguerite Bennett and Laura Braga.

 The two creators worked on DC Bombshells together. And long time readers of this blog know that I loved the first couple of years of the book before it went from being a story with an agenda to an agenda with a story. A fine distinction, I know.

In 'To Me', all the Bombshell characters discuss what Diana has meant to them. That includes Supergirl.

As a reminder, I loved the arc of Kara in the early stories. She was brash at first. Then she was going to sacrifice herself to save the world (shades of Crisis!). And then, instead, when Kara's sister Stargirl sacrificed herself instead, Kara fell into a deep depression.

It was only with Wonder Woman's counsel that Kara was able to overcome that grief and move along in her life.

It was great to revisit these characters and that arc again.

 And then we hear from Diana herself who says that all she wants is to do good, be better, and be kinder and wiser.

That is what her mission is. That is who she is to herself.

Loved this story. This felt like those early stories again. That was a great run.

My other favorite story was 'Emergency Visit' by Shannon and Dean Hale with art by Riley Rossmo.

Now first off, I must admit I love Rossmo's wonky style so your mileage may vary there.

But the tale is that Hippolyta creates a fake emergency (a Hydra attack) to force Diana home so they can reconnect. As the battle goes on, Hippolyta asks about Diana's romance, does she still hang out with the JLA, and is Diana wearing the robes her mother sent her.

Initially Diana is irritated by this waste of time. But later she realizes she has to spend some time with family now and then.

As a parent and as a son, I loved this issue. I found Hippolyta's question barrage during the Hydar fight endearing of a parent who just wants to know what is happening in her kid's life. And Diana coming home in the end for a drink and conversation was perfect.

Anyways, there are a lot more stories there to digest. But this is a bullet review. Head to Mart Gray's Too Dangerous for a Girl Wonder Woman #750 review to learn more.

Overall grade: B+

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brian Bolland Supergirl

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Last month, I was part of a blog crossover with the Idol Head of Diabolu reviewing a three part DC Comic Presents story involving Superman, Supergirl, The Martian Manhunter, The Spectre, and Mongul.

Well, I have to thank my crossover collaborator, Diabolu Frank for cluing me into this collection of that story which was released in England. Here is the link to Frank's discussion: And here is the blog that Frank pulled his info from:

It turns out the three issues of DCCP were packaged as an Annual across the pond and it featured this cover by Brian Bolland. Now I am a huge fan of Bolland's work ... a huge fan. And one thing that bugged me was that I never got to see his rendition of Supergirl. That is, until now.

So it certainly isn't his best work, but it is a Bolland Supergirl, in the hot pants costume no less. So just seeing this makes me give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!

Now I love Bolland's interiors on Camelot 3000 and The Killing Joke. And I thought his Animal Man covers were great. But I think my favorite stuff by him is his Wonder Woman covers from the mid 1990's including this, my favorite cover from that run, Wonder Woman #0.

For those interested, Bolland has started a blog where he is showcasing his work at

Thanks again Frank!