Is there anything better than getting an unexpected gift?
Last weekend I was feeling mentally drained. I had just been through the wringer at work. I was overtired. And I realized that I was woefully behind in scanning comics and writing reviews for here. For the first time ever, I felt like this blog was (almost) work rather than the escape from work it usually is. I felt low.
And then Supergirl Comic Box Commentary got nominated for a Kreativ Blogger award by blog-friend Martin Gray. The Kreativ Blogger award is a sort of 'pay it forward' recognition for good work in the blogosphere. A blog gets nominated (and therefore wins) the award by someone who reads and enjoys it. The recipient then graciously accepts the award and follows a few rules (see below).
The timing couldn't have been better. Just when I was feeling run-down, this award picked me up. So thanks you so much Mart!
Mart runs a great blog called Too Dangerous For A Girl! which is in my blog roll. Here is a direct link. Mart does a fabulous job reviewing comics in a concise informative manner. I have bought some comics I would have otherwise ignored based on his recommendations. I can give no higher praise. You should definitely check out his site.
So the rules for accepting the award are as follows:
1) Copy the award logo and place it on your blog.
2) Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
3) You must thank the person who has given you the award.
So those three are done!
And now the rest ...
4) Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
5) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
6) Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.
So here we go ... in no particular order. Comments have been left on the blogs.
Supergirl: Maid of Might
The whole website is a fantastic resource for any Supergirl fan. There are sections devoted to the history of the multiple incarnations of the character, figures and statues, and images. The blog section of the site keeps Supergirl fans updated on all things Supergirl as well as comics in general. This is really a slick and comprehensive site ... the gold standard for Supergirl sites.
The Idol Head of Diabolu
One thing that I appreciate about the blogosphere is that fans passionate about their favorite characters have a venue to ...well ... be passionate. One of my absolute favorite sites is the Idol Head, a tremendous site for anything about the Martian Manhunter by Frank Diabolu. Informative about all the eras of J'onn J'onzz as well as looking ahead, this blog is everything that I strive to be about Supergirl. It is organized and spiffy in ways that make me jealous.
Firestorm Fan
Much in the same vein as the Idol Head, Firestorm Fan is an unbelievably comprehensive website and blog devoted to all the incarnations of DC's Nuclear Man. It also is organized and pleasing to the eye in ways that bring the casual browser in. In depth and easy to read, Firestorm Fan is great site and is another great character driven blog. Shag, the blog's creator, even got an interview once with Firestorm's creator Gerry Conway. That made me green with envy!
I love Saranga's blog for many many reasons. Yes, she has a clear passion for comics. Her reviews are well thought out, clear, and written in a smooth style. But her passion also extends to politics and gender/sexuality issues. I learn a lot when I visit there; I have never been more up to date on the political landscape of the UK. Saranga also runs a pure comic blog written for newcomers to comics called New Readers ... Start here. It is a good place for people interested in starting to read comics and reviews pertinent trades and excellent runs. I can barely keep up with one blog; how she maintains high quality on two is beyond me. Since both blogs are so fantastic, Saranga (and her blog team for New Readers) gets 2 of the 7 awards!
The Time Bullet
I was a fan of The Fortress of Fortitude, Mark's first blog which was a wonderful look back at the Golden Age of comics, often with fully scanned stories. The Fortress and the Fortress Keeper went away for a bit. Then, The Time Bullet came back, a similar blog with some peeks at more local comic topics as well. While posts may not be as frequent as they were at the Fortress, they are of high quality.
Adventures of Comic Book Girl
Comic Book Girl is another great blog that I always read. Nevermore does a great job on the blog looking at comics from the viewpoint of a young woman. The blog covers a lot of the comic world. But for me, in particular, I love the Batgirl coverage. As a very vocal supporter of Steph Brown, Nevermore was thrilled with her return. The comic reviews are filled with solid analysis mixed with the passion of a avid fan.
And now the hardest part of these rules:
7) Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
I have no idea what people might find interesting so I'll just wing it.
1) My favorite movie is Blade Runner. I am one of those people that have multiple versions of the movie and endlessly debate the merits of each one. For the record, I believe Decker is a replicant.
2) In the early 90s, I wrote letters to my favorite comics pretty frequently. I had a bunch printed, mostly in the Legion (or at least some blurb in the Readers Roundup section of the letter column). My favorite letter was one I wrote to Hawk and Dove trying to convince the creative team to have John Constantine guest star.
3) I worked at a movie theater through late high school and college and saw almost every movie made from 1987 to 1992.
4) As passionate as I am about comics, I am just as passionate for my favorite pro sports teams. I am a huge Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, and Bruins fan. One of my favorite life memories is when the Sox won the 2004 World Series. My (then) 3 yr old daughter just happened to wake up that night and was with me watching the game on TV when the last out was recorded around 1130pm. We danced around the room and she giggled like mad (even if she didn't know exactly why Daddy was acting so foolish).
5) While I enjoy all music, I have two genres that I really love. One is 1980s and 1990s alternative music (The Smiths, The Talking Heads, The Police, The Cure, The Violent Femmes, etc.). The other is 1940s standards particularly Frank Sinatra. As a result I am sort of a wild card at Karaoke.
6) The first comic I can remember reading was Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes #211. In that issue, Element Lad confronts his planet's destroyer Roxxas with the plan to kill him. In fact, he pulls the trigger of the laser pistol! Luckily, Chemical King sped up the reaction within the gun's battery making it powerless. It turns out that Roxxas was hoping to be killed; he is completely insane and feels he is being haunted by the ghosts of all the Trommites. What a completely messed up comic for a 6yr old kid to read. No wonder I was hooked!
7) If I had to pick a super-power to have it would definitely be super-speed.
Anyways, thanks again Mart! I really appreciate the nomination!