Another week ... another great edition of Wednesday Comics. I am really thrilled with this project and find myself looking forward to this book (?) as much as any other. One thing that I have to say again is that the talent that was brought on board for this was incredible. It is that mix of format and talent that makes this work so well.
As for Supergirl, I guess we would label this week's mood exasperated? I like how that title picture sets the tone.
You may recall that last week's strip ended with Streaky flying after an airplane with a Disney-esque mouse painted on the tail fin.
In this week's strip we see that painted mouse from Streaky's perspective as it warps into a more monstrous appearing rodent. Hmmm ... could my initial guess about Scarecrow fear toxin have been right?
Regardless of the origin of Streaky's actions, the super-cat is attacking the plane causing the plane's crew to panic a little. I think we have seen this flight crew before.

Sort of looks like Peter Graves and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from the first Airplane movie. Even the stewardess who peeks in looks like Julie Hagerty. I love when small little in-jokes and Easter eggs are put into the strip.

In the meantime, Kara is dismayed by Streaky's action and seems frustrated that the only information she can get out of Krypto is a woof.
Finally, Streaky's attack on the plane as the tail fin snaps off. As the plane plummets earthward the only thing Supergirl can say is 'Great .... just great!'
This strip continues to shine as it drowns the reader in Silver Age gooey sweetness. And Amanda Conner's art is so perfectly suited for the strip. Kara is strong and sweet. Krypto is cute and expressive. Streaky is sleek and mischievous. Just wonderful.

As for the rest of Wednesday Comics, I feel that a lot of strips came into their own this week ... gaining momentum.
After Supergirl, my favorite strip is Kamandi. Ryan Sook's art is simply too lush to not post a panel. I have sung Sook's praises before but this is several notches above even his past fantastic work. And Dave Gibbon's addition of a human girl to the strip is very interesting.
Other favorite strips this week were Paul Pope's Strange Adventures where the star was Alana, Kyle Baker's Hawkman (cameos by Batman, Hawkgirl, and the old school Hawk rocket), and the Azzarello/Risso Batman (which starred Bruce Wayne and his playboy charms more than Batman). I have been sort of lukewarm on the Batman strip in prior weeks.
Ben Caldwell's Wonder Woman was a better read this week and quite innovative as a stream of panels flowed right to left. And the Gaiman/Allred Metamorpho actually moved the story along.
As I feared from last week, the Kerschl/Fletcher Flash now has 3 Flashes running around in it making me dizzy.
Still, I am thrilled with this book and format. Mark Chiarello really deserves kudos for making it happen.
Amanda Connor draws an excellent angry cat!
"Vomitously Adorable" indeed.
I love how Kara can give Krypto these incredibly complicated commands and he'll carry them out to the letter.
You half expect her to tell him "Okay Krypto fly on home and set my TIVO to record Battlestar Galactica tonight willya? Then get yourself a bone!"
Mega Dittos on Kamandi who knew there was anything left to that olde "Prince Valiant" style?
John Feer
An Airplane! cameo, awesome! :D
Amanda Connor draws an excellent angry cat!
Thanks for the post.
You are so right. The 'stalking Streaky' panels were right on the money.
Conner is really knocking it out of the park here.
I love how Kara can give Krypto these incredibly complicated commands and he'll carry them out to the letter.
Thanks for the post.
I love how she also gets frustrated with his inability to talk back to her. Clearly he understands everything she is saying but he can only bark a response.
An Airplane! cameo, awesome! :D
I know. I thought it was perfect especially given the comedic feel of the strip.
Anj said...
This strip continues to shine as it drowns the reader in Silver Age gooey sweetness. And Amanda Conner's art is so perfectly suited for the strip. Kara is strong and sweet. Krypto is cute and expressive. Streaky is sleek and mischievous. Just wonderful.
Dude I couldn't have said it any better myself ah! ;)
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