I thought I was going to like Wednesday Comics. I saw the great talent assembled. I heard how literally big the project was going to be.
But I didn't think I would like it as much as I did. Wow!
First off, the thing is huge! I unfolded it once thinking that was it. Turns out you need to unfold it twice to begin reading. It is a little smaller than your average newspaper.
But the stories are what grabbed me. While the pages are huge they also have huge panels. We are probably talking the content of 2 pages of your average comic ... if that. With only 12 pages to tell a complete story, most strips jump right into the action. Compressed story telling is probably more difficult than stretching a story out so you need the right creators to do it correctly.

So for the Supergirl story we jump right in with Kara chasing Streaky and Krypto who are seemingly out of control. That's them crashing through a department store with Supergirl in close pursuit. A moving van in the background makes me think we are in Gotham. Could they be out of control because of Scarecrow fear gas? Could we get a guest appearance by Ace the Bat Hound?
One thing I do know ... Amanda Conner's art is slick.
But the other strips work just the same dropping us right into the action.
Batman (Azarello/Risso) has to stop a murder scheduled for midnight. The strip opens with the clock showing 11:59.
Kamandi (Gibbons/Sook) is startled by someone when reminiscing at Command D. This strip's art and panel layout read just like the Hal Foster Prince Valiant strips I read each Sunday when growing up.
Deadman (Dave Bullock) comes across a murder scene only to stumble on the murderer in the act again.
Metamorpho (Gaiman/Allred) is sent on the trail of a huge diamond.
Sgt. Rock (Adam and Joe Kubert) is captured and being tortured by Nazis. Joe Kubert!
Catwoman/Demon (Simonson/Stelfreeze) has Selina trying to steal Camelot relics from Jason Blood. Stelfreeze is amazing!
You get the point. Green Lantern, Superman, Teen Titans, Wonder Woman .... each strip grabbed me ... a mixture of high talent and high concept.
I highly recommend Wednesday Comics and not just for the Supergirl strip which looks like it will be madcap slapstick fun.
This is officially a "pull list" item...the format alone makes it worth the money even if DC hadn't assembled an A-List collection of creatives and characters to drive the project.
Oh and Supergirl is right there in the middle, where she belongs...vexed and miffed just as a teenager should be.
John Feer
Yeah, it is a great read, isn't it? I wish they'd played around with Kara's logo as they did so many others, though, and brought back the Seventies look. It's my favourite!
My bletherings (someone make me shut up!)
I just noticed that the lady's dog is swooning as Krypto goes past. LOL
It is too, LOL! :)
Man I truly loved this new format of Sunday comic serials for a Wed instead!
Bravo Jimmy and Amanda on Supergirl the most though!!! :D
No one has commented on Kara having a red skirt yet? Or having her midriff fully covered? I'm surprised!
I've only read the Supergirl strip in this so far and I rather enjoyed it.
No one has commented on Kara having a red skirt yet? Or having her midriff fully covered? I'm surprised!
I totally welcomed it with open arms (just wish Amanda didn't use Pre-COIE Kara's original 'Superman belt and buckle' for it yet the '84 movies 'V' one instead) and hope this is DC testing the waters to see if a costume change for Supergirl would be welcomed by the masses. :)
This is officially a "pull list" item...the format alone makes it worth the money even if DC hadn't assembled an A-List collection of creatives and characters to drive the project.
I agree. I was stunned by how big it is.
And the creative teams are primo.
My early favorite - Simonson/Stelfreeze on Demon/Catwoman.
The biggest surprise is for me was how effective the Deadman strip was.
Yeah, it is a great read, isn't it? I wish they'd played around with Kara's logo as they did so many others, though, and brought back the Seventies look. It's my favourite!
I wonder if the holter top/hot pants look might take away from the silly feel of the strip. But I also wish they played with the logo as well.
I wonder if other superpets will show up?
I just noticed that the lady's dog is swooning as Krypto goes past. LOL
Thanks for the post and pointing that out. I missed it before!
No one has commented on Kara having a red skirt yet? Or having her midriff fully covered? I'm surprised!
I've only read the Supergirl strip in this so far and I rather enjoyed it.
Thanks for the post.
I felt a bit burned out about costume talk to bring it up again.
But I do like this look a lot.
and hope this is DC testing the waters to see if a costume change for Supergirl would be welcomed by the masses. :)
Thanks for the post.
Interesting idea ... I didn't think of that as a possibility. A sort of 'dry run' on a new costume since Wednesday Comics is clearly 'out of continuity.
What's not to love about this Supergirl? She has my favorite costume and Amanda draws facial expressions really well.
I read on World's Finest that WB Animation is planning some animated shorts based on DC Comics characters. Nothing is confirmed yet, but if they did a Supergirl one, this Wednesday Comics story would a great one to animate.
Serious! A possible Supergirl animated short? Sweet!!!! BD
I love the idea, I love disney DVD's that have their 1930's shorts on there and the explanation about how the shorts helped craft their bigger movies
I read on World's Finest that WB Animation is planning some animated shorts based on DC Comics characters. Nothing is confirmed yet, but if they did a Supergirl one, this Wednesday Comics story would a great one to animate.
Wow. I agree with Talos and Nikki that would be cool.
Could you post a link to that?
My Pleasure:
Wednesday Comics is indeed wonderful, good enough to bring me back to the
LCS. My faves were the Hal Foster-esque Kamandi and the Little Nemo take on Wonder Woman.
Superman was the only "meh" strip for me. Great art, but I'd rather see the Golden Age two-fisted guy return than yet another examination of Superman as "other."
All in all, though, exactly the type of comic I'd like to read. Nice to see a light take on Supergirl, too!
I thought I would like it, but I didn't know I would be completely blown away by it.
There are some negative reviews out there on comics sites. Main complaints: 1) the price (worth it, IMHO), and 2) "That's it? Where's the rest of the story?" (not an exact quote, but close. Some people do. Not. Get it).
Wednesday Comics is indeed wonderful, good enough to bring me back to the
LCS. My faves were the Hal Foster-esque Kamandi and the Little Nemo take on Wonder Woman.
All in all, though, exactly the type of comic I'd like to read. Nice to see a light take on Supergirl, too!
The Wonder Woman was a bit trippy and dense for me. I needed to read it twice to grasp it and the Primo Supergirl at home was pretty lost.
But the Kamandi strip was awesome. And the Supergirl one was a blast too.
I thought I would like it, but I didn't know I would be completely blown away by it.
There are some negative reviews out there on comics sites. Main complaints: 1) the price (worth it, IMHO), and 2) "That's it? Where's the rest of the story?" (not an exact quote, but close. Some people do. Not. Get it).
Thanks for the post.
I am right there with you on 'blown away' reaction. I was floored.
I also don't get the complaint that there wasn't enough story. Those people shouldn't buy this as they miss the point.
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