Based on the logo picture, Supergirl's feelings this strip are going to be happiness and relief. Look at that cute Krypto giving Kara some affection.

Following Streaky's paths, Supergirl and Krypto have to save a mini-van buried underneath some fallen trees. Looks like Streaky thought those trees were super-sized scratching posts. The resulting claw-work left the family imperiled.
Luckily, Krypto remains sane and is able to lift the van free while Supergirl clears the lumber. I like how the kids show Krypto how happy they are by petting him.

Streaky doesn't stay hidden too long. Spotting a plane with a Disney-esque mouse emblazoned on the tail, the super-cat goes on a little mouse hunt.
So I don't know why Krypto suddenly calmed down. But since it happened when he left the proximity of Streaky, I wonder if Streaky is somehow the cause.
This story continues to be a nice slice of Silver Age heaven. And now, the hint of seeing Jerro? Too good.
As for the rest of the issue, Kamandi, Strange Adventures, and The Demon/Catwoman all stand out as being the cream. In particular, I liked the Steranko-like Zeta ray in the Adam Strange strip. The Kamandi strip has been a treasure all along.
The Green Lantern and Flash strips are just a cut below.
The Superman and Batman strips haven't been as gripping as I hoped they would be.
There were only a couple of disappointments. The Wonder Woman strip remains puzzling. Is anyone else as befuddled as I am? And it was another low-yield Metamorpho splash page strip.
Still I am loving Wednesday Comics.
Overall grade Supergirl strip: A
Overall grade Wednesday Comics: B
So I don't know why Krypto suddenly calmed down. But since it happened when he left the proximity of Streaky, I wonder if Streaky is somehow the cause.
This story continues to be a nice slice of Silver Age heaven. And now, the hint of seeing Jerro? Too good.
As for the rest of the issue, Kamandi, Strange Adventures, and The Demon/Catwoman all stand out as being the cream. In particular, I liked the Steranko-like Zeta ray in the Adam Strange strip. The Kamandi strip has been a treasure all along.
The Green Lantern and Flash strips are just a cut below.
The Superman and Batman strips haven't been as gripping as I hoped they would be.
There were only a couple of disappointments. The Wonder Woman strip remains puzzling. Is anyone else as befuddled as I am? And it was another low-yield Metamorpho splash page strip.
Still I am loving Wednesday Comics.
Overall grade Supergirl strip: A
Overall grade Wednesday Comics: B
so... the Supergirl strip runs up to issue 12 ?
Btw, Supergirl pre-crisis had a cameo of Legion of 3 worlds.
^60's supergirl got a punch in and modern supergirl actually had a line at the end. It needs a big ol' headline 'The 'Johns acknowledges Supergirl's Legion history'Shocker'
The Wonder Woman strip resembles a Vaughn Bode' underground comic in style and layout..except the rigorously bohemian Mr. Bode' was waaaa-ay more comprehensible a writer-artist.
Like the artwork the layout and story are utterly obscure to the point of being unreadable...helluva shame.
Although it does make the Supergirl strip look all the better by comparison.
This is like getting "Cosmic Adventures" back as a weekly!
Loving my Wednesday Comics....
John Feer
I'd like to add up Mauricio's comment: In FC Legion of 3 Worlds there were a whole lot of Supergirl appearences - Kara pre-crisis, a more modern Kara and a couple of others that look based on the idea of Supergirl, but I don't know who they were (and could be wrong anyway) One of you guys here will probably know.
The Wonder Woman strip resembles a Vaughn Bode' underground comic in style and layout..except the rigorously bohemian Mr. Bode' was waaaa-ay more comprehensible a writer-artist.
Like the artwork the layout and story are utterly obscure to the point of being unreadable...helluva shame.
Thanks for the post. I agree that the Wonder Woman strip has been a disappointment.
Although it does make the Supergirl strip look all the better by comparison.
I'd like to add up Mauricio's comment: In FC Legion of 3 Worlds there were a whole lot of Supergirl appearences - Kara pre-crisis, a more modern Kara and a couple of others that look based on the idea of Supergirl,
I'll post some scans soon, promise.
In the end I thought LO3W was okay but nothing special.
John Feer said:
"Although it does make the Supergirl strip look all the better by comparison.
This is like getting "Cosmic Adventures" back as a weekly!
The Wednesday Comics Supergirl is almost like watching the Cosmic Adventures Supergirl all grown up.
The Wednesday Comics Supergirl is almost like watching the Cosmic Adventures Supergirl all grown up.
Thanks for the posts.
There is a sense of wonder in both strips that is endearing.
I think you just said what I was going to say right there, Anj. :)
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