Superwoman's battle with Reactron certainly ended with a major cliffhanger. She almost joyfully asks Reactron 'whoever said I was Kryptonian?'
But on rereading the battle, I saw a couple of things worth posting which I did not include in my review of the issue.
But on rereading the battle, I saw a couple of things worth posting which I did not include in my review of the issue.

The first was when she calmly said 'intruder alert' and subsequently lobotomized Agent Liberty. The second, right before her fight with Kara.
The first time I saw it, I thought it was her in 'heat vision' mode. But others on line wondered if the look and the statement might mean Superwoman was a robot/android. Does this second appearance while uttering another order from General Lane sway anyone into thinking Superwoman is a robot?
Maybe she is more like a Nexus 6 replicant from Blade Runner? Synthetic but close enough to a Kryptonian to pass she could pass one of them on New Krypton?
I did want to point out that Reactron has a gold K heart just like Metallo has green K. Here, you can see him open the window (little whirring noise included) to bathe Superwoman in it's radiation.
During the New Krypton arc, we saw this work pretty quickly and efficiently. Just a second or 2 of exposure meant instant vulnerability.
The question now is does a lead-lined suit block enough radiation (although eyes/mouth open) to render it negligible? Or does her lack of response truly mean she is not Kryptonian?
The truth is we don't even know if her whole suit is lead-lined. In fact, we don't even know if her cowl is lined with lead or simply some other xray-defying element. When Kara can't see through it, she asks 'what is that lead?' My guess is that even if the whole suit was lead lined, the opening in the cowl would make her be effected. In Superman issues when he dons a lead suit, it usually covers him completely.

The first time I saw it, I thought it was her in 'heat vision' mode. But others on line wondered if the look and the statement might mean Superwoman was a robot/android. Does this second appearance while uttering another order from General Lane sway anyone into thinking Superwoman is a robot?
Maybe she is more like a Nexus 6 replicant from Blade Runner? Synthetic but close enough to a Kryptonian to pass she could pass one of them on New Krypton?

During the New Krypton arc, we saw this work pretty quickly and efficiently. Just a second or 2 of exposure meant instant vulnerability.
The question now is does a lead-lined suit block enough radiation (although eyes/mouth open) to render it negligible? Or does her lack of response truly mean she is not Kryptonian?
The truth is we don't even know if her whole suit is lead-lined. In fact, we don't even know if her cowl is lined with lead or simply some other xray-defying element. When Kara can't see through it, she asks 'what is that lead?' My guess is that even if the whole suit was lead lined, the opening in the cowl would make her be effected. In Superman issues when he dons a lead suit, it usually covers him completely.

The other half of this therefore is that I don't think this is a Gold K radiation blast. I think this is just a plain and simple nuclear/stellar bolt that Reactron could shoot prior to his Gold K upgrade. It does mean that whoever or whatever she is, Superwoman is tough to take a shot by Reactron to the chest at point blank and still smile.
My hope will be at some point to put up another poll about 'who is Superwoman' now that we have some more info. You have to give Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle some props. They certainly have us guessing.
My hope will be at some point to put up another poll about 'who is Superwoman' now that we have some more info. You have to give Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle some props. They certainly have us guessing.
You seem to be circling back to my big idea of last week that SW is a bizarro...supporting this is the notion that Lex Luthor had manipulated Kryptonian DNA before...but never with any long term success. The clone either isn't viable or it degenerates into a bizarro state.
Certainly General Lane would want an infiltrator that could pass as Kryptonian...moreover CLASSIC Bizarro was immune to green-gold-red kryptonite.
I still think it's Lucy Lane....enough of a name to be shocking at the reveal, but not a character some a-list creative is gonna want for a Vertigo miniseries.
My list reads:
1.) Lucy Lane
2.) Lana Lang
3.) Thara Ak Var
John Feer
Hmmm, aside from Alura, Lana, Lucy, and Thara Ak Var how would we all feel if Superwoman was (and don't laugh at this) actually revealed to be none other then Wonder Woman supporting cast Wonder-family member Artemis HERSELF! Now IF Superwoman ended up turning out to be her I think it would utterly rock! Not only is she a perfect fit characterization wise (which would explain how she could off Agent Liberty so easy, what with her being a female trained warrior first and foremost mentality wise) but it would be a great way to boost her rep in the DCU to the big leagues at that as well as tying Wonder/Super-family legacies in to this now in the process!
Also, a super-suit that has the capabilities to replicate a Kryptonian super-abilities that Artemis would don isn't too far fetched and the revelation of Artemis would explain as to exactly why Supergirl is so shocked to see who's been under the lead lined mask this whole time too! If it was YOUR trainer/mentor who knew you before even your cousin Superman ever could (as seen in Superman/Batman: The Supergirl from Krypton arc) come Kara being trained under Artemis guide I think you too would be equally dumbfounded, no?
Or, what if Superwoman IS indeed from Krypton but NOT an actual Kryptonian being though! What I mean by that is what if the almost robotic like behavior displayed at times was due to actually Superwoman was formerly a IT and that it in particular is none other then the Eradicator! Now THAT would be a really cool way to bring back the Eradicator and answer as to why Superwoman responds to Reactron after being blasted by Gold K in saying "Who said I'm Kryptonian?" eh? Maybe it was meant as yeah I actually AM from Krypton but NOT a living breathing Kryptonian being though.
What do rest of y'all here think as to these 2 new possibilities come Superwoman's actual identity? :/
Notice that Superwoman is shielding her face while Reactron is blasting her in the last panel that Anj posted. I think that protected her just enough from his gold K.
You seem to be circling back to my big idea of last week that SW is a bizarro...supporting this is the notion that Lex Luthor had manipulated Kryptonian DNA before...but never with any long term success. The clone either isn't viable or it degenerates into a bizarro state.
That is intriguing. But a Bizarro of who? Kara?
I am really leaning towards Black K Alura now.
Or, what if Superwoman IS indeed from Krypton but NOT an actual Kryptonian being though! What I mean by that is what if the almost robotic like behavior displayed at times was due to actually Superwoman was formerly a IT and that it in particular is none other then the Eradicator!
This is another good idea.
Hmmm ....
Notice that Superwoman is shielding her face while Reactron is blasting her in the last panel that Anj posted. I think that protected her just enough from his gold K.
Another good point. Since we know Gold K only lasts for 15 seconds, maybe that little shielding did protect her.
Hmmm, who exactly would have Supergirl being shocked the most upon Superwoman unmasking as Josh Middleton's official cover to Supergirl #39 seems to strongly suggest? My own gut instincts are now narrowing the list of contenders down to them being...
1) Thara Ak-Var, wanting to prove she's come in to her own since Kara last saw her being kidnapped by Brainiac in Kandor on ancient Krypton
2) A young adult aged Lesla Lar
and finally...
3) The Eradicator taking the form of an young adult Kara Zor-El
these main 3 are the most likely candidates to me now in the end.
Personally, I think it's the 3rd contender myself. Just makes sense to me.
Anj Said...
The question now is does a lead-lined suit block enough radiation (although eyes/mouth open) to render it negligible? Or does her lack of response truly mean she is not Kryptonian?
Oh, no, I think I've opened up a whole can of nerd-worms... Haha. Well, I need to read this business over; I can't believe I missed her covering her face, as it very much appears significant...
And, no, I don't think it's a robot of any sort. At least, I don't want it to be one.
Meanwhile, you know who's a Kryptonian, but would be invulnerable to any type of K on Earth, with short-ish hair that would look brown in dim light and is totally justified in wearing the symbol of the House of El?
Power Girl.
Isn't that interesting?
I don't think she'd kill, but she's always been the, let's say, moodiest of the Super-family, and she'd certainly have a lot to lose if she's somehow being blackmailed by Sam Lane...
Yota: And, no, I don't think it's a robot of any sort. At least, I don't want it to be one.
Nor I. But you have to admit it's an intriguing possibility. Especially if it's Eradicator, heh.
Meanwhile, you know who's a Kryptonian, but would be invulnerable to any type of K on Earth, with short-ish hair that would look brown in dim light and is totally justified in wearing the symbol of the House of El?
Power Girl.
Isn't that interesting?
I don't think she'd kill, but she's always been the, let's say, moodiest of the Super-family, and she'd certainly have a lot to lose if she's somehow being blackmailed by Sam Lane...
But Power Girl doesn't kill, just like Superman (her now founder/mentor prior to his own actual Kryptonian cousin Kara Zor-El arriving) I think Superman would've taught Power Girl that there was always another option then simply killing.
I know Power Girl has been in the past shown to have some real mood swings, yet I don't believe she'd let her mood take her to go a head and actually kill someone though.
I love both Supergirl and Power Girl equally and I'd be seriously angry if DC were to ever foolishly turn the latter in to a killer.
Well, I meant that it was interesting that everything seemed to fit... I mean, yeah, it can't be her(and I don't think it is, myself), if for no other reason than she's getting her own series in May...
It can't be Power Girl based on what we know about her physiology. The SuperWoman suit is quite form-fitting and I can think of two things that would be a dead give-away that shes PG.
I'm guessing Linda Danvers (aka Matrix/Supergirl). As Matrix, she touched the Eradicator and was affected by its programming. She could have easily been given knowledge of Kryptonian language, and she was treated as a member of the Kent family more so than Kara Zor-El ever was.
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