Nevertheless, while I was unable to attend the convention, most of the big comics websites had near constant coverage. Thanks to Newsarama, Comic Book Resources, The Beat, and other sites, I felt like I was there.
And, of course, my buddy actually *was* there. Based on voice mails he left on my cell, I will have some cool stuff to post later this week.
The biggest glut of Supergirl news from the NYCC came on the first day at the Superman Panel. Here is the link for full coverage http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=19893 .

First off, check out the cover for Supergirl #41, another winner by Josh Middleton. Looks like it'll be a brawl. Supergirl looks so intense!
Next, I pulled out some quotes to comment on here.
Idelson reminded the crowd that "World of New Krypton" is the only book Superman will be appearing in this year, "more or less."
"This book is the driving engine of all the Superman books," Robinson agreed. "You will see life in Metropolis, Supergirl, Nightwing and Flamebird, all of this is driven by events in 'World of New Krypton.'"
Hard to believe that we will have a whole year without Superman appearing in Action Comics or Superman. I still think this is a huge risk by DC, especially given the buzz the super-titles have recieved recently. Honestly, I don't know if I am going to like reading a year's worth of The Guardian. Of course, I am going in with an open mind. I like Rucka and Robinson's body of work so I should trust they will keep me entertained.
Supergirl was next on the agenda.
"We're going to do some interesting stuff with New Kyrpton and with Supergirl's mother and with people in Metropolis," Gates said. "The secret identity of Linda Lang is not going away, it's going to be big and we're going to do some good stuff with it. And Jamal is kicking all holy ass on it."
I am glad to hear that Linda Lang was not an afterthought and will be explored more soon. Sounds like Kara's decision to stay on New Krypton might be a short one. I can only wonder what will drive her away from Alura and back to Earth.
Geoff Johns added, "I think Sterling's doing a phenomenal job on Supergirl. It's one of my favorite books at DC Comics right now."
"We really wanted 'Supergirl' to be a really important book," Robinson said. "We hope it will be embraced for everybody."
This is the sort of stuff I like to read ... other creators talking up Supergirl. I am glad it is still being promoted so heavily. I don't think I have hidden the fact that I have loved the Gates/Igle issues.

Johns next talked about 'Adventure Comics,' the Legion book that will launch in June with Francis Manupal on art. "It's a book that spins out of 'Legion of 3 Worlds,' and obviously Starman's there. If anyone's reading 'JSA,' he's taking a central lead in the book. Francis taking his work in a whole direction, it's just stunning." The book will feature painted artwork.
Hmmm ... now this book sounds so intriguing. It was called sort of a 'Superman Family' style book by Johns. But starring Bizarro, Luthor, Brainiac, Starman, and 2 folks hidden in shadows?
Any guesses on the unknown stars?
I thought Adventure was just going to be the new Legion book. Guess I was wrong.
And then my favorite parts of panels, the Q&A session.
The panel then turned the floor over to the audience for questions.
- Are we going to see more of Supergirl interacting with characters her own age? Yes.
I am pretty excited to hear this. One thing that I think has been missing from the book since its inception was a solid supporting cast. And with Kara being written as a 16/17 year old girl, I do think that giving her true peers to interact with is important and realistic.
- Are there going to be repercussions for the death of Supergirl's father? "Do you like Black Lanterns?" Gates said.
If 'Blackest Night' is going to cross over into Supergirl, Zor-El is the obvious choice. But I feel bad for the man. He is portrayed as a lunatic. Then re-invented as a ranger. Then remade more in the Silver Age mode as loving father and brilliant scientist only to be killed shortly thereafter. I think he deserves a little peace.
But it sounds more like he will be back as heartless zombie. Poor guy ...
- Is Superman going to have to pick one world over the other? "That would be great drama," Rucka said. "But it's a false choice. He's Superman. But I think it's a very good question for Supergirl."
The whole crux of issue #34 was Kara's decision to rehabilitate her image and make Earth her home. The next month New Krypton started. All along the question in my mind has been 'why would Kara choose Earth over Kandor/New Krypton?' And while Alura's insanity could be a big part of Kara's decision, I don't think it would be all of it. I think we need to see more of Supergirl's stay on Krypton and events there that would lead her to want to go back to Metropolis and Earth.
- A fan asked about Richard Donner's Superman film's influence on the comics. "It's cool!" Johns said. "General Zod, Ursa and Non are more well-known than Brainiac. It doesn't make any sense that we haven't brought them in before now. People wear General Zod tee-shirts. Nobody wears Brainiac tee-shirts."Igle said the films' designs are timeless, referring specifically to the Kryptonian crystal technology.
- Who are your Superman influences? Barrows: José Louis Garcia-López. Johns: Curt Swan. Richard Donner's films. Rucka: "The most profound influence is Donner."Robinson: Curt Swan. "More specifically, Curt Swan inked by George Klein."Gates: The Richard Donner films.
I continue to be amazed at how the Donner films had such a huge impact on comic creators. I find that so interesting.
Action Comics - in accordance to DiDio and Rucka at the just recent first Con for 09 have officially confirmed that Supergirl will also be starring in this title now too later on in to it! :D
Superman - Supergirl might be starring in this title but PTB at DC have yet to make their minds up at this stage come this particular one supposedly. :/
Supergirl #41 - Man that cover looks totally sick! (In a good way.)
Superman/Batman - Francis Manapul is set to begin his art chores on the title soon.
Adventure Comics #1 - up at the Bloc Francis Manapul (who goes by "fjm" there) recently revealed exactly who that NON caped blacked out character is! You have to check out at the following url link:
Superman:World of New krypton - not only to focus on Superman and Alura but Supergirl will apparently also be starring in this one to boot! :D
and finally...
The Blackest Night - has DC indeed confirming that Zor-El will be resurrected in that particular event. Poor Kara, seeing and possibly having to take down her zombie like animated own dad's corpse.
Anyways, the majority of above announced came straight from Dan DiDio, Rucka, Geoff and Sterling come all things Supergirl in 09! :D
... The Black Lanterns.. one of those shadow figures may be kon-el, the pose is 'superman like'.
Action Comics - in accordance to DiDio and Rucka at the just recent first Con for 09 have officially confirmed that Supergirl will also be starring in this title now too later on in to it! :D
Superman:World of New krypton - not only to focus on Superman and Alura but Supergirl will apparently also be starring in this one to boot! :D
Thanks for the post.
I think the whole super-team is trying to make the books overlap in a very organic way. It makes sense for Supergirl to be a part of all these books.
This should be an interesting year for all the titles.
... The Black Lanterns.. one of those shadow figures may be kon-el, the pose is 'superman like'.
Thanks for the post.
That actually makes perfect sense.
Well...this is just a theory, but there is little love lost between Alura and Kara, even though Kara deeply wants to have a "normal" relationship with her increasingly irrational moms.
So what if, Kara isn't allowed to make a choice between Earth and New Krypton? What if she is essentially expelled from Kryptonian society? Punished for some transgression as yet unseen...punished in the worst way by the Terran-hating Alura...by making her daughter...human.
If that was the case, Kara would NEED her Linda Lang ID quite desperately...to save her now mortal life.
This is just blue sky stuff...but I'd rather creatively speculate on a good storyline any day...beats the DC Boards where every thread ends in a screaming match about her briefs.
John Feer
big news from comicon. yay :)...
wow, another great cover from middleton. but, does anyone else find superwoman's body shape to be a little young? just looking at her, coming from behind, she looks younger than kara...
having read the 'omens & origins' backup coming with adventure comics 000, the central pose on the cover for issue 001 looks to be the final panel from 000. there's a spoiler there, if it is the panel.
yeah, can't say i'm looking forward to many of the characters coming back in 'blackest night'. the list just seems to keep growing. its nuts... and, now zor-el...
talos: is manapul really starting up on 'superman/batman'? not doubting you, but i'm not sure he'd be able to do two monthlies, especially as he's trying out a new art style for 'adventure comics'...
John Feer - if DC were to have Supergirl be banned from "New Krypton" then I think it would be for the best. For honestly, does she really need a parental figure as that of Alura-El in her life right now if Alura is only going to manipulate and de-grade her very own biological daughter at the end of the day? I think not!
Oh, and if PTB up at DC even think of making Supergirl totally powerless in 09 come super abilities wise I'll have their frickin' guts for garters!!! Fair enough they want to flesh out "Linda Lang" Earth-0 continuity id for Supergirl but NOT if it means that she has to loose her powers totally in order to do this though.
Heath Edwards said...
talos: is manapul really starting up on 'superman/batman'? not doubting you, but i'm not sure he'd be able to do two monthlies, especially as he's trying out a new art style for 'adventure comics'...
Heh. How's this for proof? ;)
Oh and Manapul updates his deviantART account page there showing his progress on his projects. So be sure to keep an eye on that page ah. ;)
So what if, Kara isn't allowed to make a choice between Earth and New Krypton? What if she is essentially expelled from Kryptonian society? Punished for some transgression as yet unseen...punished in the worst way by the Terran-hating Alura...by making her daughter...human.
If that was the case, Kara would NEED her Linda Lang ID quite desperately...to save her now mortal life.
Given Alura's descent into madness that is probably what is going to happen.
That said, I hope Kara realizes how unhealthy her situation is on New Krypton and makes the decision to leave on her own. That would be a very hard decision to make.
I'm not speculating on a long term storyline here, after all you can't have a Supergirl title without the "Super"...but as a bridge to get her back into Linda Lang mode it might be interesting. Moreover, the current writing staff love to reconfigure silver and bronze age tropes, and Kara did pass thru a time in the early 1970's when her powers worked only intermittently...
Just sayin'
John Feer
With all due respect John Feer, I hear what you're saying and I respect your opinion (honestly I do) however in having had said all of that I as one of MANY long time HUGE Supergirl fans think would hate for PTB at DC to do a "Up, Up, and Away!" Geoff/Busiek (sp?) type de powered arc intended for Supergirl this time around for in all truthfulness hasn't she been through enough as it is without now having them decide on adding insult to injury come now deciding to de power her as well? :/
I think having Supergirl interacting with characters her own age is a great idea. One character she should hang out more with is Stargirl. I liked how they interacted in Justice League: Unlimited.
The word "Verisimilitude" is the reason why Donner is held in such high regard by Superman fans to this day.
I think John Feer might be on to something with a depowered Supergirl. I would not mind that happening only if its temporary. Remember a depowered Superman getting beat up in the diner in Superman II, and then returning at the end of the movie to slide that truck driver across the counter? If they did something similar that with Supergirl it would totally ROCK.
I'm not speculating on a long term storyline here, after all you can't have a Supergirl title without the "Super"...but as a bridge to get her back into Linda Lang mode it might be interesting. Moreover, the current writing staff love to reconfigure silver and bronze age tropes, and Kara did pass thru a time in the early 1970's when her powers worked only intermittently...
I think short term (a handful of issues) it might work. But those de-powered stories in the 70s when she was wearing a Kandorian exoskeleton are some of my least favorite Supergirl books.
There are a lot of stories to mine if she is exiled from New Krypton just from the emotional viewpoint, even without depowering Kara.
I think having Supergirl interacting with characters her own age is a great idea. One character she should hang out more with is Stargirl. I liked how they interacted in Justice League: Unlimited.
It will be interesting to see just who Supergirl does interact with. Will it be other young super-heroes or will they show her in a school setting.
I have been looking forward to seeing what Gates/Igle have in mind for 'Linda Lang'. Looks like I need to wait just a little longer.
Or she could end up imprisoned in the Phantom Zone...that would another sort of grim punishment that suits Alura's character...can't say there are a lot of plot possibilities there but I have faith in Gates and Ingles etc etc.
Boy what a year Supergirl has ahead of her, Dad is about to come back as a zombie, her moms is gone the full Mussolini and Cat Grant wants to trash her rep....and it ain't even spring yet.
Just makes you wanna buy her a milkshake or give her a high dollar value gift card to Borders or something.
John Feer
Boy what a year Supergirl has ahead of her, Dad is about to come back as a zombie, her moms is gone the full Mussolini and Cat Grant wants to trash her rep....and it ain't even spring yet.
At some point Gates said that the Superman summit meeting for 2009 happened and that it will be a crazy year for Kara.
I am pretty stoked to see how it all unfolds.
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