Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Talent Caldwell
Cover by Joshua Middleton
The dramatic conclusion to “Who Is Superwoman?” Superwoman’s identity stands revealed, leading to a knock-down-drag-out fight the likes of which Metropolis will be talking about for years to come! Supergirl will wish she'd never found out who was under the hood as Superwoman and Reactron join forces against the Girl of Steel. How can Supergirl possibly survive?
Well, so much has been added to the mix with Wednesday's #38 ... review coming soon I promise. But we get the conclusion of the Superwoman story with what sounds like a major brawl.
The art is being done by Talent Caldwell this issue. I put him in the Michael Turner, Scott Campbell style of art, a big difference from Jamal Igle. No worries though, Igle has already said that he is back next issue. This was a planned rest issue to work around a vacation he had planned.

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Eddy Barrows & Ruy José
Cover by Andrew Robinson
Nightwing and Flamebird have beaten back Ursa’s first assault. But Round Two is about to begin! Forget brutal – now it gets personal.
So it is Flamebird and Nightwing against Ursa's machinations on Earth.
Interesting cover as it looks like they are about to work over/torture someone for info. Could this be the 'anti-hero' super title with Kal on New Krypton?
Is it me or has the Flamebird/Nightwing mystery really taken a back seat to the Superwoman mystery?

Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes & José Wilson Magalhães
Cover by Andrew Robinson
Mon-El’s role as Superman’s stand-in for Metropolis is threatened by a sudden and mysterious power loss. How can he be the hero he needs to be without any special abilities? Meanwhile the Guardian and his Science Police go to the rescue of a missing member of the Legion of Superheroes. And who is the spy within the Science Police ranks?
It looks like we will finally find out how Tellus ended up in Area 7734.
But I hope the powerless Mon-El is a one issue or short story arc. The powerless Superman/Protector of Metropolis storyline has been played to death.

Written by James Robinson & Greg Rucka
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Gary Frank Variant cover by Eric Canete
With Superman now drafted into New Krypton’s Military Guild, it seems that General Zod finally has the Man of Steel under his control. But when given a command to commit an act of brutality against his fellow Kryptonians, Superman must choose between following orders and following his conscience – at the risk of being branded a traitor by his own people!
I have to say that I am getting excited more and more for this title.
There is such an opportunity for a character-driven Superman storyline. I know he has been raised on Earth. But how does he emotionally deal with this sudden insertion of Krypton in his life. How does he walk next to Zod daily? Cope with his insane Aunt?
This should really be a psychologically driven examination of a man torn between 2 worlds. Sure, Kara is going through the same thing but from very different perspectives. Sure I think there will eventually be a fistfight between Zod and Kal. But the story that gets them there is the one I want to read.

Written by Landry Q. Walker
Art and cover by Eric Jones
How will Supergirl ever wrap up all of the cosmic craziness that has developed since her arrival on Earth? Arch-frenemies, scheming faculty, an intergalactic orange kitty and a flying horse are just a few things that come her way in this final, action-packed issue!
Hoo boy. We all have been clamoring for a Comet sighting in this book, probably since the first issue. Now, not only do we see that Comet will make an appearance but that there is an 'Infinite Earths' theme on the cover as well. This could be a poster!

The positioning of Kara and Comet looks like the mirror image of Action Comics #293, one of Comet's first appearances. With all the other homages to Supergirl's past, I can't imagine it was coincidence.
But strings of Earths? Could Walker and Jones be channeling Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 for the last issue of the mini-series?
I can only hope that the title is popular enough to warrant a sequel! I am going to miss this title when it is over.

And now the surprise.
Written by Art Baltazar & Franco
Art and cover by Art Baltazar
It’s another ordinary gym class with Coach Lobo for the Tiny Titans until Supergirl and Kid Flash decide it’s the perfect day for a race around the world. The race isn’t theirs alone as some of the other Tiny Titans decide they don’t want to be left out. And see just what happens when the Atom and the Molecule compete in a shrinking contest.
As if casting Lobo as the school gym teacher wasn't enough comedy gold for an issue, he forces Supergirl to race Kid Flash! Sounds like more fun than the Batgirl/Supergirl tea party!
But why do I love this issue already?
Because the cover clearly is an homage to this Bob Oskner covered Limited Collector's edition. Even the breakdown of the fans on each side is sort of similar.
It is these small winks to the older readers, in Tiny Titans and Supergirl:Cosmic Adventures that truly makes the books for All Ages.

And finally the disappointment. Guess what wasn't solicited again! That's right the James Robinson/Mauro Cascioli Justice League featuring Supergirl has still not been solicited! It was announced nearly a year ago!
It has reached a point that Dan Didio actually needed to comment on this publicly saying that it was a mistake to announce the title until they had more issues done. Now I am sure that Cascioli's art is going to be unbelievably good. But this isn't a mini-series ... this is an ongoing monthly. Maybe they need to announce who the regular artist will be after the first arc now.
Maybe I wouldn't care so much if I wasn't looking forward to the title so much.
Let's hope we see it in June.
It has reached a point that Dan Didio actually needed to comment on this publicly saying that it was a mistake to announce the title until they had more issues done. Now I am sure that Cascioli's art is going to be unbelievably good. But this isn't a mini-series ... this is an ongoing monthly. Maybe they need to announce who the regular artist will be after the first arc now.
Maybe I wouldn't care so much if I wasn't looking forward to the title so much.
Let's hope we see it in June.
That cover of Supergirl riding Comet looks great! As I look at it, I can almost hear Jerry Goldsmith's music at the end of the movie where Supergirl is flying the Omegahedron back to Argo. I like John Feer's idea that Comet is taking her home.
The Tiny Titans cover is an interesting take on a classical theme. I remember that episode of Superman: the Animated Series where he races Flash, but you don't know who eventually wins. But what's this? Batgirl cheering on Kid Flash? Is there discord between the "World's Funnest?" I am looking forward to Coach Lobo..
Well, I'm hoping against hope that Comet isn't taking her home as I am an unregenerate, unapologetic exponent of the "No Superman without Supergirl" viewpoint.
Maybe Kara can commute back and forth via Comet at will...something very cute and silver-agey about that.
Honestly this NEEDS to be an ongoing or a sort of yearly miniseries or something!
John Feer
How is Kara going to race if her feet never touch the ground ;)
Honestly this NEEDS to be an ongoing or a sort of yearly miniseries or something!
Hmmm ... sounds like we need some sort of grass roots movement.
Maybe after issue 6 comes out we can think of what to do.
How is Kara going to race if her feet never touch the ground ;)
Thanks for the post!
Great point. Maybe she will 'lower' herself to our point of view. Hee hee.
Supergirl #41 - Finally will be ending this "who is Superwoman?" arc and actually SEE exactly who's under the mask itself. (With all due respect to both Sterling and Jamal I'm just begging to get bored of this Superwoman mystery unfortunately.) I chnage my vote now to it being A Lane instead of a Kryptonian too! ;)
Also Talent Caldwell? Good lord! I haven't seen him work at DC on a Super-family title since the time him and Joe Kelly did Superman: Godfall! I'm sure just like Jamal Caldwell will give us our real moneys worth art wise for this title too! 8D
Action Comics #877 - Um, THAT'S their new costumes?? *Blinks* Ho, kay. No disrespect to the artist that decided on them in the end but I think I much prefer their current looking ones instead. Again, Sorry.
Can't wait for round 2 of Nightwing/Flamebird Vs. Ursa though! *Ding! Ding!* ;)
Anj: Is it me or has the Flamebird/Nightwing mystery really taken a back seat to the Superwoman mystery?
No it's not just you I too have realized this as of late now. :/
Superman #688 - Anj: It looks like we will finally find out how Tellus ended up in Area 7734.
But I hope the powerless Mon-El is a one issue or short story arc. The powerless Superman/Protector of Metropolis storyline has been played to death.
Ugh I recon ah! However in having had said that I'm still looking forward too it none the less though.
Superman: World of New Krypton #3 - Anj: I have to say that I am getting excited more and more for this title.
There is such an opportunity for a character-driven Superman storyline. I know he has been raised on Earth. But how does he emotionally deal with this sudden insertion of Krypton in his life. How does he walk next to Zod daily? Cope with his insane Aunt?
This should really be a psychologically driven examination of a man torn between 2 worlds. Sure, Kara is going through the same thing but from very different perspectives. Sure I think there will eventually be a fistfight between Zod and Kal. But the story that gets them there is the one I want to read. Dude I couldn't have put that all better myself! ;)
Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the Eight Grade #6 - Anj: The positioning of Kara and Comet looks like the mirror image of Action Comics #293, one of Comet's first appearances. With all the other homages to Supergirl's past, I can't imagine it was coincidence.
But strings of Earths? Could Walker and Jones be channeling Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 for the last issue of the mini-series? Er, COIE #7? The one where Pre-COIE E-1 Kara Zor-El/"Linda Lee Dnavers"/Supergirl dies at the hands of the blasted Anti-Monitor? All due respect Anj, I truly hope not! For I have no interest what so ever in reliving that truly saddening not to mention heart wrenching events unnecessary outcome.
Anj: I can only hope that the title is popular enough to warrant a sequel! I am going to miss this title when it is over. I know. But wasn't yourself who said at the first Con for 09 that there were like a TON of kids over at Landry and Eric's table all eager to get Landry to sign their comics? Surely DC will take notice of this on top of how it's been selling and see that there IS a market out there for this title just like Tiny Titans. :/
Tiny Titans #16 - Aw, how cute! What a truly adorable homage to that Pre-COIE E-1 continuity tale of it's Superman and Flash racing each other for charity! :D
Anj: It is these small winks to the older readers, in Tiny Titans and Supergirl:Cosmic Adventures that truly makes the books for All Ages.Amen to that brother! 8D
As for Justice League, I think they SHOULDN'T go ahead with this now for personally the time that we have been waiting to see Supergirl star in this could've been better spent in having DC rejoining the Teen Titans themselves! I've truly gotten to the point that I'm despising this being the selfish case where Supergirl could've gained even MORE fans through exposure in main Teen Titans title! UGH! *Shakes head in utter disgust*
Sorry Anj, but that's how I truly feel about THIS particular project in question come Supergirl as of now.
P.S. Just curious Anj, will you be willing to review Adventure Comics as well as Power Girl too what with them tying in to the Super-family and all? :/
Gene: That cover of Supergirl riding Comet looks great! As I look at it, I can almost hear Jerry Goldsmith's music at the end of the movie where Supergirl is flying the Omegahedron back to Argo.
Actually same here now that you've mentioned it. Heh. ;)
Oh and stuff what the naysayers say I still think Goldsmith's 84 Supergirl opening music score is right up there with Superman's very own so called "marching theme" regardless! Man how I'd love to hear a 21st Century slight updated cover take! I think it would truly rawk!!! :D
Powergirl #1 is also coming out in May. She is kind of like the Supergirl from Earth 2. Amanda Conner is doing the art.
Couldn't agree with you more about the soundtrack TalOs. Goldsmith was a genius in conveying the emotion of a given scene. The opening credits to Supergirl impart her determination to overcome adversity with both gradual and quick bursts of melody.
The musical theme used for Kara in Smallville was also good. It was used a lot in the brief documentary about her in the Season 7 set.
Powergirl #1 is also coming out in May. She is kind of like the Supergirl from Earth 2. Amanda Conner is doing the art.
Thanks for the post.
I'll be honest, I am up in the air if I am going to review the Power Girl series here.
The Superman vs Flash cover - you said that was done by Bob Oskner. Did you mean that he inked it over Swan's pencils or was it entirely an Oskner creation?
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