And based on this preview, the issue looks to be as fun as the first two. Here is the link: http://www.newsarama.com/php/multimedia/album.php?aid=25715

My guess we are heading for a showdown later on in the mini.

I find Belinda to be a very intriguing character ... sort of Linda through a mirror darkly. She is so twisted.

But the big plot twist for the issue is the giant red Kryptonite meteor hurtling towards the school. It appears that Linda has saved the school from destruction. But even her heroics right now are clumsy and lack grace. This is really a raw Linda, learning on the fly.
I can only imagine the hijinks that ensue from the exposure to the Red K rays. We'll probably see some more Silver Age-y kookiness.
Full review will be up later this week. In the meantime, anyone heading to NYCC should look for Walker and Jones and thank them for bringing some light and fun to the DCU.
And hopefully this miniseries continues to do well enough to warrant a sequel.
Anj said...
Congratulations to Landry Walker and Eric Jones for producing a wonderful book worthy of the accolades and press it has been receiving.
In the meantime, anyone heading to NYCC should look for Walker and Jones and thank them for bringing some light and fun to the DCU.
Amen to that! ;)
And hopefully this miniseries continues to do well enough to warrant a sequel.
My sentiments exactly ah! Stupid DC they should make this an ongoing just like Tiny Titans! GRRRR.
Alas, seriously looking forward to getting my copy of this here 3rd issue in of this particular Supergirl title! :D
The bit in the dumpster...is just the CROWNING touch!!!
I still think Lena is a Lexbot sent to gain Kara's konfidence (such as it is)... it'd be sort of a bittersweet lesson about friendship heroism and isolation in there if it was done right.
At the very least, we need a sequel:
Supergirl, Cosmic Adventures on Summer Vacation!!
John Feer
I think the cat next to the dumpster is streaky.
I think the cat next to the dumpster is streaky.
Thanks for the post!
I completely missed that and I think you are 100% right. I will include that nugget in the big review.
Thanks again!
Doh! How could've I missed that cat being Streaky! And I call myself a huge Supergirl fan. *Hangs head in shame*
Eric Jones makes these characters really cute. I would like to see DC Direct release an action figure set based on this series.
Me too! :D
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