For those who celebrate, Happy Easter.
As usual, Landry Walker and Eric Jones put in lots of homages to past Supergirl adventures in this Cosmic Adventures issue. I found a bunch but if I missed any (and I usually do) please let me know!

The 'kid who thought he was a magician' reminded me of 'The Secret of the Super-Orphan' from Action Comics #253 . In this story, Supergirl's second appearance, Kara helps a poor farming family make some money so they can afford to adopt a child. Then she uses her powers (she breaks chains and floats) to help a young boy named Tim perform 'magic' which impresses the family so much they adopt him.

In the issue, the Supra-girl, travelling through time, tells Kara how she hoped to be named Andromeda when she was working with the Legion. She even says how she got the nifty belt she has when she was in the future.

Of course, Andromeda was the Legion codename of Laurel Gand, a post-Crisis on Infinite Earths to creat a character that fit the gaps left by the loss of both Supergirl and Mon-El from continuity.
I actually sort of liked the Laurel Gand character.

I liked how Walker and Jones had Supra-girl sport a legion belt with big pouches like Andromeda wore. The above panel is from Legionnaires #6 whose cover shows the belt off nicely.

While it isn't a hidden Easter Egg, it was nice to see Comet again. I liked how his bridle was even similar to the one Comet wore in the Silver Age. Here is a panel from Action Comics #293, one of Comet's first adventure when he first met Supergirl. While he has the cape, he has not yet added the S-shield to the bridle.

And look who shows up again at Stanhope! Wally the God-boy!

Now at the end of the issue, Supra-girl is able to rescue Superman with ease since she states she is immune to Kryptonite.

While the Silver Age Supergirl was always trying to find a cure for Kryptonite, she actually gains K-immunity in Action Comics #282. In that issue, Supergirl is initially stripped of her powers by Lesla Lar.
In one of those wild Silver Age quirks, Mr. Mxyzptlk gives Linda back all of her powers as well as granting her immunity to Kryptonite. He is unaware that Linda is actually Supergirl. He thinks she is simply a girl wearing a Supergirl outfit.
That immunity to Kryptonite and magic-granted powers storyline was pretty short lived. Almost immediately, Supergirl reverted to her basic powers/weaknesses including Kryptonite.
As usual, there was a lot of great stuff in this issue for both older and newer Supergirl fans. As I have said before, I will miss this title when it finishes.
The werewolf thing may be a reference to an issue of "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen" circa 1960 wherein JO becomes a wwerwolf whose spell can only be broken by a "kiss from a pretty girl".
So Superman, being a good parental substitute has his still incognito 15 year old cousin kiss Jimmy in secret to abort the hex.
Here is a link to the cover:
Happy Easter & a Joyous Passover
John Feer
Anj you forgot to include the most obvious one the poster of Peter David's Supergirl runs very own 'Buzz' character seen hanged up in 'Linda' and Lena's dorm. ;)
But hey, real great Easter Egg spotting come this issue regardless though. ;)
Happy Easter also. :D
Yup, Jimmy Olson is the werewolf in question. The Buzz poster was actually included after Peter David made a joking request that Buzz should show up as British heartthrob. Pop-star seemed appropriate to me. The poster also seemed to be a good way to help indicate Kara's growing comfort with Earth culture.
But no one has mentioned the dreaded Lex Soar 7? The most awesome ship of the 80's Super Powers line? Mine is in sight on my shelf now. I think this might be the ships first appearance in a comic outside of the mini comics originally packaged with the toys. Maybe.
In the script, Supragirl was originally named Andromeda. I changed it because she still wears a blatantly Supergirl costume. She had to keep that for her appearance in issue 3, to avoid to much confusion. Plus Andromeda's costume is a bit revealing (from Kara's somewhat modest perspective) and would have required to much change.
Not mentioned anywhere in the comic is that she has taken on the secret identity: "Laurel Lee". Not that she really has time to use it or needed it, which is why I don't mention it in the strip. But I had it planned if the story had gone in a different direction.
What's funny is I didn't know about the recent time split Legion Supergirl thing until after I wrote this series. Same with the black K split version of Supergirl. Both work out nicely with Supragirl and Belinda repesctivly.
Something about Supergirl, more than just about any other DC character, just begs for multiple iterations on the same page. Seems to be a natural place for writers to gravitate. Someone (hint) should write an article about all the alternative versions of the character over the years.
Oh, and just a quick word on the process behind picking the name Supragirl... Supra can mean essentially the same thing as "Super", but can also indicate something that came previously. Seemed appropriate.
I know it's been asked many times (I always read the comments here) so I should give some form of answer. There is no news yet on a new series. I have the book mapped out through 12th grade, so if opportunity arises, I'm ready. And I will keep looking to create opportunity. I am very dedicated to this series.
A couple of fun teaser hints for what I have planned down the line., If you're afraid of possible spoilers for a series that may never exist, stop now!
Lesla Lar.
The Phantom Zone.
Satan Girl.
Melinda Mee.
And of course, Brainiac 5. He was meant to be a major character in this series, but I was asked not to use him as he was also appearing in the Johnny DC Legion book. I cut him, but kept some off screen involvment, For me, you can't do Supergirl without Brainiac 5.
Lesla was meant to be mentioned in issue one, actually. I'm not sure how that got dropped. When Kara is arguing with her mom, she explains how Lesla and her other friends will be at the event. Must have edited by mistake sometime in the writing process. I'm going to see if I can get it back in for the trade version.
And of course, Brainiac 5. He was meant to be a major character in this series, but I was asked not to use him as he was also appearing in the Johnny DC Legion book. I cut him, but kept some off screen involvment, For me, you can't do Supergirl without Brainiac 5.
Now you are speaking my language. I still can't believe Waid and Bedard (well Bedard less so if you've read REBELS) totally ignored Supergirl and Brainiac 5 together. I would seem like the perfect threeboot love triangle fodder as well. Its been over 20 years and not counting the brief Linda and Querl incident and the cartoon there has been no Supergirl/Brainy.
I have to rely on Saint Ash to get my through
oh and I have to thank you Landry for the Doctor Who reference in #4.
"Its been over 20 years and not counting the brief Linda and Querl incident and the cartoon there has been no Supergirl/Brainy. "
I sort of count the different Brainy and Andromeda relationships. But still... has it really been that long?
Glad you liked the Doctor Who reference!
"Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures at Summer Camp"
"Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures with the SATs"
"Supergirl, Cosmic Adventures on the audio-visual squad!"
John Feer
Supergirl: How I spent my Summer Vacation. It's been written for months. I think it's the best issue yet.
As no one will possibly ever see it, I can also claim it the best comic ever. In the world.
I sort of count the different Brainy and Andromeda relationships. But still... has it really been that long?
He last mentioned her in the of the 'Who is Sensor Girl?' arc in the 80's. But really with the retcons main continuity just needs to figure out how to get Kara back into main Legion continuity.
Personally I've never counted Andromeda but thats probably because of the bizarre directions her character took. (a nun? Having a kid with Rond Vidar? I couldn't imagine Kara doing the same.)
The werewolf thing may be a reference to an issue of "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen" circa 1960 wherein JO becomes a wwerwolf whose spell can only be broken by a "kiss from a pretty girl".
So Superman, being a good parental substitute has his still incognito 15 year old cousin kiss Jimmy in secret to abort the hex.
Thanks for the post and the info. I knew I was wrong about that one.
I see that issue was just reprinted in the Superman Family Showcase Vol 3.
Thanks again!
Anj you forgot to include the most obvious one the poster of Peter David's Supergirl runs very own 'Buzz' character seen hanged up in 'Linda' and Lena's dorm. ;)
Thanks for the post and the info!
Ugh ... how could I miss that! And I am a HUUGGEEE fan of the PAD run!
Thanks again!
Thanks so much for coming to the blog and commenting!
The Buzz poster was actually included after Peter David made a joking request that Buzz should show up as British heartthrob.
Whoa! Peter David is a fan of the book too? I can't believe I missed the Buzz poster!
But no one has mentioned the dreaded Lex Soar 7? The most awesome ship of the 80's Super Powers line?
I will post a pic of this here at some point now that I have googled it. Thanks for pointing that out!
What's funny is I didn't know about the recent time split Legion Supergirl thing until after I wrote this series. Same with the black K split version of Supergirl. Both work out nicely with Supragirl and Belinda repesctivly.
Something about Supergirl, more than just about any other DC character, just begs for multiple iterations on the same page. Seems to be a natural place for writers to gravitate. Someone (hint) should write an article about all the alternative versions of the character over the years.
There is some mirroring of the variety of Kara's in the main book and this one.
I don't know if I am up to the challenge of writing an article on all the different SGirls there have been but who knows!
There is no news yet on a new series. I have the book mapped out through 12th grade, so if opportunity arises, I'm ready.
Well ... is there anything we can do from our end to help DC do the right thing and have a sequel happen? I think we are all dedicated to the series too!
Lesla Lar.
The Phantom Zone.
Satan Girl.
Melinda Mee.
And of course, Brainiac 5.
Jerro! Lesla! Satan Girl! Brainy!
Too many goodies. And Melinda Mee sounds very interesting! Maybe some Mighty Maid/Luma Lynai variant?
That series has to happen!
Thanks again for the response!
Now you are speaking my language. I still can't believe Waid and Bedard (well Bedard less so if you've read REBELS) totally ignored Supergirl and Brainiac 5 together.
Thanks for the post.
I also was surprised to see that relationship never blossom in the Waid Legion book. But so much time had been invested in the Brainy/Dream Girl relationship that I think it may have felt forced.
Supergirl: How I spent my Summer Vacation. It's been written for months. I think it's the best issue yet.
Thanks for the post.
Maybe a one shot before Supergirl: The Perils of Freshman Year (my title for the next mini-series)?
Definitely need a beach scene with Dick Malverne if 'Summer Vacation' happens. They were always frolicking there.
Personally I've never counted Andromeda but thats probably because of the bizarre directions her character took. (a nun? Having a kid with Rond Vidar? I couldn't imagine Kara doing the same.)
Thanks for the post!
I must have dropped the Legionnaires title before any of that stuff (nun, Vidar kid) happened.
My memories are just of a confident Kara-like character.
Thanks for the info!
After one of the many reboots, Andromeda became a xenophobic, somewhat militant extremist drafted into the Legion against her will. This culminated with a brutal attack on Element Lad's home planet by her fellow Daxamites. Said Daxamites acquired Brainiac 5's lead poisoning cure from Andromeda (though it must be noted that she was unaware of their sinister intent).
Andromeda became a nun afterward, as a means to do penance.
She was very un-Supergirl in regards to he behavior at this point. But, she still stood as a alternate version of the character, placed in Legion continuity to fill a particular gap. One of the most notable ways she retained her Supergirl role was her love/hate relationship with Brainiac 5.
For the sake of my story, I decided the role of "Andromeda" would simply be filled by an actual alternate version of Supergirl.
Over a month ago I wrote Jann Jones at DC asking that Cosmic Adventures continue past issue #6. Today I just find out that Ms. Jones has left DC Comics.
Anyway, I suggest we all write directly to DC and ask them to continue this excellent Supergirl series:
Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the Eighth Grade
DC Comics
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Say wha? Jan Jones LEFT DC Comics!?? O_O
Is there no justice in this world? UGH!
The last I heard DiDio amongst others was praising her for Tiny Titans AND Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade? what gives?? :/
On a lighter note just wanted to give a big shout out to my man Landry and here's truly hoping the title that we all dig so much will be continuing past #6 yet at that! :D
Jann has left DC? Well I hope it's her choice and for something great.
Meanwhile, we have to have more of this brilliant comic. I', buying multiple copies of the trade (?)/digest (?) as pressies for my fellow Kara fans in Apa 247.
This culminated with a brutal attack on Element Lad's home planet by her fellow Daxamites. Said Daxamites acquired Brainiac 5's lead poisoning cure from Andromeda (though it must be noted that she was unaware of their sinister intent). Thanks for the post ...
Hoo-boy ... sounds like I got off the Laurel Gand train at the right time!
I enjoyed her earlier adventures.
Over a month ago I wrote Jann Jones at DC asking that Cosmic Adventures continue past issue #6. Today I just find out that Ms. Jones has left DC Comics.
Anyway, I suggest we all write directly to DC and ask them to continue this excellent Supergirl series:Thanks for the post.
Sorry to hear about Jann Jones. The 'Johnny DC' line has never been so good and I bet she had a lot to do with that direction.
I wonder if an old-fashioned letter writing campaign still works?
Meanwhile, we have to have more of this brilliant comic. I', buying multiple copies of the trade (?)/digest (?) as pressies for my fellow Kara fans in Apa 247.Thanks for the post.
I plan on doing the same. The trade is coming out right around the holidays. Seems like a perfect present for a bunch of people on my list.
Anj: "Hoo-boy ... sounds like I got off the Laurel Gand train at the right time!"
It's much better than it sounds. The Legion at this time was very much a blend of high adventure, soap opera melodrama and silly comedy. Not to mention insane sci-fi. The bit with Andromeda is one of the heavier storylines. But the heaviness of it helps underscore the humor and fun elsewhere. In many ways, that era of LSH informed the direction of Cosmic Adventures.
It's also worth noting that Andromeda at the time was a very sweet and vulnerable character who buried herself under a aggressive and hostile exterior. Persona wise, a nice analogy for the great power let basic vulnerability of a Daxamite.
In my above post, "great power let basic vulnerability" should read "great power yet basic vulnerability". Though this is likely obvious when reading in context. Typos, Bah!
"I wonder if an old-fashioned letter writing campaign still works?"
I doubt it would hurt, its the only direct way for us to express our appreciation for Cosmic Adventures and our desire for it to continue. We don't know what the time frame is for DC to make its final decision, so we should write them as soon as possible. I'm considering re-sending my letter in case Jann Jones did not pass it on to the powers that be before her departure.
P.S. I first found out about Ms. Jones on the DC Boards that cited a post on Mike Kunkel's blog:
Anj: "Hoo-boy ... sounds like I got off the Laurel Gand train at the right time!"
It's much better than it sounds. The Legion at this time was very much a blend of high adventure, soap opera melodrama and silly comedy. Not to mention insane sci-fi. The bit with Andromeda is one of the heavier storylines. But the heaviness of it helps underscore the humor and fun elsewhere. In many ways, that era of LSH informed the direction of Cosmic Adventures.Thanks for the post. Interesting that Legionnaires is an influence on Cosmic. For some reason, I find most Supergirl fans also are Legion fans.
Since most of those Legionnaire issues are in the $1 box at conventions, I'll see if I can grab some.
"I wonder if an old-fashioned letter writing campaign still works?"
I doubt it would hurt, its the only direct way for us to express our appreciation for Cosmic Adventures and our desire for it to continue. We don't know what the time frame is for DC to make its final decision, so we should write them as soon as possible.Well, I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter.
You're right ... it can't hurt.
The second scan of AC 282 is not from AC 282, but from AC 360.
It can be seen from the fact that this time will be noted that the special spell does not disappear with him immediately.
This error was in the series AC 282-284 always in mind.
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