It didn't even make the cover text, but inside this month's Wizard was a group interview with the writers of the 3 super-titles: Geoff Johns, James Robinson, and Sterling Gates. The topic was New Krypton.
Here are a few of the key points, although I would recommend reading the whole interview if possible.
Wizard: How does Pa Kent's death affect his (Superman's) relationships with Kara and Lois?
Gates: In regards to Supergirl, she shares the joy of Kandor's return and the return of her people, and to her, what he's experiencing, she already felt when she lost her parents and was sent to Earth. I think it's going to be an identification point for the two of them to latch onto each other emotionally.
It is interesting that Superman and Supergirl are having reverse fortunes here. Superman lost his father. Supergirl regains hers.
However, she already went through a grieving period about that loss, and so she might be a source of strength and wisdom for him. Of course, we still need to figure out what all the different Zor-El memories mean. Maybe she would not totally mourn the loss of the 'Kill Kal-El' maniac.
Wizard: We see that Supergirl takes on a secret identity, and we know the same happens for Atlas.What does a secret identity mean for you, and why use them:
Johns: These guys - Atlas, Superman, Supergirl - they aren't human. They're these larger than life figures trying to find their place among humanity. I think exploring that through secret identity is where you get a lot of the story and drive of these characters.
Gates: She (Supergirl) has gone so long with being a Kryptonian character. Giving her a secret identity is important to help her understand and be a part of the human race.
The arguments for and against a secret identity have all been heard. I tend to side with Gates on this one. Supergirl seemed so lost in her title, a stranger in a strange land. Even in the Puckett line, where the lengths she went to save Thomas were noble but out of touch.
I think 'Linda Lang' will be a step forward for Kara in figuring out not only why she should stay on Earth but also why she would. To be honest, the universe is open to her. There has to be a hook for her to want to stay Earth-bound. And I think it needs to be more than Superman being her long lost cousin. By connecting to humanity in this basic way, I think she will want to stay.
Of course, that is assuming that New Krypton and her parents eventually end up going away.
Wizard: We also see Lana Lang taking Supergirl under her wing.
Gates: She's going to be playing the role of Supergirl's aunt.
I wonder if she is still living with Lana despite Kandor being re-grown. Doesn't make much sense. You think she would want to re-connect with her family.
Robinson: Plus, without saying who, Sterling is working on a truly wonderful Supergirl rogue's gallery that I think will further re-enliven Supergirl and make her feel more an important and intrinsic part of the DC Universe.
Gates: I think it's improtant for heroes to be partially defined by their villains and their quality of villains. and I wanted to build a world for Supergirl that crosses over in some ways with Superman but gives her her own villains to face and defeat.
Ahh ... the rogue's gallery. I like how the creators see a rogue's gallery havign 2 purposes: defining Supergirl within the universe and defining Supergirl herself. Let's face it the Joker and Two-Face work best as Batman foils, given the idealogic nature of their madness.
I am excited to see who gets added outside of Reactron. Any guesses people?

Wizard: What's the relationship like between Lana and Supergirl?
Gates: I actually really like the show called "Gilmore Girls." Yeah, yeah,yeah. Ha-ha-ha. But the relationship between the nither and daughter on the show is this friendly mentor style relationship. S0, I wanted to build this very strong, very light, very intense mentor relationship between Lana and Supergirl.
You know it's funny to admit it, but I also liked Gilmore Girls. The relationship between Lorelai and Rory was one of both friendship and mentoring. So I will be interested to see how that plays out in the title. Lana has gone through enough in the 'super' world to be able to provide wisdom in a nurturing way.
I wonder if there will be as many pop culture references in the Kara/Lana dialogue as their was on the show.
Wizard: What can you say about Zor-El and Alura?
Johns: They're both the leaders of Kandor at this point. Zor-El is like the heart and Alura is the mind.
Gates: All Supergirl wanted since she came to Earth was to go back to how things were on Krypton. When Kandor shows up and her parents show up, it's the happiest thing she could have ever wished for.
We keep hearing that all the versions of Zor-El, and all of Kara's memories will be answered in a way that makes perfect sense. I hope so, if only to erase the versions that make no sense. I get the sense that in the end, it might not be the happiest thing for Kara that her parents returned.
You can see the dyamic of heart/mind in the scenes with Zor-El and Alura. Zor-El just seems happy to be out of the bottle, deferred to the President, and call the planet Earth. Alura seems more cool and disconnected. Earth is obviously New Krypton given there superiority.
Wizard: How does the crossover work thematically from book to book?
Johns: Every title will continue into one another, but at the same time, you'll really see a focus on the inidividual titles - certain characters will get spotlighted. Supergirl obviously focuses on her and her past and her parents. Action focuses on the aftermath of Brainiac and Pa Kent and Kandor.
I do like that each title will retain its own focus despite being part of the bigger story. Let's face it, many of us were looking forward to the Gates/Igle run for a while. I did not want their ideas to be derailed by being part of a mega-crossover. I like that the Supergirl title will focus on her character and how she is dealing with Kandor.
Wizard: Are there any other specific Kryptonians that get spotlighted?
Johns: You have a new Nightwing and Flamebird. And a new Superwoman as well. We really wanted to get characters instantly recognized, because you start throwing out Kryptonian names and your eyes glaze over.
I know that folks have jumped on the Thara Ak-Var as Flamebird. But she seemed so militaristic in her short scene that I doubt she would become a masked vigilante. Plus, the hair length and color are all wrong unless she is donning a wig or using a Kryptonian comb that can change her hair color to red.
I do wonder if they will have some connection to the Superman family, as Van-Zee was in the past.
Wizard: Superwoman, aka Kristen Wells. Anything on that one?
Gates: Not at all.
I still say Superwoman ends up being an evil clone of Kara. It sounds so trite when I write it, but I am going with it.
Anyways, I have loved the New Krypton storyline so far and it sounds like the writers have it tight and polished.
Anj, sincere thanks for kindly informing us on this here specific issue of Wizard apparently covering all things New Krypton wise piece! (Especially Supergirl! ;))
All seems like a VERY informative and fun read all the same!
Man I actually laughed out loud when you asked us all who you thought we should include in her rouge gallery only to shortly after see that pic of the Gilmore Girls! HA! Heh.
Seriously though, in answer to that specific question i'd say with out a doubt it being the 84 Supergirl movie's own "Madame" Selena and Bianca, only handled in a NON comical/cheezy way. Actually, out of 'em 2 proposed I think Selena if handled right could be the definite one being a MAJOR threat to Supergirl to the point of being her very own Lex Luthor in time! That's how strongly I believe in Selena as Supergirl's #1 deadliest of rouges alive ah!
As to who our mysterious Superwoman's actual identity proper will be revealed as being though (it seems neither Mr. Johns, Robinson or Gates are confirming her actually being a Kryptonian really) I still honestly think it will be revealed to be none other then Earths former Supergirl, A.K.A. Linda Danvers herself as a way to bring her back in to the main Super family itself and as a way to make the title even more of a success by wanting to willingly bring back Linda fans that originally got drove away because of Cir-El having been forced upon us at that time when both Linda and Kara Zor-El Supergirls were the only real Supergirls that Linda fans surprisingly seemed to actually prefer seeing if any rather then having the rubbish that was Cir-El.
Heck, I mean who else but Linda Danvers in accordance to that particular Supergirl issue upon Superwoman's debut in it supposedly is the one person that Supergirl would feel at ease about wearing the Kryptonian family house of "El" 'S' shield crest yet still have ties to the house of "El"? It's gotta be Linda! Because of Linda knowing Superman is the reason as to HOW she could have ties to the actual house of "El" here yet NOT be an actual blood descendant of it! ;)
Linda's fan-base are essentially hard core PAD fans who'd read his stuff if he was reduced to writing the FDA warnings on boxes of cigarettes.
It has never been demonstrated to me that bringing her back into continuity would do much for the Superman family's sales.
I suffered when MY favorite was killed off and DC wantonly expelled all Kara fan's from it's audience...so why should the Earth Angel's fan-base be treated in the same way?
If It gives people closure if it reminds us all that everyone has a favorite and no-one's favorite deserves to DIE to "boost sales" then I'm cool with it.
Just remember, Kara Zor El, Superman's teenaged cousin IS and ALWAYS WILL BE Supergirl...no substitutes NO revisions NO retcons!
John Feer
Thanks for the posts.
I really really loved the PAD Linda Danvers character. Loved her. And I loved her story ... a hard learned lesson of just how difficult and trying it is to be a hero, how it can be a lonely and bitter existence when you always put yourself last.
I am of two minds about her coming back. As much as I would love to see her again, I just know she won't be written the way PAD did. And her story seemed to come to an end ... or a pause. And I fear if it gets restarted by someone who makes her a villain, or hardened without a glimmer of hope, or immature ... well I think I'll be sad. I mean I already am sad about the 3 pages she has appeared in Reign in Hell.
Let me give more concrete examples. Alan Moore finished his run on Swamp Thing. It was a nice ending ... Alec and Abby walking into the sunset. I wish DC stopped his story there. I wish I stopped reading his stories then. But instead I read Rick Veitch's botched efforts and it all seemed so wrong. Grant Morrison finished his run on Doom Patrol. It had a nice ending ... Cliff rescuing Jane from a tormented life. I wish DC stopped their story there. I wish I stopped reading their stories then. But instead I read Rachel Pollack's uber-botched efforts and it all seemed wrong.
I don't know. I hope Linda just gets the break she deserves in comics; she deserves better than being on a 'faces of evil' cover.
Anj...another great post. I agree with both yours and John's comments.
John...I agree that Kara is the only true-blue Supergirl and that no character deserves to die to boost the sales or benefit another.
Anj...I also liked PAD's run, but only initially before all that crazy whacky religious Earth-Angel stuff. While I didn't like most of that and while I thought Kara was the only real Supergirl, I do agree that PAD's Linda had the best of intentions and had a good run, which had a solid ending I would hate to see ruined.
John...I think it was very cool and respectful of you to comment about not understanding PAD's Linda fan-base but noting a possible Linda-return would be cool w/ you because you understand what it's like to have your favorite character killed off and want closure. I liked how you put that.
FYI John...I posted a reply under the "Bloodlines" post to apologize to you and Anj and anyone else who thought I wanted Laura V. to return to Smallville to have Kara's character killed off. I am a staunch Kara fan, and I hope we can continue to get along, because I really do agree w/ you. :)
John Feer said...
Linda's fan-base are essentially hard core PAD fans who'd read his stuff if he was reduced to writing the FDA warnings on boxes of cigarettes.
LMAO! Heh, I like that! Good one! ;)
John Feer said...
It has never been demonstrated to me that bringing her back into continuity would do much for the Superman family's sales.
I suffered when MY favorite was killed off and DC wantonly expelled all Kara fan's from it's audience...so why should the Earth Angel's fan-base be treated in the same way?
If It gives people closure if it reminds us all that everyone has a favorite and no-one's favorite deserves to DIE to "boost sales" then I'm cool with it.
Oh I'm definitely in 100% full agreement with you here too! :D And just like you I too was truly teary eyed something chronic upon at the time having both read/seeing our ever beloved Pre-COIE E-1 Kara Zor-El/"Linda Lee Danvers"/Supergirl proper at the being the another to be more then selflessly willing to give up her life for that of her cousin/Superman's own as well as the insurance for the rest of the inhabitants of the Multiverse to better their chances that bit more with their war against taking down the ever blasted demonic Anti Monitor (that frickin' big time *censored*!!!) as the Pre-COIE E-1 "Barry Allen"/Flash II had did prior.
Also, latter on, come our then Post-COIE specific Supergirl: Many Happy Returns arc I was MORE then overjoyed in having back the "real" Supergirl only to have her be yanked away from us all at the very end of that arc in question by Mr. Peter David (as well as Linda sadly) in DC choosing to push Cir-El on to us which had only resulted in uniting both Kara and Linda fans to then write up by hand a unanimous petition that were addressed straight to DC's own parent company WB themselves filling them in on what had exactly occurred and if they truly wanted to see a Supergirl in question sell again to please bring back either our beloved Kara Zor-El proper or at the very least even Linda rather then with having being stuck with Cir-El henceforth which would only further lead to declining sales of the main Superman titles line in which she had been making her appearances in. Apparently our hard work payed off and as such come 2004 officially were given back our ever beloved Kara Zor-El/Supergirl proper only in her then Post-COIE DCU incarnation self thanks to the whole Superman/Batman: The Supergirl From Krypton mega successful arc! And not only were we given our beloved Supergirl back but come the original Superman/Batman:Supergirl hard cover trade released itself Mr. Loeb even actually willingly credited US her real hard core world wide fans that were the ones to be the first in successfully convincing both WB as well as PTB up at DC in bringing back Kara Zor-El/Supergirl once again who in turn left it up to Dan DiDio to properly figure out as to HOW to go abouts bringing back Kara Zor-El/Supergirl along with Jeph Loeb and Michael Turner in to the main DCU continuity proper itself at that. (May the latter forever rest in peace. *Bows head out of respect*)
Just remember, Kara Zor El, Superman's teenaged cousin IS and ALWAYS WILL BE Supergirl...no substitutes NO revisions NO retcons!
Well see unfortunately this is where we surprisingly differ, for I truly believe that Kara Zor-El/"Linda Lang"/Supergirl is indeed the sole needed Supergirl for the 21st Century itself but, upon her latter reaching full woman hood and finally being more then willing to pass on her mantle to another so she can in turn become known as Superwoman II I believe that the honor of exactly WHO by then DC's ALL NEW recognized Supergirl III mantle should now go to (God willing) will be none other then Lois and Clark's very own biological miracle child hopefully referred to as being "Lara Kent"! I truly believe that if anyone has the right to bear that mantle of Supergirl III in time after Kara/"Linda Lang" becomes Superwoman II proper it should be rightfully bestowed upon her young cousin's own biological daughter herself rightfully.
However, in having had said that should DC ever do a YET ANOTHER full on reboot of their whole DCU in it's entirety proper then you'd bet you're bottom dollar that i'd be wanting their in time known Supergirl to still be be that of Kara Zor-El herself for a third time around no question ah! :D
Man I actually laughed out loud when you asked us all who you thought we should include in her rouge gallery only to shortly after see that pic of the Gilmore Girls! HA! Heh.
Hee hee. Now that I look at the post, I can see that. Pretty funny.
Next issue, Kara faces her deadliest foe ... the rapier wit of Lorelai Gilmore!
Thanks for the post and the laugh!
Man I actually laughed out loud when you asked us all who you thought we should include in her rouge gallery only to shortly after see that pic of the Gilmore Girls! HA! Heh.
Hee hee. Now that I look at the post, I can see that. Pretty funny.
Next issue, Kara faces her deadliest foe ... the rapier wit of Lorelai Gilmore!
Thanks for the post and the laugh!
Good one!
I can totally see that one coming in the next issue..
I just hope Linda Danvers gets a ticker parade (at least some sort of reference) or something when she returns... (hopefully not to die, of course.)
If she does: Get the torches and pitchforks ready!
Thanks for the posts.
I really really loved the PAD Linda Danvers character. Loved her. And I loved her story ... a hard learned lesson of just how difficult and trying it is to be a hero, how it can be a lonely and bitter existence when you always put yourself last.
I am of two minds about her coming back. As much as I would love to see her again, I just know she won't be written the way PAD did. And her story seemed to come to an end ... or a pause. And I fear if it gets restarted by someone who makes her a villain, or hardened without a glimmer of hope, or immature ... well I think I'll be sad. I mean I already am sad about the 3 pages she has appeared in Reign in Hell.
Let me give more concrete examples. Alan Moore finished his run on Swamp Thing. It was a nice ending ... Alec and Abby walking into the sunset. I wish DC stopped his story there. I wish I stopped reading his stories then. But instead I read Rick Veitch's botched efforts and it all seemed so wrong. Grant Morrison finished his run on Doom Patrol. It had a nice ending ... Cliff rescuing Jane from a tormented life. I wish DC stopped their story there. I wish I stopped reading their stories then. But instead I read Rachel Pollack's uber-botched efforts and it all seemed wrong.
I don't know. I hope Linda just gets the break she deserves in comics; she deserves better than being on a 'faces of evil' cover.
same here..
I just hope she gets recognition that we've been waiting for.
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