Then to the comic book store. Action Comics #871 is out today; review should be up before the weekend.

Reign in Hell #4: The bottom line is 'no Linda Danvers'.
As for the rest of the story, the forces of Hell and the forces of Purgatory continue their war in the Underworld. Purgatory seems to be routing Neron's forces until a counter-attack cuts off a portion of Blaze's army. Still, the Purgatory forces are able to release a prisoner of Hell in hopes he will join their side. The prisoner? Lobo.
I have to say, DC made something of a big deal that Linda Danvers was going to be in this mini. In fact, she is the only reason I am buying it. And other than 2 pages in issue one, we haven't seen her or heard her mentioned. The plot seems to be spinning it's wheels a bit too. Disheartening.
Overall grade: C

This was an interesting issue filling in some of the back story of the governments projects to fight Superman, including cloning of the Guardian as a hybrid of Jim Harper (the original Guardian) and Paul Kirk (an early version of Manhunter). It also included a captured Tellus from the late 80's Legion! It also progressed Jimmy Olson's storyline where he is more becoming 'Mr. Action' the reporter rather than coffee gopher.
No Superman or Supergirl in sight but still an intriguing chapter in New Krypton.
At the very least it was nice to see Adventure Comics again. Supergirl had a nice solo run in the title in the late 60's through the early 70's.
Overall grade: B

Smallville: Bloodline ratings:
As reported on the Superman Homepage, the CW reports that Kara's return in last night's "Bloodline" episode hit season highs last night in adults 18-34 (1.9/6), adults 18-49 (1.9/5) and total viewers (4.5mil). IN FACT, it was the highest rated and most watched episode of the show in nearly a year (since 11/15/07).
This was mentioned in the Smallville review thread posts but thought it warranted it's own little blurb in the main blog. I hope it will not go unnoticed by the CW that Kara's return prompted more viewers to the show than has been seen recently. Maybe that Kara spin-off isn't such a bad idea. At the very least, I hope they bring her back for the season finale. And maybe in uniform?
And maybe I am biased, but wasn't Kara just a more dynamic character in her brief shining moments than Clark has been in about 3 seasons?
Superman/Supergirl:Maelstrom #1
This was posted by Jimmy Palmiotti on Geoff John's Comic Bloc Forums:
this is and was always planned as a stand alone story out of continuity. its been done for a while on our end and just finished by phil noto, so dc jumped to put it out.
personally it should have been a trade book out of the gate, but all that said, its a stand alone that has nothing to do with the regular books. It was made for the fans of these characters and fans of phil's any support is appreciated.
thanks. jimmy
Well I guess that settles the 'where in continuity' question. It is out of continuity. I don't know if that makes my reaction to the issue better or worse. Anyways, I will be in for the rest of the mini and I'll keep the reviews coming.
Yes, Kara outshone Clark once again. Laura Vandervoort has nothing to be ashamed about in her portrayal of Supergirl.
As for continuity, well ...that's overrated anyway. People should just enjoy (or not enjoy) the story and art for what its worth and not worry where everything fits in.
That's what three or four conflicting versions of Supergirl in the span of a couple of years can teach you.
Yeah as I've said countless times before, Vandervoort LAPPED Tom Welling by a country mile in all their scenes together...she actually had the audacity to play Kara straight and respectfully...who'd a thunk it?
As for Maelstrom being outside continuity...that is a relief. We used to have a word for stories like this they were called "Elseworlds" or when I was a wee Justin "Imaginary Stories".
However, the mini is a failure unless KAra beats Maelstrom down like a rented government mule.
So we will see....
John Feer sucks that the Smallville powers-that-be basically decided to ditch Laura for being more dynamic than Tom's portrayal of Clark. Perhaps if they had let Clark learn to fly and act more heroic instead of being sulky and whiney, they wouldn't have had to worry about Kara overshadowing him. Still, that is not Laura's fault, and she should not have been discarded because of the producers' own decision to hold back the show's main character. Let's continue to hope the CW and Smallville producers took notice of the significant ratings boost brought on by Laura's return as Kara. :)
Reign in Hell #4 - I still can't believe the b.s. DiDio has pulled thus far in saying that other then the first issue we supposedly have of yet still have yet to see more of our Linda as the title plays out. Well it's as of now #4 already and we still have yet to see such a claim come to light and this is really starting to peeve me off as such.
Adventure Comics Special Featuring the Guardian - I take back all that I've said about Mr. Robinson and his reign on both main Superman title as well as his work thus far on "New Krypton" mega event arc at that! After re reading his Superman and current "New Krypton" work out it's actually all starting to pick up steam and starting to become a really fun run just like that of his Starman days prior. Heh. (I mean that out of no where shock of getting a 31st Century era Legion time lost member Tellus in this all? Now THAT was a real unexpected treat indeed! WOW!!!)
Jason said... sucks that the Smallville powers-that-be basically decided to ditch Laura for being more dynamic than Tom's portrayal of Clark. Perhaps if they had let Clark learn to fly and act more heroic instead of being sulky and whiney, they wouldn't have had to worry about Kara overshadowing him. Still, that is not Laura's fault, and she should not have been discarded because of the producers' own decision to hold back the show's main character. Let's continue to hope the CW and Smallville producers took notice of the significant ratings boost brought on by Laura's return as Kara. :)
All I can say is that I pray PTB on Smallville end up deciding to bring her back so she can be recruited via the Legion of Super-Heroes themselves! Or, barring even that have it that the Legion travel BACK in time WITH Supergirl proper (in costume and all) in order to help him against his battle against "Davis Bloome"/Doomsday himself! Then have it latter on Kara and Clark have some time alone where Kara informs Clark on her having found Kandor AND Argo City that in the Legions own time has been re colonized as the so called planet Roykn, A.K.A. New Krypton! And Rao willin' from there PTB at CW will indeed announce an all new live action Supergirl themed spin-off TV series wet for sometime early next year starring Laura in the lead of course! :D
Superman/Supergirl:Maelstrom #1 - Well, the jury is till out on this one but I suppose I'm willing to give it a fair try regardless at this stage. :/
P.S. Anj, sincerely awaitin' in much anticipation for that forthcoming review of Action Comics #871 official 4th installment of our here "New Krypton" arc itself ah!
Oh, and is there any chance you'd be willing to review Justice Society of America title henceforth too now that it has Power Girl officially back to being her Pre-COIE SA Earth-Two Kryptonian Kara Zor-L origin proper? Starting possibly with this week's Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1 eh? :)
As for continuity, well ...that's overrated anyway. People should just enjoy (or not enjoy) the story and art for what its worth and not worry where everything fits in.
That's what three or four conflicting versions of Supergirl in the span of a couple of years can teach you.
While I am not a continuity fanatic, I think general themes/powers/origins need to be maintained or differences need to be explained.
You are right in that we have had at least 3 Zor-Els in 3 years. I have a hard time just rolling with that.
That said, I should just sit back and enjoy Noto's art on this series.
John said ...
Yeah as I've said countless times before, Vandervoort LAPPED Tom Welling by a country mile in all their scenes together...she actually had the audacity to play Kara straight and respectfully...who'd a thunk it?
jason said ...
Still, that is not Laura's fault, and she should not have been discarded because of the producers' own decision to hold back the show's main character. Let's continue to hope the CW and Smallville producers took notice of the significant ratings boost brought on by Laura's return as Kara. :)
While her time on Smalville was uneven (powerless, Lex buffoon, etc.) the moments she shined, she really shined.
I can understand that the producers can't have a supporting character outshine the main character. But you shouldn't pull the plug on something that clearly resonates (at least from a ratings vantage point) with the viewers.
I hope Smallville 'gets it' and brings her back.
Oh, and is there any chance you'd be willing to review Justice Society of America title henceforth too now that it has Power Girl officially back to being her Pre-COIE SA Earth-Two Kryptonian Kara Zor-L origin proper? Starting possibly with this week's Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1 eh? :)
You know I do read JSA. But I think, at least for now, I will let the Power Girl sites and boards cover her adventures.
Really? Bummer. Ah well. Didn't hurt in asking at the end of the day suppose. Heh.
Really? Bummer. Ah well. Didn't hurt in asking at the end of the day suppose. Heh.
Well, thanks for being interested in what I would say about it!
The initial thought about this blog was just to be about all comics, but then I narrowed to just Supergirl.
I suppose at some point I could talk about any old comic.
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