While I am usually unable to travel to distant comic book conventions, I am blessed with friends who can. I also am blessed that the same friends will always do the leg work of obtaining commissions for me at these cons.
The latest commission is posted above and was drawn by Rich Buckler at The National in New York earlier this month.
Buckler is an old-timer best known for his work on the Fantastic Four in the 1970's. He also created Deathlok around the same time. That said, his career has been prolific and he has drawn just about every character there is.

I figured he was a great addition to my collection because he drew one of the most famous images of Supergirl, the cover of The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1. This particular cover is fairly well known.
Totally feelin' both the commission by Mr. Buckler as well as the duplication stamp of The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 cover at that there, Anj! :D
great image of an energetic kara. electrifying, almost...
I miss the hot pants and the boots....the perfect ensemble for a leggy heroine with a practical streak.
There I said it...
John Feer
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