Wednesday, May 1, 2024

My Adventures With Superman, Season Two

I didn't cover the first season of My Adventures With Superman, a fun little show on Adult Swim, written by Josie Campbell and with a younger, hipper, more diverse take on Superman, Lois, and Jimmy.

That first season was a bit of a hoot. There was some deep cuts into DCU. There was an interesting take on Krypton. And the chemistry between Clark and Lois was engaging.

Thankfully, the show did well enough to warrant a second season premiering on May 25.  A preview has dropped too. Here is the link:

No need to delay the obvious. Check out the picture above!

Supergirl is in this season!

Now it is a "blink and you'll miss it" appearance. A brief shot of baby Kara in a rocket. And this grown up Kara screaming and flying at the camera. 

Hard to know from that brief glimpse if she will be a dark version, an immediate friend and ally, or even a recurring character. She sure looks angry though! At least in this 'poster', she is holding out her hand for help. Superman is reaching out to help her. This gives me some confidence.

I trust Campbell. She wrote a great Supergirl in the Legion of Super-Heroes movie. She has written an excellent Mary Marvel for the comics. I feel confident this will be a heroic Supergirl.

But how exciting is this! A new animated Supergirl!


PT Dilloway said...

I saw those images on Adult Swim's Facebook and immediately thought of this blog. lol

William Ashley Vaughan said...

Agree that Supergirl will probably be heroic. The screaming Supergirl in the preview will probably be what some hapless supervillain will end up facing.

Anonymous said...

Meh I'll believe it when I see it, and since I don't have this network in my cable menu, who knows when I will see it?


SG Fan said...

If Campbell is writing her, then yeah the Mary/Shazam comic and Legion of Superheroes, fills me with a lot of confidence too! I enjoyed both of those, and loved her take on Kara in the animated film. I think the 'angry' Kara we see is something we'll need to see in context plus, angry attacking characters does tie into the anime influences that the show does draw from. So, hearing Campbell is involved does ease my concerns :)