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I will be covering all the Supergirl appearances (including a long-announced title finally being released). But I was intrigued at the blurb for Teen Titans #66, whose cover is shown above. Here is the blurb.
Written by Sean McKeever
Art and cover by Eddy Barrows & Ruy Jose
Teen guest stars galore! With only four members left, it's time for the Teen Titans to hold a recruitment drive! Who will make the cut, and who will be sent packing? Who will refuse to even show up, and who will bring a boatload of trouble with them?
Yeah, that's Supergirl on the cover as one of the 'teen guest stars' galore. I really like Eddy Barrows' style of art. While just a tiny pic on the corner of the cover, you can tell he does a nice Supergirl.
As for her joining the Titans, I don't think she will. I can't imagine given the integration of Kara into the Superman titles, and with the creative new direction she is getting in the Supergirl title, I doubt DC would want her to be spread too thin.
On re-reading the blurb, I think Supergirl is going to be the one who 'will refuse to even show up.'
Supergirl has already tried to be a member of this team, starting back in Teen Titans #50. You may recall that it wasn't a successful relationship.

Early on in Teen Titans #55, we see this panel (drawn by now-Supergirl artist Jamal Igle). That's Kara storming off, telling Cassie to lose her number. After what seemed to be a nice friendship between Supergirl and Wonder Girl, shown in both Teen Titans and the Supergirl comic, there is a major falling out between the two.
Cassie admits to Kara that she was only her friend, that she only invited her to join the Titans, as a way to help Wonder Girl with her grief over Superboy. Cassie hoped that by having someone 'super' around her, she would feel a little comfort for Conner's passing.
When Wonder Girl realizes she needs to move on ... that she needs to mature, she kicks Supergirl off the team. Feeling used, Supergirl flies off angrily. I can understand both sides of this relationship.
I'll probably buy the issue, just to see how they show Kara ... to see if Cassie and Kara continue this mini-feud or if they resolve it amicably. Still, either way, I cannot see Supergirl joining the team right now. Besides, we already know that Supergirl has a slot on the new James Robinson Justice League, whenever that finally gets released.
i want supergirl to show up everywhere... heh...
though i haven't been getting into 'teen titans' as much as i used to (the new characters are hard to get interested in), its fun to have recruitment drive issues, and see the interaction...
I stopped reading TT after Miss "It's all about MEEEEE!" kicked Supergirl to the curb. Why couldn't she have been the one to go bad and get a beat-down from Supergirl in Final Crisis?
though i haven't been getting into 'teen titans' as much as i used to (the new characters are hard to get interested in), its fun to have recruitment drive issues, and see the interaction...
I tried to become interested in the Titans, starting with issue 50 where Kara joined. But I agree, it is hard to stay interested in them.
The only character I felt had a lot of potential was Ravager and she left the team.
I stopped reading TT after Miss "It's all about MEEEEE!" kicked Supergirl to the curb. Why couldn't she have been the one to go bad and get a beat-down from Supergirl in Final Crisis?
Hee hee ... good post.
Yeah Cassie is a selfish weasel, drrop her out of the line up in favor of Drusilla...(Hee)
Wel I don't think we will get much Kara in this issue, isn't she schedded to be in one of the upcoming JLA spin off books?
If so then it is about damn time!!! The olde JLA stiffed Kara right up to the moment of her death in CoIE #7 now is the time for payback!
John Feer
i've never minded cassie until after issue 050. the old line-up (what few remain) seem to have really stuck together, not letting the newbies in too far. its a shame, and though i can understand cassie's difficulty letting connor go, its a shame she wasted a good friend...
Oh agreed, dude. *Shakes head at the thought of that titles writer having splitten up Supergirl and Wonder Girl*
However, in having said all of that, did you guys and gals manage to check out come that whole 'sneak peek at the forthcoming all new Teen Titans line up' that they had posted at the time in the back pages of DC Comics themselves which happened to feature shadowed out silhouetted members for the final line up itself? If so, pay very close attention to the specific female who seems to be sporting surprisingly (at least from what I can tell) a very close outline get up of one Peter David's Linda Danvers super suit itself! (The silhouette outline actually seems to be depicting THE exact same costume that Linda wore during her time as Supergirl!), I think we just might have a Super in the team after all only it wont be Kara but PAD's own Linda! Which begs the question, could this be a sign of what Reign in Hell aftermath could mean for Linda shortly after here?
I think we just might have a Super in the team after all only it wont be Kara but PAD's own Linda! Which begs the question, could this be a sign of what Reign in Hell aftermath could mean for Linda shortly after here?
That would be very interesting.
I have to say, it wasn't that long ago that Didio implied that Linda Danvers was written out of continuity.
So I am thrilled that she is in Reign in Hell and would be more thrilled (assume she is written well) to see her in the Titans.
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