December is no different. The entire month's solicitations are now viewable on and it looks like it will be a month of happy holidays for Supergirl fans. She will be seen in 6 titles!
As it is a heavy month, I will showcase the super-titles on this post and the other titles tomorrow. Having seen how well Supergirl has been handled in the Superman titles, I am anxiously awaiting the "New Krypton" arc. Here are the issues, in chapter order for this super-title crossover event.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Gary Frank
Variant cover by Chris Sprouse
“New Krypton” part 7! As Superman attempts to free the other cities and abductees from Brainiac's ship – including the original monster military unit, the Creature Commandos – Lex Luthor experiments on Brainiac himself. Meanwhile, rebuilt and out for blood, Metallo and Reactron attack, and a major turning point for one of our characters sheds a dark shadow across all that is good.
So no official mention of Supergirl here, but as she is such a key player in "New Krypton", I am sure she'll be here.

I do like that Reactron is mentioned here. I truly think he is going to become the first official member of Supergirl's Rogues Gallery, a super-villain with a grudge specifically against her. And as mentioned before, it strikes a nice chord with us old-timers as Reactron was a Supergirl villain from way-back in the Daring New Adventures of Supergirl series.

I also am somewhat amused at all the old-time DC characters that Geoff Johns has been re-imagining or bringing back. In Brainiac's ship alone we have seen the bottle city of Kandor, Ultra the Multi-Alien, and this issue's guest stars The Creature Commandos. First seen in Weird War Tales #93, this combat unit consists of a human, a vampire, a werewolf, a Frankenstein monster, and a medusa. During their last WWII mission, the rocket they were riding to Berlin was knocked off course into deep space. It is certainly plausible that Brainiac would run across them and capture them. Who would think in this day and age that The Creature Commandos could somehow be a viable group of characters.

I am somewhat disappointed that Gary Frank is only doing the cover of this issue. But Pete Woods is a more than adequate pinch hitter. Woods' art might have been the only redeeming quality of the Amazons Attack mini-series. He was able to draw close-ups of characters as well as expansive battle scenes with equal excellent quality. And in that series he drew a stunning Supergirl. Again, he is one of those artists who's name alone will make me flip through the book if not out and out buy it.

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle & Keith Champagne
Cover by Joshua Middleton
Variant cover by Chris Sprouse
“New Krypton” part 8! In the aftermath of ACTION COMICS #872, the city of Kandor is rocked to its core and Supergirl angrily unleashes her full power! The Kryptonian population is pushed to its limits and the mystery of one of Kandor's vigilantes gets deeper and deeper! Meanwhile, just what is Cat Grant smiling about? And what's her latest article have to say about the Girl of Steel?
I have already gushed enough about Josh Middleton's cover art but man, this cover just rocks!
It will be interesting to see exactly who is on the receiving end of Kara's 'full power'. One of the threads I hope will be extensively explored in this arc is where Supergirl's loyalty lies. After all, Johns describes her as fighting for 'truth,justice, and the Kryptonian way' not the American way. She grew up on Krypton and hasn't exactly easily meshed with the culture here on Earth. My heart tells me that despite spending about 2 years here, she will jump at the chance to return 'home'.
I can only hope that this is done in a way that does not further isolate Kara from people and heroes here. I have had enough of the Kara who feels hopelessly alone, who prefers to sulk in her apartment, and is dripping with angst and anger. I want her to be a hero.
Hopefully, as this story unwinds, Supergirl will realize she belongs here rather than in Kandor.
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle & Keith Champagne
Cover by Joshua Middleton
Variant cover by Chris Sprouse
“New Krypton” part 8! In the aftermath of ACTION COMICS #872, the city of Kandor is rocked to its core and Supergirl angrily unleashes her full power! The Kryptonian population is pushed to its limits and the mystery of one of Kandor's vigilantes gets deeper and deeper! Meanwhile, just what is Cat Grant smiling about? And what's her latest article have to say about the Girl of Steel?
I have already gushed enough about Josh Middleton's cover art but man, this cover just rocks!
It will be interesting to see exactly who is on the receiving end of Kara's 'full power'. One of the threads I hope will be extensively explored in this arc is where Supergirl's loyalty lies. After all, Johns describes her as fighting for 'truth,justice, and the Kryptonian way' not the American way. She grew up on Krypton and hasn't exactly easily meshed with the culture here on Earth. My heart tells me that despite spending about 2 years here, she will jump at the chance to return 'home'.
I can only hope that this is done in a way that does not further isolate Kara from people and heroes here. I have had enough of the Kara who feels hopelessly alone, who prefers to sulk in her apartment, and is dripping with angst and anger. I want her to be a hero.
Hopefully, as this story unwinds, Supergirl will realize she belongs here rather than in Kandor.

Written by James Robinson & Geoff Johns
Art by Renato Guedes & Wilson Magalháes
Cover by Alex Ross
Variant cover by Chris Sprouse
“New Krypton” part 9! Violence breaks out on Earth as the Kryptonians, enraged by humanity's treatment of them and their newly passed anti-Kryptonian laws, strike back! Imagine 100,000 people, each with the powers of Superman but lacking his humanity – and they’re angry!
Written by James Robinson & Geoff Johns
Art by Renato Guedes & Wilson Magalháes
Cover by Alex Ross
Variant cover by Chris Sprouse
“New Krypton” part 9! Violence breaks out on Earth as the Kryptonians, enraged by humanity's treatment of them and their newly passed anti-Kryptonian laws, strike back! Imagine 100,000 people, each with the powers of Superman but lacking his humanity – and they’re angry!
And so we start to approach the end of this arc. Of course humans will be fearful of a city full of Kryptonians on Earth. If Superman might be able to subjugate the population on his own, imagine what an army of Supermen could do. I like the hinted at 'anti-Kryptonian laws', something of a riff on both Kingdom Come and Civil War. My guess is the Kandorians won't be happy with being isolated in their city again and therefore will attempt to branch out and maybe take over. Given the abundance of Kryptonite on this issue's cover, I think I know how Superman will try to keep them in line.
As much as I am interested in Supergirl's take on the presence of Kandor, I am almost as intrigued with Superman's response. Let's face it, he is a midwestern farm boy before he is Kryptonian. He might not feel as attached to that culture as Kara. Will his curiousity about his origins overwhelm his morals? He and Supergirl are perfect foils for each other here.
I really hope that at some point there is a scene of the two of them simply talking about what their feelings are about Kandor being returned.
As much as I am interested in Supergirl's take on the presence of Kandor, I am almost as intrigued with Superman's response. Let's face it, he is a midwestern farm boy before he is Kryptonian. He might not feel as attached to that culture as Kara. Will his curiousity about his origins overwhelm his morals? He and Supergirl are perfect foils for each other here.
I really hope that at some point there is a scene of the two of them simply talking about what their feelings are about Kandor being returned.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the variant covers on these issues. It looks as though DC is using the retail hook of variant covers as a way to attract new readers and sales to the books. Last month's chapters variant covers were done by Stephane Roux, a great cover artist. My guess is that the variants done by each artist will be able to be pieced together as a triptych style poster.
This month's variants are being done by another great artist, Chris Sprouse. Sprouse has been most recently lauded for his work with Alan Moore on Tom Strong, a book which never quite did it for me.

And while I got a handful of issues of Tom Strong as well as his recent Ex Machina Special mini-series, I am most familiar with his art from the Legionnaires series released way back in 1993.
While his art has improved over these 15 years, I loved his work on this title. He definitely was able to handle the large cast and wild action scenes that were called for in Legionnaires.
While his art has improved over these 15 years, I loved his work on this title. He definitely was able to handle the large cast and wild action scenes that were called for in Legionnaires.

I am very interested in seeing his version of Supergirl. Here are a few panels of Andromeda, Laurel Gand, of the Legion. With both Supergirl and Mon-El written out of continuity at this point, the powers that be created Laurel as a stand-in for both in the rebooted Legion continuity.
I liked his Andromeda so I am sure I will be pleased with his Supergirl.
We are a short month away from the Superman:New Krypton Special. This should be good!
yay, lots of supergirl and superman. it can't come quick enough...
i hope serious thought is put into the different opinions kara and kal are going to have about the kryptonians. kal's had quite a few conflicting stories about what kryptonians are like, so this will be interesting...
Actually, DC writer Robert Kanigher was on that rocket with the Creature Commandos. It's be cool if he showed up as well ... though I kinda doubt it'll go down that way.
Did you ever see The Many Worlds of Tesla Strong special? It featured a cool 'Tesla As Supergirl' sequence drawn by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
i hope serious thought is put into the different opinions kara and kal are going to have about the kryptonians. kal's had quite a few conflicting stories about what kryptonians are like, so this will be interesting...
Thanks for the post.
I agree that this presumed disagreement or conflict between primary/adopted cultures could be richly mined.
And I also wonder just which Kryptonian culture Johns will adopt. Of course, just as Earth has many cultures, Krypton could as well.
Actually, DC writer Robert Kanigher was on that rocket with the Creature Commandos. It's be cool if he showed up as well ... though I kinda doubt it'll go down that way.
Thanks for the post.
I didn't remember that! I agree I doubt Kanigher will be there.
Did you ever see The Many Worlds of Tesla Strong special? It featured a cool 'Tesla As Supergirl' sequence drawn by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
I did not, but will add it to my sheet of books I look for at conventions. Is it a floppy? Prestige?
Thanks for information. I am a sucker of Garcia Lopez old school pencils.
GREAT RAO!!! Must...contain...control....over excitement factor....KA-BOOM! *Head explodes* Heh. Nah, but seriously, truly more then awaiting in much anticipation for these Super goodies for both Supergirl and Superman to come out for the month in question! YES!!! :D
anj said...
this issue's guest stars The Creature Commandos. First seen in Weird War Tales #93, this combat unit consists of a human, a vampire, a werewolf, a Frankenstein monster, and a Medusa. During their last WWII mission, the rocket they were riding to Berlin was knocked off course into deep space. It is certainly plausible that Brainiac would run across them and capture them. Who would think in this day and age that The Creature Commandos could somehow be a viable group of characters.
WAIT A SEC! Somethings definitely not right here! Exactly how can there even exist yet another "Medusa" (which, and with all due respect anj, I think you had meant to refer to her as being a Gorgon instead) when during Greg Rucka's run on Wonder Woman not to long ago he clearly showed that the only Gorgons in existence with in the DCU proper were that of both Medusa proper (which he referred to as being spelled as "Medousa"), Stheno, and Euryale and by the end Wondy (just like Perseus come first time around) successfully managed to be head Medusa in combat where shortly after Stheno and Euryale had been vanquished soon after by Ares? If this is the case then just when and were was it ever established that the 3 famous classical Greek mythological Gorgon sisters had ever bared an offspring of their own who was latter included in this so called "Creature Commandos" team itself that apparently Superman is meant to unleash, eh? Something really doesn't make sense here. :/
Oh, and truly am very much looking forward to the forthcoming Supergirl themed titles due out this month in mention at that! ;)
WAIT A SEC! Somethings definitely not right here! Exactly how can there even exist yet another "Medusa" (which, and with all due respect anj, I think you had meant to refer to her as being a Gorgon instead)
You're right. She in not another Medusa (capital letter) but a science/magic created gorgon.
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