Sales number for the month of August have been posted on ICv2 and comics sales as a whole continue to drop in the current US economy. Here is the link:
Luckily Supergirl seems to be treading water, selling nearly the same 28K issues each month and ranking in the low 80s/high 90s in sales each month.
So, the bad news is that this title is still barely in the top 100.
The good news is that sales are relatively stable compared to other titles. This was Kelly Puckett's last issue as writer and the penultimate issue of his thematic run. I was actually more pessimistic that sales might be down to the low 27Ks by this issue. So it seems that the people still buying the title are in it for the long haul!
The best news is that we have a mini-reboot of the character and a stable creative team coming on board. I think buzz has been nearly universally optimistic about Supergirl's portrayal in the Superman titles and the expected continuation of that characterization in her own title.

Supergirl #34 is a mere 9 days away !!
Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle have been saying all the right things in their interviews and message boards. So for sales predictions, I am going to guess that issue #34 with the recent publicity and the Fernando Pasarin variant cover will break 30K. My hope is that issue #35, the first of the New Krypton arc will hit 38K in sales.
Is everybody as giddy with anticipation about this issue as I am?
I'm really excited for the new creative team too!
So I'm curious as to what you think of all the confusion related to the current Kara's origin. In the main title, I'm so unclear as to whether the Dark Angel 'hallucinations' were really that or not? Have you read the recent Brave and the Bold? Wolfman recaps part of her origin there as well. And all of these things seem to be counter to the preview scans I have seen of some of the upcoming Johns-related stuff.
I guess my question to you is do you think that her origin is salvageable or is it even worth salvaging?
In the main title, I'm so unclear as to whether the Dark Angel 'hallucinations' were really that or not? Have you read the recent Brave and the Bold? Wolfman recaps part of her origin there as well.
Thanks so much for the post.
I agree that it is unclear how much of the 'kill Kal-El' storylines were hallucinations from Dark Angel. When I read it I thought that the only hallucination was the Earth were Superman was in the protective gear and all people were possessed.
But I think the powers that be realize a crystal powered killer Kara is not the way to go long term and so are moving steadily away from that.
I guess my question to you is do you think that her origin is salvageable or is it even worth salvaging?
On multiple boards, Jamal Igle has said that all of Kara's origins (Loeb's crazy Zor-El, Puckett's ranger Zor-EL, and now Johns' scientist Zor-El) will be sorted out and explained with John's version from this month's Action being declared as the one true origin. This of course makes this month's Brave and Bold seemingly a waste of time.
I don't think there is anything salvageable from the origin where Kara massacred her high school.
UGH! Nor I for that matter, man.
So for sales predictions, I am going to guess that issue #34 with the recent publicity and the Fernando Pasarin variant cover will break 30K. My hope is that issue #35, the first of the New Krypton arc will hit 38K in sales.
Man I truly hope so! :D
Is everybody as giddy with anticipation about this issue as I am?
HELL YEAH! At least, THIS fan here is anyways! ;)
I am really excited about issue 34 with Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle! Especially after reading your review of Brave and Bold 17.
It reminds me of the way Kara used to be portrayed early on in her series. The future looks bright for Supergirl thanks to Tony Bedard, Kelley Puckett, and everyone associated with their issues. I'm sure Gates and Igle will continue portraying Kara in a positive way!
HEAR HEAR, john m! ;)
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