Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: Batman/Superman World's Finest #29

Earlier this month, Batman/Superman World's Finest #29 came out ending the Bat-Mite/Mxyzptlk storyline with killer imps and a 6th Dimensions Doom-mite.

I have talked a lot about World's Finest. I think it is the best comic on the rack these days. I love this Else-When, probably in continuity but who knows, almost meta look at the entirety of the DCU. Writer Mark Waid and artist Dan Mora have basically infused Silver and Bronze age joy into a current world comic medium.

Eventually, the best book has to have a less than best issue. The ending of this storyline, in particular the defeat of Doom-Mite, seems to have come out of nowhere, a magical ending literally. As such, in looking back at the incredible run so far, this one falls a little short. 

It doesn't mean it is a bad comic. It is a lot of fun. Waid continues to sprinkle in a bunch of DC history into the book that made me smile. Robin's outwitting of Mxyzptlk was flat-out fantastic. Even the resolution of Bat-Mite and his place in the cynical new world of comics was solid. Add to that Dan Mora showing he draws everyone in the DCU perfectly and you have an entertaining issue.

And so this book suffers from comparison to itself. If only Waid stuck the ending!

On to the particulars.

One of the things that has held my attention throughout the story is that Batman has figured out how to defeat the 6th Dimensional baddie. I kept trying to figure it out before it was told to me. I love a good mystery especially when Batman said that he had seen how to win. 

At the end of the last issue, Batman was turned into a marionette. He let's out one word ... 'pull'. Somehow that gives Superman and Robin the insight they need. They know how to defeat Doom-Mite.

So Superman and Robin will stall the villain while Bat-Mite and a re-powered Mxy head off to find any magical character they can.

First stop? Zatanna.

Yeah, I'd buy a Dan Mora Zatanna book. Seriosuly!

But I'd buy any Dan Mora book. 

Dr. Fate gets tagged in.

Dr. Occult is fighting Prince Ra-Man but end their fight to team up against a bigger threat.

Okay, maybe I wouldn't buy a Dan Mora Prince Ra-Man book. But I love that 'Lord of Noodles' line. Hilarious!

Meanwhile, Superman is taking his lumps.

Waid just gets Superman. Seeing Superman defiantly say that Earth is his home and willing to continue to get knocked down to defend it is just spot-on characterization.

And then the magical ending.

The magical heroes arrive and cast some spell to 'pull' the 6th dimensional energy out of this being.

We had seen the '3rd dimension' pulled out of Superman and Batman but I don't know if that was a big enough clue for me to solve this. I don't know if the combined 3rd dimensional magic could effect this being. But it seems to be working.

I do like how Mora shows us multiple iterations and timelines of our characters in these magical ropes, keying in on the 6th dimension showing all time and space simultaneously.

But this came out of nowhere, a magical answer to an impossible problem. 

And then Bat-Mite shows how Batman has inspired him. In what seems to be a one-way mission, Bat-Mite punches the last energy out of Doom-Mite.

The Batman '66 kapow is a nice moment because the whole crux of this story is that the carefree, colorful, silly world Bat-Mite remembers isn't true now.

That said, it is a splash page of a word.

Best moment of the book? This one.

For several issues, Robin has been mispronouncing Mxyzptlk and the imp has been angrily correcting him.

It was a long-term ploy. He has been intentionally doing it, ticking of Mxy more and more for this gem.

With Doom-Mite defeated, Robin mispronounces Kltpzyxm. A furious Mxy says it correctly ... sending him back to the 5th dimension! Brilliant. 

Bat-Mite survived and Batman again says there is no place for that silliness in current adventures. It is time to move on. 

I love it. 

And Bat-Mite agrees to move on as long as Batman won't forget about him. We see how Batman honors the Mite at the end of the book, a very appropriate memorial.

So there was a ton of fun in this issue with the usual crisp, perfect art. But the defeat of Doom-Mite, hinted at for issues, just seemed like Waid writing himself out of the predicament he put himself in. 

Love this book and this team. Sad to see them broken up in the future.

Overall grade: B


Anonymous said...

I love that Batman finds it hilarious that an unmasked Batmite looks like Superman, spit curl and all :-)

Anonymous said...

There's an interesting Supergirl sighting in the magical ropes. It appears to be from early Rebirth - it's definitely not the look from this World's Finest "era" (which has completely different shoulders and S insignia etc.) Captain Marvel, and I think Jon, and others, appear in the same panel, but I don't know if that means the characters are connected. For instance, I don't recognize this version of Jon - was there a time he had red trunks and no cape? Maybe some of these represent scenes from the future.


Martin Gray said...

I didn’t quite get the superhero physics of the pulling of magic from Doom-Mite, but the concept was fun regardlesss, and the images great. And I’ve been wanting to see a Prince Ra-Man noodles gag for years.

The Bat-Mite unmasked bit was a hoot, and I found his scenes pretty touching. And given how helpful Mxy had been, Robin might have let him stay for a party… it was a clever bit, mind.

You probably know by now, Anj, the Waid/Mora team is indeed gone from World’s Finest, but we’re getting a brand new Justice League Unlimited series from them! I suspect you will enjoy that. Heck, maybe Black Orchid will be in there.

Anj said...

Thanks for pointing out the gag that BatMite looks like Clark underneath. Batman belly-laughing was pretty cool.

I am looking forward to anything Waid and Mora do! This has basically been a sort of JLA book so why not make it official. Hope we still see some Supergirl in there!

Anonymous said...

Waid still gets props from me, for making me care about the otherwise silly and unidimensional BatMite, but I do agree with our gracious host as to the rushed and unimaginative ending....but that is a chronic problem with comic book writing itself IMHO.
Anyone hear the news out od the SDCC? Mark Waid is gonna be writing a Justice League United Book...MAYBE we will get some Kara mixed in there as well, after all the Animated Series did her proud as far as I am concerned.


Allen Francis said...

I only read this for the art. At these prices I expect more. Waid is a legend but it seems like he's spinning his wheels. I'm amazed they never seem to be able to get Zatanna right. I want to like this comic, but it is hard spending all of this money waiting for something I want to like to happen. Dropped. Comics are too expensive and I will try something else.