A while back I said I would update how my Supergirl collection is displayed at home now. The addition of larger items forced me to move everything from a smallish corner cabinet to the entertainment center that houses the television in my tiny corner of the basement.
With the addition of the Terry Dodson Supergirl bust, I figured now was as good a time as any.
The top shelf is the sparsest. It also is the 'Silver Age' shelf.
Since there aren't many pieces, the display really highlights the DC Direct statue of the Action Comics #252 cover which I think is the signature piece of the collection. Surrounding it are the Silver Age Supergirl action figure with Streaky and Midvale sign, the Pocket Heroes Supergirl, the Adam Hughes 'Women of the DC Universe' bust, and a Supergirl bobble head doll. While it is the Matrix costume, she is emerging from the rocket and so was put on this shelf.
The shelf below is the 'current costume shelf.
The Terry Dodson bust stands front and center and adds a bit of coverage for the minimally dressed Kotobukiya vinyl statue. The 'bookends' are the Barbie Supergirl and the Deluxe figure (which stands out for being in the Matrix style costume as well). Between them are a number of figures - Microman Japanese import, DC Minimate, Heroclix, Infinite Heroes, Return of Supergirl (Turner style), Superman/Batman (McGuiness style), and DC Diorama.

The last shelf is mostly the 'white shirt' costume and the Crisis uniform albeit with some 'others'.
The white shirt collection includes the Warner Brothers store plush, DC Animated statue, JLU paper weight, DC Direct action figure and DC sculpt figure.
The Crisis section includes the COIE action figure, the Crisis pocket figure, and the ERTL diecast.
There also is a custom made Lego Supergirl, the Elseworld's Finest figure, the Justice hot pants figure, and the Bruckner Matrux-style mini-statue.
As always, there are pieces I would love to have in the collection. The Bruckner full size statue, based on the Peter David/Gary Frank Supergirl run is the one I crave the most. But there is a Michael Turner statue and the pieta-like Crisis on Infinite Earths statue.
Anyways, when pieces get added, I will update again. Hope you enjoy.