Monday, December 23, 2024

Review: Action Comics #1080 Supergirl Story

Action Comics #1080 came out last week and for the 11th straight week I get to review an underwhelming Supergirl chapter by Mariko Tamaki. Our winter of discontent ends next issue. 

This has been a maddening sort of Supergirl story for many reasons. Her lack of effectiveness, agency, or intelligence in this solo story stand in stark contrast to how she has been shown in the main story in the title, the Superman title, and even the recent Superwoman Special. She is an afterthought in her own showcase.

Moreover, the underpinning of this whole thing, the secretive nature enforced by Superman, the mandatory need for this to be a solo mission (underdone by Tamaki's insertion of Power Girl these last few weeks), why Supergirl was the only person who could do this mission ... all the reasons why it had to be Supergirl have not paid off. And I doubt they will in the last chapter.

And once again, this week, Supergirl basically doesn't do much here other than be tossed about mentally and physically. Also, what about the mission she was put on to bring this being to justice/jail. Will she do it?

Once again, I will ask you all to think about this as a Supergirl story and  think about what has happened. Outside of a Power Girl mind meld (which defeats the 'solo' need), if you pulled Supergirl out of this story and replaced her with any space-faring superhero the story would read the same. This could just as easily be a Jade story. Or Hawkgirl. This isn't a Supergirl story.

If there is one bright part to this whole thing it is Skye Patridge's art. I did not know Patridge's work before this. It has a sort of 'Bilquis Evely meets Guy Davis' sensibility which works for me. 

On to this chapter.

Last issue, out of nowhere, Power Girl was able to psychically mindmeld with Kara to lend some sort of emotional support. 'Fear' confronted 'Rage'. 

And now, somehow, unexplained, Supergirl and 'Fear' and 'Paige's spirit' all fuse to form this amalgam who is ready to fight with 'Rage'. 

I don't know how or why this is possible. I don't know why 'Paige' is even part of this. We barely have learned enough about these two beings to know who they are or why they are at odds.

Nice work by Patridge here to create a nice mix.

'Rage' says that the inclusion of our heroes into this being is meaningless. 'Fear' can never outrun or be away from him. They are united. They are one.

This is a nicely constructed panel by Patridge showing the united mind of our heroes. But what is happening here in the battle? What powers does this amalgam have? Is this a psychic attack? A force blast?

We just don't know enough.

We have seen how these beings have different shapes on their hands which fit into each other. We know when they unite, they destroy planets.

Now Tamaki brings in a new wrinkle. These two can't escape each other because they are, in some way, the same being. They are one. He is her. She is him.

What does it mean? I don't really know.

Are they one being that can split like Duo Damsel? One being that was ripped in half sometime in the past against their will? And if united in this way, how did they separate in the manner that led to this story? I just don't think we will ever find out.

The battle is short lived.

'Rage' just pushes Kara and 'Paige' out of 'Fear'. 

'Paige' fades out.

Once again, Kara is defeated, face down in the mud.

Kara cannot do anything right here. Or heroic. Or inspirational. She was defeated when she fought this being alone. She is defeated when she was merged with other people.

At last, the two beings confront each other. They are 'one being' that belong together.

Kara then tells 'Fear' that if they are one, that 'Fear' can control the merged being.

That's it. We end with these beings starting to merge.

So there is a lot and very little to unpack here.

We know that, historically, when these two merge world's are destroyed. So this is incredibly risky for Supergirl to let this happen. Even if they merge and 'Fear' is the dominant personality, will Supergirl escort them to prison to face justice? If Power Girl was so helpful, why did Superman say this had to be a solo mission? And why was Supergirl so 'the only one' who could do this? Will these be answered?

Do I even care?

Also, I feel there is a sort of 'if you erased Indiana Jones from Raiders it would end the same' feeling here. Take away all the nonsense and Supergirl. Wouldn't 'Rage' find 'Fear' and they would merge and maybe 'Fear' would take control? Would this whole thing go the same way?

Why do I get the feeling that Tamaki had a story idea for a 'male/female character split in two that need to reconcile their duality' and just shoved Supergirl into the mix to get it printed?

I hope Tamaki doesn't get to write this character for a long time.
I hope I see Patridge on new books soon.
I can't wait for this to be over.

Overall grade: D+ (raised by art)

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