Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Xum's Who Volume II : Sand Superman

I have been a fan of The Fire And Water Podcast Network since its inception. This includes but isn't limited to their excellent Who's Who review show. I have really enjoyed the in-depth analysis of every Who's Who pages from the original through the updates and then the loose leaf series.

I also enjoyed and was impressed by the work of the departed Xum Yukinori. Xum was a true artist - excellent at illustration but also writing, voice acting, and editing sound and podcasts.

As I said, Xum was a tremendous artist and a knowledgeable comic fan. He had created Who's Who pages for characters that he thought should have been in the original series, the overlooked ones. And his son and friends continued his good work creating a second volume.

And so I bring you the Sand Superman page from the Xum's Who volume II. I thought Sand Superman should have had a page in the original so I am glad that the character is honored here. 

Isamu did a great job here writing up the history and powers of this character, most famous for the oft-reprinted Kryptonite Nevermore storyline as well as the Superman Vs. Shazam trade, But the character has been recreated by Walt Simonson and Sholly Fisch in more recent years. 

So soak up the tremendous page and then read ahead for some more fun.

The Sand Superman is my avatar on pretty much all my social media. 

As a kid I was struck by this panel in his first appearance. The extradimensional spirit from Quarrm has just created a body from sand.

It is 'a thing ... cast in the mold of Superman'. 

At times I felt like that. I'm not Superman. I might want to be Superman, be like Superman ... but I'm not him. 

I first saw that panel as a kid. When I was still in elementary school, my parents gave me the "Superman From the 30s to the 70s" hardcover collection. 

Within it was a reprint of Superman #233, the first part of the Kryptonite Nevermore arc. Can you imagine being a kid and not knowing where this story went?? I read this book over and over and this issue was always the one that got me! Look at that cliffhanger!

It was only later that I bought and read the back issues. Superman #233 is a key issue in my collection, signed by Denny O'Neil, Murphy Anderson, and Neal Adams at three separate cons over time. 

But as much as this is a celebration of a beloved character, it is more a celebration of Xum and Isamu Yukiori and their Xum's Who. Heck, this second volume includes famous other Superman properties - The Super-Mobile and the Human Cannonball!

I love the book and I really love this page. 


PT Dilloway said...

I bet there are lots of debates over if Sand Superman can beat Sandman from Spider-Man comics.

Steve said...

This is the oldest Superman story I can recall buying off the new stand.

Martin Gray said...

Xum was some kind of genius, and Isamu and Adrian and co are doing him proud… I’m especially delighted by the original Bat-Girl illustration by Mrs Yukinori, Namiko. And the Sand Superman is so creepy!