Well, 'the best laid plans ...' as they say.
When I first created this blog, I thought I would have the time to post multiple times a week, reviewing comics and providing some commentary. Alas, life seems to have got in the way of so noble a pursuit.
So, now that we are 6 months out from my original post, it is time to re-direct and re-focus.
My new hope for the blog will be to provide commentary on one title and one character. And, no surprise here, that character will be Supergirl.
So here is the blog's new empty promise. My hope is to provide a review of each month's Supergirl issue for as long as the current title runs. Should I read a back issue from my S-Girl collection (which spans from the Adventure comics of the 70's through now) I will review that as well. Lastly, any nifty S-Girl items which I come across I will chat about as well. If things get slow, I will post something from my ever-growing collection of commissions.
To start the new focus, I have attached a commission I recently obtained from Jim Mooney, shortly before his passing on last month.
Mooney was considered the Supergirl artist of the 60's, drawing most of her back-up adventures in Action comics. His Kara had those big pale blue eyes and exuded the innocence and grace of the Silver Age. About 6 months ago I heard he was still doing commissions. I emailed him and got a nice response. I asked for a shot of Supergirl and Streaky flying as I felt that image would best capture the adventures he drew. To be honest, I gushed like a fanboy ... this guy is a legend in the whole field, let alone his legendary status with Kara. The commission arrived with a nice note at the bottom. The shipment also included a bunch of photostats, prints, and posters of Supergirl as well. Guess my gushing worked! I was sad to read of Mr. Mooney's passing last month, realizing I had never sent him a note to thank him profusely for what has become a cornerstone of my commission collection.
When I first created this blog, I thought I would have the time to post multiple times a week, reviewing comics and providing some commentary. Alas, life seems to have got in the way of so noble a pursuit.
So, now that we are 6 months out from my original post, it is time to re-direct and re-focus.
My new hope for the blog will be to provide commentary on one title and one character. And, no surprise here, that character will be Supergirl.
So here is the blog's new empty promise. My hope is to provide a review of each month's Supergirl issue for as long as the current title runs. Should I read a back issue from my S-Girl collection (which spans from the Adventure comics of the 70's through now) I will review that as well. Lastly, any nifty S-Girl items which I come across I will chat about as well. If things get slow, I will post something from my ever-growing collection of commissions.
To start the new focus, I have attached a commission I recently obtained from Jim Mooney, shortly before his passing on last month.
Mooney was considered the Supergirl artist of the 60's, drawing most of her back-up adventures in Action comics. His Kara had those big pale blue eyes and exuded the innocence and grace of the Silver Age. About 6 months ago I heard he was still doing commissions. I emailed him and got a nice response. I asked for a shot of Supergirl and Streaky flying as I felt that image would best capture the adventures he drew. To be honest, I gushed like a fanboy ... this guy is a legend in the whole field, let alone his legendary status with Kara. The commission arrived with a nice note at the bottom. The shipment also included a bunch of photostats, prints, and posters of Supergirl as well. Guess my gushing worked! I was sad to read of Mr. Mooney's passing last month, realizing I had never sent him a note to thank him profusely for what has become a cornerstone of my commission collection.