Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Back Issue Bin: Justice League Of America #183

I am a Bronze Age baby and one of the joys I get out of this site is looking back at comic history as a reflection of current storylines. My Back Issue Bin dives allow me to revisit some classics, maybe introduce them to some of you or rekindle memories in others. But for me the joy is to take something happening in the DCU today and see similarities in the past. 

I thought given Amazo's appearance in both My Adventures With Superman and Absolute Power, that I'd review Action Comics #480-483. an Amazo story which also included the first appearance of the Supermobile. (I am sure I'll cover that at some point.)

But with Darkseid's death and the resurgence of the New Gods in the DCU in the All-In Special and the Absolute Universe as well as a new Justice League and Justice Society books on the docket, I thought reviewing Justice League of America #183-185 seemed more timely.

This was one of the annual JLA/JSA team-ups, this time 'Crisis on New Genesis'. If there have been Crises on Earth-S, Earth-X, and all the others, why not New Genesis! Written by JLA legendary writer Gerry Conway and drawn by JLA legendary artist Dick Dillin, this was a big event. 

This was 1980. The New Gods were sort of a small pocket in the DCU and not everywhere, all the time like they are now. Their series was done in 1972. There was a brief run in 1978, written by Conway which tried to pick up where Kirby left off. And then the story was 'ended' in Adventure Comics #459-460 later in 1978. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Conway picked things up again. The Fourth World is too rich an IP to leave untouched. But even after this story, where the return of Darkseid was a surprise, he was still very much a 'surprise' villain in the Great Darkness Saga two years later in 1982.

In fact, this story was really my first deep dive into the Fourth World. Yes, I had bought an Englehart/Rogers Mister Miracle issue a couple of years earlier. And I read the odd DCCP or B&B team-up. But otherwise, seeing Apokolips and hearing the history? All new. These characters are so ubiquitous now!

Check out the Jim Starlin cover with Orion on the warpath! 

Lastly and sadly, this was Dick Dillin's last issue. He suffered a heart attack after this issue and passed away. This was after a very lengthy run on this book ... basically unbroken from Justice League #64! Ten years! 

Enough preamble, on to the story!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Review: Action Comics #1070 - Superman Story

Action Comics #1070 came out last week, the first issue of the Mark Waid and Clayton Henry weekly run on the book. I have already covered the Supergirl back-up so on to the main tale. 

Mark Waid has been firing on all cylinders since he came back to DC. His Batman/Superman World's Finest book has been my favorite title since its inception. Now he gets a turn on Action Comics and Superman solo and I can't be happier. Waid's love of Superman is well known. His love of DC Comic history is also well known. And both shine in this story.

From Kandor to the Phantom Zone to the signal watch to the super-family, the book sings. Again, Waid straddles the line between classic DC sensibilities and modern story-telling. This opening chapter is a body horror comic linked to Krypton's past. I loved every panel of it. And I haven't even mentioned that, as always, Waid writes a great Supergirl. She shines in this issue.

Clayton Henry brings his thick-lined, organic art to the proceedings. This is an old-school Kryptonian slugfest and it all flows beautifully. But I really want to compliment the cover. Yes, this is an 'All In' cover showcase of Superman. But Mon-El and Professor Xa-Du in Donneresque Phantom Zone mirrors is just beautiful.

Let's dive right in!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Review: Action Comics #1070 - Supergirl Back-Up

The All In era at DC Comics started this week with the release of Absolute Batman #1. Part of that initiative is Mark Waid coming on to Action Comics and that title going to weekly! Within Action Comics, we have a Supergirl back-up feature by Mariko Tamaki and Sklyar Patridge. 

Given the focus of this site, I will be reviewing these Action issues in two parts, making sure to give the Supergirl story the space it deserves. For us old timers, seeing Supergirl in the back of Action Comics, a space she anchored in the Silver Age, is perfect.

Action Comics #1070 was released this week. So we jump right into the story. But before we get there, a couple of opening salvos.

First off, Supergirl is treated very very well by Mark Waid in the main story. I cannot wait to show how Waid continues that 'field marshal', second-in-command feel for Supergirl within the super-family.

Second, Mariko Tamaki wrote the rather bland Supergirl Special #1 almost a year ago. That story was extremely rough. Supergirl not remembering Krypton (after PKJ had her be the Kryponian archivist for years). Supergirl jealous of Power Girl (after we just had a PG story where she was jealous of Supergirl). And, of course, a concentration on eating snacks. How DC could read that story and say 'this is the writer we want to guide Supergirl in her next solo story' is confusing.

Third, this story seems to concentrate on Supergirl's 'new power' coming out of Absolute Power, a hypno-vision where she can literally control people. That has troubling implications all over the place about consent. In the story, it shows the super-family having a lack of trust in their friends. And we simply don't need Kara to have this power any more than we need Black Canary to have heat vision or Power Girl to 'astral punch'.

At the very least, Skylar Patridge is reunited with Tamaki and brings a wonderful art style to the proceedings. Patridge has a sort of breezy, fine-lined style that feels like a top-notch indy book. That is not faint praise. The art is beautiful. 

But this opening chapter is a little confusing and a little troubling. So I hope things get tighter. On to the book.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Absolute Superman, Dark Legion, And An Idea With Laurel Gand

I am a Legion of Super-Heroes fan. It is no surprise. I cover them here. I covered them at The Legion of Super-Bloggers. I love the IP.

We have gone through a couple of decades without a solid take on the Legion. Brian Bendis' efforts seemed to flame out and I think will probably be swept under the continuity rug. 

So I was a bit split in my reaction to the middle splash in the DC All In #1 Special

How great is it to see a Legion again, and one with relatively recognizable members! How great to see Dan Mora draw them! How terrible that it is a 'Dark Legion', part of the Absolute Universe! (I mean, I think that is Brainiac 5 in the lower left and he looks monstrous!)

But at least it is a Legion and them being introduced in this universe makes me hope that we will see one in the prime universe as well. 

Well, it got me thinking about the Absolute Universe a little more and perhaps the make-up of the team. 

Given the theme's of an older and alone and somewhat angry Superman that we have heard will be in Absolute Superman, I am going to guess that he is truly to sole survivor. At least, I think that will be the take at the beginning. 

So no Supergirl in this universe ... again, I am guessing here but reading the tea leaves. 

Perhaps there is room for a Supergirl analogue?

Monday, October 7, 2024

Review: All-In Special #1

The DC All-In Special #1, a special flip book opening to the line-wide initiative and relaunch, came out last week and was a very enjoyable read. This was a group effort with Joshua Williamson and Scott Snyder writing the two halves and a bevy of artists anchored by Wes Craig and Daniel Sampere providing the art.

I'll start out with some caveats. I did not read any of Absolute Power so I don't have an understanding of what happened to the multiverse. I did not think I would be very interested in the Absolute line of books (although after reading a sneak peek of Absolute Batman I am pretty intrigued). With those two truths in mind, I didn't have major expectations from this book. 

Snyder and Williamson do a very solid job here though, grabbing me more than I thought they would. For one, the recognize DC history here, both recent and more ingrained in an old reader like me. They bring in an interesting wrinkle about Darkseid to a truth in the longstanding DCU that I am surprised hasn't been touched on before. And they put forward a brief origin for the Absolute Universe, the Elseworld, that touches on DC history too. 

And while I feel that the main goal of this book was to give people a taste of the Absolute Universe, the major push from the DC company, they also bring in some hints for new books on the main Earth. 

The art is also fantastic. Wes Craig brings a raw, chaotic feel to the Darkseid side of the book and does an incredible job touring the DCU and timeline. On the flipside, Daniel Sampere brings his clean, crisp style to the main world story, a stark contrast in feel befitting the stories.

I liked this a lot. And it did it's job, making me <gasp> a little excited about some upcoming things. On to the book itself.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Review: My Adventures With Superman #5

My Adventures with Superman #5 came out this week, the penultimate issue of this mini-series bridging the two seasons of the show. It is interesting to see just how much Kryptonian tech and concern for a Kryptonian invasion permeates the whole IP. 

Writer Sophia Campbell continues to create a sort of three-dimensional universe for this take on Superman. First and foremost, she writes an inspirational Superman and inspirational Lois. These are both heroes in their own right. This is a Superman who lifts people up by telling them that acts are more important than words. That there is no fate save that what we make. And that you can shake off expectations if we want. It is clear that Amazo, a now sentient robot with a nefarious reason for existing, is going to be a full hero, someone who sacrifices himself to save others. Some of that is because he has been befriended and supported by Superman. I'm okay with it.

Pablo Collar continues to do a great job on art. There is that cartoony/anime style that jibes with the cartoon. But he has to do serious action here. He also has to bring in mecha, hand beams, airplanes, and brawling. Again, that makes this feel like a true separate universe. 

I know we are getting a 3rd season of the show. So I hope we get another bridging mini. 

On to the book. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Back Issue Box: Action Comics #512

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Action Comics #510, covering a story where Lex Luthor apparently turns over a new leaf, becoming a force for good because he has found love. The story started there, with Lex finding Angela Blake, saving her from a lethal DXS disease, and falling so in love that he turns away from evil. 

Action Comics #512 completes the three parter (sorry, I can't find my #511!) and it is, perhaps, one of the craziest Lex stories I have read. Settle in for some Lex playing the long game, Lex altering his own mind, and Lex regretting it all in the end. But also get ready to read Lex at his most evil, his most brutal. 

And when you deal with all that Lex, get ready to see an appropriately angry Superman.

Kudos to Cary Bates for this one. I'd say that three part stories were relatively rare back in 1980. But I think that second part (alas not reviewed here yet) was a keep part to get us to this issue. That middle chapter adds time to this story, makes Lex's long con feel long, and adds some potential legitimacy to Lex's turn to goodness.  

It all starts with this killer cover by Ross Andru and Dick Giordano. Superman kissing Lex's bride in front of him, and clearly on the wedding day is a throwback to the classic covers with our hero acting mean to his friends. The red aura is a nice clue to what happens in the story. And lastly, the addition of the toppling wedding cake is pure gold.  Inside art is by the classic team of Curt Swan and Frank Chiaramonte. 

Settle in. This one is a doozy.