Friday, February 28, 2025

Review: Superman #23

Superman #23 came out this week, continuing the future Time Trapper Doomsday arc. This has been one high-velocity story as a ton of moving parts are weaving in and out of the narrative. In the present day, Doomsday is loose. The Radiant and the Aftermath have arrived on Earth to dispatch Doomsday, even if they have to mess up Earth in the process. Superman is trying to hold back Red K rage. Superwoman is learning her powers. Lex is regaining his memories and perhaps his genius as well. And within this is that Time Trapper Doomsday, trying to convince our heroes to kill him and let him ascend.

Somehow Joshua Williamson is able to keep all the balls in the air, giving every piece of the plot the right amount of real estate. This whole storyline is very compelling for me. When did Doomsday become the Time Trapper? Why does he want to be killed? Why is he intervening at this point in time? And all this happening while Williamson is bulking up the supporting cast and their side stories as well. It is a very solid read with a lot to contemplate.

I will also say that this issue feels like it ends this arc, or perhaps puts it on hold in a major way. There isn't a true resolution here. So it has a middle chapter vibe. In the Bronze Age it would have ended with 'To Be Continued ???'. I'd love to see more of the happenings here. I want more of this Time Trapper. But I think I will need to wait.

Dan Mora is on art and shines here, no surprise. I think Mora devotes his time to the major panels which need supreme attention which include massive battle scenes. Mora is just a godsend to books like this.

On to the book.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Review: Justice League Of America #185

 With the Absolute Universe built on Darkseid energy and the Ram V New Gods book being so good, I have dipped into the back issue box to review Justice League of America #183-185, the 'Crisis on Apokolips' storyline, another annual JLA/JSA crossover with the New Gods in tow. Today I'll review JLA #185, the finale. (Here are links to my part 1 and part 2 reviews.)

To be an honest reviewer, I have some mixed feelings about this issue and the conclusion to the storyline. I'll start with the good. 

Writer Gerry Conway throughout this story has done a great job of showcasing the personalities of all the characters as they have broken up into side missions. We have really great moments from all of them, worthy of a spotlight in this review. This is a great read if you love seeing inspiration from Superman and Wonder Woman, skills and intelligence from Batman and Mister Miracle, and action and philosophy from Dr. Fate and Green Lantern. Add to that the brilliant art by JLA-newcomer George Perez. I know that praising George Perez seems unnecessary but his work here is great, in both big moments and small. You can see this almost like the petri dish of Crisis on Infinite Earths as he handles a big cast, big action, weird landscapes, while making sure smaller scenes get their due. The work is incredible. We also get this pretty slick Jim Starlin cover.

I'll also say this is 1980. Darkseid and the New Gods were still .. well .. new. I learned of Darkseid from this story. 

So what's the downside?

Well, the solution to the problem, the ending of the threat, comes out of nowhere and on the last page. There is no build-up, no suspense, no 'crisis' of winning. It just sort of happens. I am not one for overly decompressed stories but this one would have completely benefited from a fourth issue. Part of it is pacing. We get three pages recapping the prior two issues. They are stunning pages for sure. But perhaps that space could have been better served?

On to the issue! Buckle up!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Review: Batman/Superman World's Finest #36

Batman/Superman World's Finest #36 came out this week and was a fun middle chapter in this undersea adventure. The Floronic Man has used some hallucinogenic spores to enrage the people of Tritonis, leading that city to think the city of Poseidonis is using it to weaken the city for takeover.

The overall plot, as well as Floronic Man's motivations, are pretty thin. I think that is almost an afterthought so that writer Mark Waid can tell the stories he really wants. What if Aquaman's interactions with the surface world weakened his political power in Atlantis? What if Superman was reunited with Lori Lemaris? There are a lot of Silver Age reverberations in this one. The most obvious one is how big a pill Lori's husband Ronal is. He is bit of a domineering jerk, ready to throw down the gauntlet and start a war.

But for an old-school Superman fan like me, I always get joy out of seeing Superman and Lori interact. Lori is a married woman making Superman quite the Casanova here. Where does this fall in continuity? It is obviously pre-proposal to Lois. It seems to be post-Swamp Thing Anatomy Lesson? Hmmm ...

As for the art, Adrian Gutierrez seems to be having a ton of fun here. We see Atlantean armor. We see battle scenes. We see botanical bodies. He even continues to use words as interesting art flourishes. I love this cover by Dan Mora with Swamp Thing's face formed out of the branches/seaweed. 

Overall, a fun issue with a great cliffhanger. The foundation of the story is sort of thin but the plots built on it are great.

On to the book.

Friday, February 21, 2025

New Supergirl Book By Sophie Campbell

The official DC May solicits haven't hit the web yet but Bleeding Cool already has scans of the previews and lo and behold there is news of a new Supergirl book. Here is the solicit and some preview art.

1:25 variant cover by BILQUIS EVELY 
1:50 variant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES 
Foil variant cover by STANLEY "ARTGERM" LAU 
Blank variant cover
ON SALE 5/14/25

Kara Zor-El has been a key member of the Super-Family in Metropolis, but what happens when she strikes out on her own? Follow Kara as she returns to her roots in Midvale…home of Supergirl! But how could this be? Our hero has not been back in years, and the protector of that town has been saving the day for weeks. Can Supergirl stop the impostor before they steal her fresh start and life?
Celebrated writer/artist Sophie Campbell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wet Moon) makes her mark on the DC Universe with this thrilling debut issue! Plus a new costume designed by bestselling cover artist Stanley "Artgerm" Lau.  NOT FINAL TRADE DRESS COVERS

There is a lot to unpack here. I very much love Campbell's art but I haven't read much of the stories she has written. Her writing style will be new to me. That said the solicit sounds great.

I think the Super-family has swollen to pretty big numbers so I think moving Supergirl out of the city and letting her branch out on her own, be the solo star, is great. I also like Midvale being the setting, a flashback to classic Supergirl.  I have loved her relationship with Superman in the Williamson and Phillip Kennedy Johnson books but it will be nice to see her not be second in command and instead marching her own way. 

I do know that Campbell has been on TMNT recently and I would love to hear from anyone who read that what they thought. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Moritat Commission Gift From Derek WC

One of the things that I have come to completely appreciate about the comic community on line is how generous it is. 

Within the community I have become friends with Derek W. C. of the Fanholes podcast. Derek is a huge comic art collector and we have that shared interest. He and I often discuss our commission hopes prior to cons. Heck, we even did a long form podcast about it here

It was during this talk that he convinced me to post my commission over on Comic Art Fans here

So imagine my surprise when I got this Supergirl sketch card in the mail from Derek. The art is by Moritat and shows this wonderfully happy Supergirl. I just love the broad smile and the elegant simplicity to the art. It is completely charming.

If you want to hear about Derek obtaining the card at the Original Art Expo, you can hear about it here:

I really am just overwhelmed by the generosity. This is a welcome addition to the collection.

Monday, February 17, 2025

DC Comics Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech NR032 Supergirl Action Figure

I recently obtained a set of book shelves which allowed me to devise a new shrine set-up. 

What better way to celebrate that than to get a new piece for the collection. And what a piece!

Purchased through Big Bad Toy Store , this is the Yamaguchi Revoltech Supergirl figure from Japan. 

Like many pieces from Japan, it is extremely articulated, with moving joints, and some articulation in the chest and even hair. If you are looking for a figure to pose in a million different ways, it is this one.

Add to the articulation that the set comes with 4 different sets of hands and 3 different faces and this is the toy that keeps on giving. Yes, there is a 'red eyes' face but also a serious and smiling one. And hands are fists or splayed of flat handed. It is pretty fun.

Add to that you get a stand with peg-holes and an extension you can stick in the figure's back to give the illusion of flying. I like the gold (not yellow) accents of the shield. It even has a cloth cape. 

I picked this 'flying by to say hey!' pose.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Review: Action Comics #1083

Action Comics #1083 came out this week, the second part of John Ridley's arc during the Superman Superstars era of the title. Last issue showed a sort of bleak world where both our heroes and our villains were downtrodden and dreary. I wondered if something might be manipulating people's feelings.

In this issue, Ridley gives us the answer. I don't know if it quite worked for me but this is a middle chapter so maybe it will all work out in the end. Maybe I was thinking of something more innovative. I will say that the cause of the villains hopelessness and the cause for Superman's hopelessness are different which gives this a somewhat interesting twist. But in the end, it raises another concerning question, one I talk about at the end of this review.

Inaki Miranda stays on art and is solid. I like how beefy he makes Superman, a physical presence. There is a nice action-filled 2 page spread near the end that is quite brilliant. I like the way he draws Scorch as well. 

But this issue overall fell just a little flat with that big plot reveal. 

On to the specifics.