Okay, I know it is going to be released tomorrow but I have been eagerly awaiting Supergirl Annual #1. So how could I now post a little bit of the preview that we got yesterday on the DC blog The Source ( http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2009/08/31/get-a-glimpse-at-supergirls-double-life-in-supergirl-annual-1/ ).
While I am very happy with the role Supergirl has been playing in the massive New Krypton storyline, I have been looking forward to more solo aimed adventures too. Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle basically had one issue in their run before New Krypton exploded. Some of the more Supergirl-centric storylines, like Linda Lang, have been pushed to the back burner a bit.
So I am glad that we finally get to see a little more of that direction here.
Plus, I will use any excuse to post that Renato Guedes cover. It is fantastic! And I especially love that Linda Lang is written in the super-font.

The story opens up with the Science Police rushing into a bank where a robbery has been thwarted. Given that the troop of robbers have been subdued, their guns melted, the SciPo has reason to believe a Kryptonian is among the crowd. Rather than just scoop the thieves and leave, the Science Police think they need to sweep the crowd to find the 'illegal alien'.

One thing I like in this early scene is that we get a 'man on the street' feel for what the common man thinks of Kryptonians. Look at the fear on that lady as she calls them murderers. Others are more blase about the whole thing.
And finally we get a sighting of Linda Lang in Supergirl, the first we have seen her here since the last panel of Supergirl #34. Hooray!

We then flashback to just before Linda rushed to the bank.
Sitting in Lana's apartment, Supergirl is pretty angry when she hears General Lane mouthpiece Morgan Edge spouting some ant-Kryptonian garbage.
It is another nice moment for those of us waiting for more of the Supergirl based plot threads to come to fruition as opposed to the more New Krypton based arcs. In a number of interviews, Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle have talked about the mentor-like relationship between Lana and Kara. We really haven't seen it too much. So just to see the two of them sitting together and talking is refreshing.

The ongoing robbery is announced on the television including the fact that their are hostages and that the Science Police has their hands full.
Kara wants to rush off but Kryptonians are illegal on Earth. Lana has the bright idea to send Supergirl over as Linda so she can act undercover.

I love how the only place to sneak in under super-speed is the restroom. Not exactly a heroic entrance! The thieves break down the restroom door before Linda has time to button her pants.
Still, now that she is in, Kara can take care of business ... something we know she has done based on the results seen on the first page. I love the confidence of Linda's face in the last panel below. You almost get the sense that she is going to enjoy taking these guys down.
Fernando Dagnino's art seems fine here. His Linda looks just as I would imagine her to. And his Lana looks just a bit fatigued ... maybe a slight hint at her underlying illness.
As I have said before, writing Supergirl is hard. Supergirl fans are hard to please. So let me say up front .... I am not in any way saying that I am unhappy with the New Krypton plot lines. Clearly that story is so huge, Supergirl has to be a part of it. In fact, I am thrilled with the size of her role in the overall story. She has been a pretty important figure! It's just that I want it all ... I want to see some solo adventures as well as the more tightly enmeshed Super-family stories. We just got a taste of what Gates and Igle want to do before New Krypton swept the land.
So I can't wait for this issue!And let's not forget that the other half of this issue is a closer look at Superwoman's origin ... something else I have been clamoring for!
Anj said: "I love how the only place to sneak in under super-speed is the restroom. Not exactly a heroic entrance!"
True, but its another Supergirl movie easter egg, but in reverse. Linda Lee in the movie rushes into the ladies room at Popeye's to become Supergirl, while Supergirl here rushes into the ladies room at the bank to become Linda Lang. Gotta love Sterling for all those movie references!
Fernando Dagnino? o_0 What happened to Jamal?? :/
Damn I can’t wait to get this! I only wish I knew exactly WHEN this all occurred during her careers time line though. *Scratches head* :/
Gene said: True, but its another Supergirl movie easter egg, but in reverse. Linda Lee in the movie rushes into the ladies room at Popeye's to become Supergirl, while Supergirl here rushes into the ladies room at the bank to become Linda Lang. Gotta love Sterling for all those movie references!
True true, heh. ;)
Oh, and Sterling: I plead to you to please bring back the original E-1 Kara/Supergirl as a Black Lantern (wearing a BL uniform theme similar to that of E-2 Superman’s) during the BN mega event, please! Hell, even if you can do a special 3 issue ‘BN: Supergirl’ mini that would handle E-1 Kara/Supergirl’s return proper to our current main DCU only to discover that our main DCU continuity has seemingly replaced her existence with a new version of herself where we later on see E-1 Kara/Supergirl going toe to toe with our all new Kara/Supergirl in a HUGE face off would be satisfying enough in the end! BD
There is no better time then NOW to resurrect the original E-1 Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Danvers/Supergirl proper DC! We already have E-2 Superman and his wife so why not E-1 Supergirl!
The original Kara can't be revived because she never physically existed in the universe now. She's not lying in a grave in any physical location to be resurrected from. That's different from Kal-L and Lois of Earth-Two, both of whom physically died in the current universe and whose actual physical bodies were buried in graves.
Talos said:
Oh, and Sterling: I plead to you to please bring back the original E-1 Kara/Supergirl as a Black Lantern (wearing a BL uniform theme similar to that of E-2 Superman’s) during the BN mega event, please!
Jason replied:
The original Kara can't be revived because she never physically existed in the universe now.
I have to agree with Jason. There *was* no E-1 Kara so she can't be revived. Kal-L survived the original Crisis so he can still be around.
psycho pirate has the medusa mask, ever read animal man?
As for how crisis happened, there was an earth one kara, but by the end of crisis they weren't on Earth One anymore. Think about it this way, in Many Happy Returns why did Kara have to die if she'd never lived in the first place? how did the spectre know about her? where did she go back to if she never existed? Also, consider this. In the new continuity how did crisis happen and how does that fit with Many Happy returns?
psycho pirate has the medusa mask, ever read animal man?
I love Morrison's Animal Man. Hard to believe that came out 20 years ago!
Think about it this way, in Many Happy Returns why did Kara have to die if she'd never lived in the first place? how did the spectre know about her? where did she go back to if she never existed? Also, consider this. In the new continuity how did crisis happen and how does that fit with Many Happy returns?
Well these are great questions and ones I have pondered for a while. If no one remembers the prior Kara than how could she have saved the multiverse in COIE #7.
I figure that everyone vaguely remembers the 'Crisis' but not great details.
And Many Happy Returns is just a fabulous read!
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