You know, just days after I gush about how much I am enjoying the current Adventure Comics title by Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul, Dan Didio talks about how much the book is changing in his latest Newsarama 20 questions ( http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090914-didio-20answers.html ). Here is part of the discussion.
The change was in the works already before Paul stepped into the mix. And the change started at the moment we decided Francis was going to be the artist on The Flash.What we're planning to do with The Flash ongoing series, we needed to get Francis and Geoff off the Adventure Comics series so they could concentrate on The Flash ongoing. So we knew we had a change there. We just weren't sure exactly where and when.
So it sounds like The Flash (and I am assuming it is Barry) just trumped Adventure in importance by DC or in desire by the Johns/Manapul team. It's a shame because both their script and the art seemed perfectly suited for Adventure in these first 2 issues.
And we were going back and forth on which issue it was because Geoff had a really wonderful Superboy story that he wanted to tell that, unfortunately, will have to be pushed to a later date.But my goal now is to get those guys going on Flash as soon as possible. And then when all the changes started to occur, Paul was our only choice for the series.
So this is where I scratch my head. So a 'wonderful' Superboy story is being pushed back so Flash can come out. Why the rush for the Flash ... unless DC thinks they need to capitalize on Flash:Rebirth and/or Blackest Night.
I am interested to see if Paul Levitz can recreate some Legion magic.
We're going to see Conner's, probably, gradual leave from that book. But that's not to say Conner won't be joining a team book soon, or appearing in another series of his own at some point.
So where does that leave all of these things started in Adventure ... the life in Smallville, the Lex Luthor stand-in, etc. This book is only 2 months old and already everything about it is changing. Is a Superboy book really around the corner? Didio sounds too vague to make me think that is imminent.
Oh ... and I can't help but be thrilled that *my* question to Didio about critical success and sales, specifically in regards to R.E.B.E.L.S., was chosen! It is sort of like seeing a letter printed in a comic letter column in the old days.
I am glad that Didio is behind R.E.B.E.L.S. too!
Congrats on the selection of your question and, even more impressive, getting an actual response!
Ah, I'm only a little bitter.... :P
Meanwhile, I was so enjoying this series and, as one of the youngin's who grew up reading the nineties generation of Superheroes in the comics, it kind of feels like yet another one of my favourites is being pushed to the sidelines again, so you'll excuse me if I'm thrilled about this changeover.
Okay, so maybe more than a little.
I can't wait to see Legion again properly. I don't think Connor should ever have been made the star of adventure. It should have been the legion with connor as back up. Not only have we had a legion comic for decades connor has been dead for years so Legion would have been the sensible bet for re-introducing connor. Also what genius thought that 8 pages was good enough for a modern Legion story?
I agree with everything you've said there, Nikki! ;)
Oh and congrats on getting your question through and answered at that, Anj! :)
That is depressing news. lol
Congrats on the selection of your question and, even more impressive, getting an actual response!
Ah, I'm only a little bitter.... :P
LOL ...
I really wanted an answer to the first part and used REBELS as an example. Still, I'll keep ringing the REBELS bell.
Meanwhile, I was so enjoying this series and, as one of the youngin's who grew up reading the nineties generation of Superheroes in the comics, it kind of feels like yet another one of my favourites is being pushed to the sidelines again, so you'll excuse me if I'm thrilled about this changeover.
It just seems like there should be room for a Superboy book (especially with this team and direction) AND a Legion book.
Now we have this book in disarray while The Flash gets Johns/Manapul.
It doesn't seem right.
Not only have we had a legion comic for decades connor has been dead for years so Legion would have been the sensible bet for re-introducing connor. Also what genius thought that 8 pages was good enough for a modern Legion story?
Thanks for the post.
When the book was first announced I thought for sure at some point the two features would merge into a new Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes book.
Would have satisfied most people.
I agree with everything you've said there, Nikki! ;)
Oh and congrats on getting your question through and answered at that, Anj! :)
I hope they get a great artist to hook up with Levitz on the Legion.
My question was certianly ignored..
"Why the Spectre is such a wimp?"
Seriously, he just NEVER makes a difference in ANY event..
My question was certianly ignored..
"Why the Spectre is such a wimp?"
Seriously, he just NEVER makes a difference in ANY event..
The Spectre and Lady Shiva have become 'yard stick' characters used simply to show how tough someone else is.
"You know how tough he is? He beat the Spectre!'
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