In some ways I feel a bit for James Robinson. After starring in Superman for about a year, Mon-El's conclusion is relegated to the back pages of Adventure Comics. I understand how it is all in the timing. You couldn't put this story out until Last Stand ended. Once War of the Supermen is over, DC is going to want to really jump-start the super-titles with new directions and new creative teams. With no super-titles coming out this month, Mon-El's story had to land somewhere else. Adventure Comics was an easy home. Still, it would have been nice if Mon-El and Robinson could have ended their run in the title they have starred on.
I also think that the Legion story is crunched into too few pages ... maybe because Mon-El's pages warrant so much space. Hmmmm, this seems to be a running critique for me lately ... that I want more story than I am seeing. I guess that's a good thing. It means the writers have grabbed me.

We finally get to see the Legion begin enlarging the bottled cities, re-establishing the future timeline that had been destroyed by Brainiac. In this instance, we get to see Chameleon Boy create 'New Durla'. One of the Durlans in the bottle is Queltop Daggle, ancestor of both Cham and RJ Brande. Cham just saved his future.
One thing I like was how Cham actually told Queltop that he was from the Legion. Despite the concern for warping the time stream, Cham let it slip and Queltop repeats it. Could it be that word ... Legion ... gets carried down through the family until it reaches Ren Daggle, R.J. Brande 1000 years later prompting him to name the Legion? Interesting and nice touch.

Brainy wants to ask his vile ancestor some questions but before he can get the queries out, Brainiac slips from his bonds and attacks. While Brainiac is irate about losing his cities and their knowledge, he realizes that Brainiac 5's knowledge of the future will be a decent trade.
Again, I don't know if I am happy to see Brainiac become so physical a creature. Remember in the Brainiac story arc he said he hadn't left his biosuit in centuries. It just seems odd that he would become a brawler.
Maybe Brainy realized that this might happen. He has already called for back-up.

I was sort of looking forward to seeing the three Brainiacs interact but unfortunately they only share one page and scant dialogue. Again, I wonder if this was one of this scenes that was shortened because page space was at a premium.

I find it interesting that Lightning Lass always seems to be front and center in these recent Legion group shots. Is she considered one of the most popular Legionnaires? Most fun to draw? Cutest?
I thought Sterling Gates had a nice hold of the Brainiac 5 character, his dialogue reading true for me (a Legion fan for over 3 decades). Moore's art seems rough in some spots.

For instance, how great is this 2 page spread if Mon-El in deep space with all the cities he has saved. And it ends up being a treasure trove of Legion home worlds: Ultra Boy's Rimbor, Triplicate Girl's Cargg, Star Boy's Xanthu, Matter-Eater Lad's Bismoll, Shrinking Violet's Imsk, Timber Wolf's Zoon, ... even Chemical King's Phlon. Man, I haven't thought about Chemical King in a looooong time.

I think I called the Lanothians becoming the Titanians when we first met them. Of course, I thought they would land on the moon brought next to new Krypton. Should have known that wasn't right since it wasn't Titan. Anyways, this does explain away one of my DCU conundrums ... how could Jemm's race and Saturn Girl's race come from the same world. So I think this is a really neat wrinkle.

I love his angry expression as he shouts 'having fun now?' It looks like he might have left Calomar to his doom as the lab fills with water.
But who is this blond female Daxamite? The only one I really know is Laurel Gand?

Mon-El gives her his rocket ship to journey back to the stars.
I would have liked another line or two here about who she is. Since she is from the present, I don't think she is Laurel Gand. In fact, I don't even know if Laurel Gand is in continuity. And just as fast as she is shown, she is rocketed away.
Hmm... another plot thread tied off too quickly? How did Project 7734 keep her alive to experiment on her? Did they have an anti-lead serum? And just who the heck is she?

Chameleon Boy tells Mon-El that the Phantom Zone has been recreated and Mon-El must go back into it. The Zone is 'locked off' to the 21st century but not to the 31st. While Mon-El at first refuses to go back into the Zone, Cham reminds him that he has more work to do in the future.
We knew all along that Mon-El was going back into the Zone because we know that he ends up being in the Legion. But there is so much here left unsaid. Again, one of my complaints about Robinson's Superman run was the sheer amount of subplots that were brewing and all along I worried that they might not all be addressed in a satisfactory way. So we don't know why the Phantom Zone was destroyed in the first place. And now we hear that it is closed off to the present. Will we ever hear why? Or how?
Mon-El agrees and hands Superboy a note to give Billie Harper. Ugh ... the dreaded break-up letter. He couldn't talk to her in person? Isn't this just another plot thread snipped off too abruptly? Wouldn't a page of him saying goodbye to Billie be nice here, telling her how she taught him about love? Now don't all those bedroom and shower scenes with Billie seem a bit like wasted space or gratuitous?

I don't want to pile on here because to be honest the last several months of the Mon-El storyline as we revved up into Last Stand have been very good. And I think this issue was a very nice capstone wrapping up some of the bigger storylines weaving through the run. So this issue will get a good grade.
But overall, I think my feeling about this Robinson in Superman would be frustrated.
Overall grade (issue): B+/B
Ah, we differ. I adored this issue and was happy to have things wrapped up speedily - it's not as if getting here has been a speedy ride ... the RJ Brande will thing must have been going on two years or something.
I got a huge kick out of seeeing Mon-El do the seeding of worlds thing, and the unexpected appearance and use of J'emm was a great touch.
Speaking of J'emm, apologies if I've said this previously, but I was struck by how much his series reminded me of a Seventies Supergirl story. Bet you know which one I mean!
Funny how many go-around they had to make to re-shade continuity due to 2 important changes by Byrne:
No Supergirl
No Superboy
Ah, we differ. I adored this issue and was happy to have things wrapped up speedily - it's not as if getting here has been a speedy ride ... the RJ Brande will thing must have been going on two years or something.
It's tough. I think this whole arc has dragged out too long. But my beef is that a lot of time and pages were spent padding some areas. I wish those pages could be reallocated to these parts.
But I understand that I am being a bit of a hypocrite complaining it is both too long and too short.
Funny how many go-around they had to make to re-shade continuity due to 2 important changes by Byrne:
No Supergirl
No Superboy
It's true. And the resulting stories were a complete jumbled mess of pocket universes and time anomalies.
Maybe the rescued Daxamite female is an important ancestor to Laurel Gand? They did mess with Mon-El's reproductive organs, who knows maybe Calomar had her inseminated with Mon-El's baby? Wasn't Laurel Gand a distant relative to him?
The unknown love child of 2 21st Century era Daxamites? Heh, I could just imagine Mon's LSH eras' love interest Shadow Lass's reaction upon finding out that Mon actually has a daughter who dates back to the early 21st century, lol!
Stranger things have happened in the DC Universe.
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