But knowing that, I took another look at the solicit for the issue before. Here it is:
Supergirl #54
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle & Jon Sibal
Cover by Shane Davis
Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle continue their bold new direction for The Girl of Steel! When a vicious new threat arrives in Metropolis, it's up to Supergirl to stop the monster. But, boy, is she in for a surprise when she finds out just who this thing is and where it's from!
So let's assume that Bizarro Supergirl is the 'monster' terrorizing Metropolis in Supergirl #54. Why will Supergirl be surprised about where Bizarro is from?
It got me thinking. What if Bizarro Supergirl is from New Krypton?

Some of you may recall that when we were debating 'Who is Superwoman?', my guess was that Superwoman was an evil clone. In fact, I thought this panel when Alura and Zor-El was somewhat suspicious. At that time I said:
Maybe Zor-El and Alura missed their daughter so much while in the bottle of Kandor that they cloned their own copy to love and raise. And maybe that Kara aged a little faster because she was a clone. And maybe she wants to be part of the fun of the Superman family but she is a little insane.
So why can't that idea stand for the Bizarro Supergirl as well? Maybe it was an imperfect clone. In fact, maybe that explains the Silver Age style costume on Bizarro. That is how she would have dressed on New Krypton, not the midriff baring styles of Earth. And she was 'buried' somewhere on New Krypton, someplace that would have protected her from the blast. And now she is on Earth to terrorize the real Kara.
I know ... I know ... I sometimes seem married to the terribly cliched plot of 'evil clones'. Maybe I have to let it go.
Still, that means we have the upcoming surprise teased in the solicit ... where is Bizarro Supergirl from? Any other guesses?
Kryptonite of the red or black could be the method of making a Bizzaro.
What if her creation was somehow related to the Kryptonite blast Alura got from when they drained Kara from her Kryptonite poisoning. I was hoping they'd go back and explain that or do more with that, but now that New Krypton and Alura are gone, kinda seems moot at this point. :(
Brilliant theory there, Anj! I'd love to have it revealed that "Bizarro Supergirl" is infact Zor-El and Alura's failed attempt at a cloned Kara to try to fill the void their real daughter had left upon having been rocketed along with then baby Kal-El to Earth. I could just imagine Kara's clone even laying the entire blame on Kara for the very death of "their parents" which has the clone on this self imposed hell bent mission to "avenge their deaths" even!
*sighs* Alas, I think DC will just try to make her actual origin simpler then as theorised above though and just say she's from the very same square sized planet that Bizarro comes from and is his actual teen cousin.
I agree with Talos, that is a brilliant theory Anj. It would be gut wrenching for Kara if Bizarro Supergirl told her that "Mom and Dad loved me more."
Instead of being a clone of Kara, what if she is in fact a physical manifestation of the purged Kryptonite radiation? Using that catch-all, they can do anything they want with her. Although, I agree with Gene's expounding on TalOs's expounding on your theory; if she was to play their "parents'" love against each other, that would just be another slap in the face to Kara, having already been through so much.
A faulty bizarro-clone of Kara Zor El? Brilliant!
And it has Alura's poor-decisionmaking fingerprints all over it...the crowning touch!
Dr Thinker said
Kryptonite of the red or black could be the method of making a Bizzaro.
anthonyriva said:
What if her creation was somehow related to the Kryptonite blast Alura got from when they drained Kara from her Kryptonite poisoning.
yota said:
Instead of being a clone of Kara, what if she is in fact a physical manifestation of the purged Kryptonite radiation?
The Kryptonite angle is a great idea. I especially like the 'physical manifestation of her poisoning. That is inspired thinking.
I agree with Talos, that is a brilliant theory Anj. It would be gut wrenching for Kara if Bizarro Supergirl told her that "Mom and Dad loved me more."
This is going to be a tough time for Supergirl as she sort of goes it alone. To face herself 'through a mirror darkly' is going to be tough enough.
But you are right, if she was a Kara in Kandor, then Bizarro will have a lot of emotional ammunition to fire at Supergirl. That would be good drama.
My guess is that it's Belinda Zee, fallen through a crack between dimensions.
I'm going for the evil clone scenario...
Wait! If the series is going back to the silver age then it's Maybe it's a lesla Larr clone!
If anything, I'm going toward the evil clone scenario because Lex could extract DNA from that. A la Matrix. (and knowing his character, he would do a creepy thing like that.)
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