Friday, August 2, 2024

Wicked Comic Con Next Weekend

Wicked Comic Con Boston is happening next weekend!

I didn't think I would be able to get to this convention because I was working a later shift on Saturday the 10th,  making neither weekend day easy to attend. As luck would have it a friend needed a switch and I was able to move to an early shift on Saturday.

While it meant a Saturday con visit was out of the question, it opened up Sunday! 

So I'll be heading to the con! An extra summer treat for me!

I am glad my town has a good comic con. Wicked is young, this being it's third year in it's third venue. But each year they bring in a solid guest list and this year is no different. There are plenty of creators I am looking forward to meeting. Hopefully some of you are heading there too!

Here is a link to the con site:

I don't know if I'll be able to get any commissions given I will only be there Sunday. But I hope I am able to get one from Tom Reilly .

Reilly drew Knight Terrors Superman which included that great Supergirl plot where she was haunted by older versions of herself. Reilly basically had to draw all the big Supergirl costumes in that story (albeit on zombified Supergirls). 

Reilly feels like an up and comer so I hope there is a spot on his sketch list.

But there is more!

I have always been a huge fan of Dustin Nguyen . Whether it his 'little' versions of the DCU or his painted covers or his great work on the Steph Brown Batgirl book, Nguyen has been a hit for me.

I've never met him before so I can't wait to bring a few books for signatures. 

I also was pretty excited when I saw Marco Rudy ion the roster. 

Rudy has a sort of rough Steranko style of art. He did part of the famous Supergirl Annual #2 during the Sterling Gates run and had a wild run on a Superboy book. 

If only for his work on that Supergirl Annual (incredibly that book is 14 years old), I will be heading to his table!

Those are the folks I am most excited to meet but the guest list is pretty impressive with comic legends like  Adam Hughes, Phil Jimenez, Simon Bisley, Sean McManus, Rick Leonardi, and others all present.

Will anyone else be attending?

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