Friday, August 23, 2024

Review: Batman/Superman World's Finest #30

Batman Superman World's Finest #30 came out this week and was another fun, done-in-one issue for the title. 

Writer Mark Waid and guest artists Gleb Melnikov again weave a story from the recent past, teaming up Batman and Superman with other heroes, and dusting off a seldom used villain giving them a much needed update. That has been the pattern of this book. 

But I love the little side-pattern that Waid  have been doing in which after an arc, they let the title breathe by putting out a one-issue story with a beginning middle and end. We've seen it throughout the book from a look at Robin, to the Robin/Supergirl date, to the first Lex/Joker team-up, to this story teaming up the Trinity. 

Waid has been bringing that Silver/Bronze age patina to the stories overall and what could be more old-school than 'done in one'.

This story focuses on a murder mystery on Themyscira and Diana has asked Batman and Superman to help solve the crime. That is a good hook. There is a great twist as the mystery is solved. And my guess is Waid is building towards something bigger. 

Melnikov has yet to disappoint me on anything I have seen him on. His take on the Amazons is great. They are that perfect mix of strength and presence. I know Daniel Sampere is on the main WW book but I'd love to see Melnikov drawing Wonder Woman more.

On to the specifics!

As always, a young Dick Grayson Robin is along for the ride as the World's Finest duo head to Paradise Island.

I love how Waid knows that the old school rule was no man could set foot on Themyscira. Here he blurs it a bit saying invited men can be present. It is respect for the past like this that makes me love this book.

I also like how Batman tells Robin to act mature and polite. 'Think good thoughts chum!'

The crime Batman and Superman are asked to help with is a murder, the first on Themyscira.

This is a well known Amazon, Dyatrine, the inventor of the Purple Ray. And given the roman numeral on her forehead, she might not be the last victim.

Moreover, Diana has used the lasso of truth and asked everyone on the island if they were they killers and no one confessed. Is someone hiding on the island? Or able to overcome the lasso?

Love this panel, shot low, shadowy, with even our heroes in the dark. Really builds a sense of foreboding about the crime.

The answer is, as usual in the Silver Age, to split up into teams. Batman and Diana will investigate the murder scene more. Superman and Robin will question Magala, the only other being on the island, chained in the Well of Souls.

I really love this little side scene of Robin sort of trying to flirt with one of the Amazonians, extolling man's world, maybe trying to entice her to join him?

Waid has definitely given young Dick the attitude of a young man.

The two teams find out key clues. 
One, Magala witnessed something horrific coming out of the Well of Souls.
Two, Batman questions Diana if she did the crime. She says no.

When you put that together, the only answer is that there was no murder! The corpse was a fake.

Now that is a great twist. 

There never was a Dyatrine. It was all illusion and trickery. 

The corpse was Apate, a greek goddess of trickery. Her brother is Dolos, the Duke of Deception.

And the ruse? Was to keep the Amazons looking for a murderer instead of seeing Dolos escaping Tartarus and stealing the flame of Prometheus, a reality bending magic power.

Love Melnikov's take. It has the panache of someone like Ed McGuinness. So great.

Diana is able to lasso the two and then a battle of wills happens with the Trinity lending their mindsets to overwhelm the villains deceptions.

Truth over lies.

And love the determined looks of the heroes as they all grab to lasso. Solidarity! Really like this scene of the three heroes, old school in approach and characterization, bonding.

Still, the three might need back-up.

Robin gathered the troops!

These Amazons batter the villains back through the gate to Tartarus.

But this was my favorite moment. I love that Superman congratulates Hippolyta for raising so spectacular a daughter.

Now that is Superman! Love the almost Fleischer-style take on Superman that Melnikov gives him here.

There is a subplot, more mentioned than showcased, how the Amazons aren't happy with any men being on the isle, even good men. But I think this adventure changed their minds.

Is this is mind-blowing issue? No. But is it a solid read, gorgeously rendered, with several really fun moments? Yes. Is there a mystery with a great twist? Absolutely.

So keep the World's Finest train running! I'm on board!

Overall grade: B+


Steve said...

I enjoyed the Duke Of Deception making a comeback. He's my favorite villain from the Golden Age reprints I've read.

And I think Polly will ignore the heroes refusing a thank you gift. It'd be pure Waid to set up an instance where the Amazons gift them anyways down the road as a point of honor and that gift being key to solving another crisis.

Martin Gray said...

Fun comic, top review. So are we to take it the Purple Healing Ray and Magic Sphere DO exist, but Duchess Deception - I can’t be bothered to look up her name, sorry! - interfered with the memories around them? I hope so, I always liked that scientist Diana invented the Purple Ray. Actually, that has to be a thing as it empowered Donna.

Steve said...

I am totally cool with Diana inventing nothing of the advanced scientific progress the Amazons had pre-Perez. If her character is used to bring back Golden and Silver Age items, it still leaves the Amazons in general as barbaric savages. As Perez established it, the Amazons had zero progress as a culture over thousands of years which establishes them as a people who have nothing to offer the world to help better itself. "Hey, Man's World. Let us teach you how to stagnate forever and never better yourselves." If another Amazon invented the advances we once had, it strengthens the belief that they can teach the rest of the world to better themselves.

Martin Gray said...

I get what you’re saying Steve, but Diana having invented one bit of (admittedly impressive) kit didn’t stop there being lots of other impressive souls among the rest of the Amazons.

Anonymous said...

Waid does the impossible once again, he breathes new life into the crude op-ed cartoon that was The Duke of Deception, He makes short pants Robin the Boy Wonder interesting and useful THEN he presents the DCU Trinity with a Mystery & a Challenge that plays to their asymetrical strengths. Is it any wonder I want him on a Supergirl ongoing??