Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Terrificon Recap Part 1: June Brigman And Some Signatures

Earlier this month I had the luck of attending all three days of Terrificon , my main convention of the season and simply one of the best comic shows around. For the last 8 years, Terrificon has been a consistently fantastic show, focusing on comics with a massive array of comic creators present. 

The show has grown since I first went and now has a celebrity section as well. But it is clear the emphasis is on comics. And what I love about the show is how it respects the medium, bringing in comic legends as well as up and coming stars. From legends like Simonson, Chaykin, Claremont and Starlin to newcomers like Mahde Khene, to folks in their stride like Mark Waid, David Mack, and Steve Epting, the show sizzles. I am always impressed with the the con that show runner Mitch Hallock puts together.

I was also lucky enough to again be granted a press pass for the show. I set aside a budget for the show each year and the press pass allows me to get in a little early to talk to creators as well as shunt a little more money into the hands of vendors and creators. I think the traffic this site gets is a big reason why I get that pass, so thank you all.

As for this year, you'll be hearing all about my creator interactions over three recaps! But I'll start with my primary commission goal for this year, June Brigman.

I knew as soon as I saw Brigman announced that I would want a Supergirl sketch from her. While best known for her Marvel work on Power Pack, Brigman drew the Matrix Supergirl solo mini-series from the late 90s. It is that costume that is my favorite.

So when the doors opened, I went immediately to her table and got on her list.

I am really thrilled with this commission. Brigman and inker Roy Richardson put together this great piece. I love the body language, the scene in the clouds, the confident smile. Truly an amazing piece and a wonderful addition to the book. 

Brigman was so nice and chatted with me a bit about the book and her work with Roger Stern on the mini-series.  And getting the commission inked by Richardson was a bonus.

I also brought some books for Brigman to sign.

I loved her work on the Supergirl mini-series. I had Stern sign the books a few years ago so was glad to add hers to the mix.

And Supergirl and Team Luthor is now signed by Brigman as well as Stern and Louise Simonson! 

Brigman was not charging for signatures but asked for a donation to the Hero Initiative.

A few more creator stories.

There were two creator lines that were perpetually packed this con. One was Chris Claremont. 

The other was Walt Simonson. Simonson is an extremely affable guy and does quick sketches for a decent price. His line was split between those wanting a sketch and those just wanting signatures. (He was $10 a sig.) But it was packed. And it capped very early in the day, re-opening in the afternoon. If you are heading to a con to see Simonson, I would run to his line. 

Having seen his line on Friday, I decided the better part of valor would be to head to his line first thing Saturday knowing I would be there for a bit. I was lucky to be near the front and got Detective Comics #443 (the last chapter of his famous Manhunter story with Archie Goodwin) signed by Simonon.

That said, he shared a table with Howard Chaykin and hearing the two of them talk to each other throughout was also incredibly entertaining.

Steve Epting was also in attendance at the con. I had met Epting at a Boston Comic Con years ago and at that time I got signatures on several issues he did with Ed Brubaker on Captain America. 

This time I brought him one of the issues he drew of Action Comics when Brian Michael Bendis was on the title. Luckily for an Event Leviathan fan like me, Epting was on art for some of the Leviathan tie-ins. 

Epting said that I was the first person to bring him any of his Action issues to get signed. I guess I really am one of the only Event Leviathan fans out there!

(Epting was also charging $10 a signature.)

I didn't purchase many comics at the con, instead devoting most of the budget on commissions and signatures. 

But one of the books I bought was important for my collection. I came across a pretty solid copy of New Gods #6, completing my set of the title!

I have a lot more to report! This is the first of three recaps!

But the bottom line is this is a great show for comic fans of all ages. Hope to see some of you there next year!


Martin Gray said...

It always sounds such fun, wish I’d been there with you! And the June and Roy sketch is terrific.

Anj said...

I hope we get to a con together at some point. That would be a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Would love to go someday, but finances are tight at the moment....
