Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here in the USA!
I keep looking through my collection for a specific Supergirl Thanksgiving moment but I still can't seem to find one.
So I figured what better way to give thanks than to show a picture of Supergirl simply laying the smack down on Darkseid. I am thankful for moments like this in comics.

The above scene takes place in Justice League Unlimited #7 written by Adam Beechen and pencilled by Ethen Beavers. The story compares Orion's struggles with his father to this Supergirl's struggles acclimating to living with the Kent's. It isn't a bad story for a Johnny DC book and showcases Supergirl nicely.
And ... as always ... just a thanks to those who visit and contribute here! Hope everyone has a great turkey day!
One of the many things that I am thankful for this year is this blog, and the friends that I have made from it.
Cheers everyone!
P.S. I'm going to have to find that JLU comic now.
THe metatexutual reading for that panel is hilarious.
this was a great story as it implies that Kara's life with the Kents wasn't always a sort of animated Norman Rockwell painting. But then the animated series had a few similar clues as well, for all this, I too am thankful.
John Feer
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