It is hard to believe that Smallville is coming back for an unbelievable 8th season next year. I get the sense that the show has limped along for the last few seasons. And while having a number of DC stars like Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Cyborg appear in episodes has been a nice touch, overall the story of Clark's interactions with the Luthors has become ponderous. I barely watched seasons 4-6.

The inclusion of Kara this season grabbed my interest and I watched this season closely. How sad that the writers on the show didn't seem to know what to do with the Kara character. I have lamented her use/non-use on the show in the past. She went from a pro-active protector to a meek follower of Clark to an amnesia victim under Lex's sway finally back to a hero only to be trapped in the Phantom Zone in the season finale.
Imagine, the show may have ended with Kara trapped in the Richard Donner 'floating mirror' Phantom Zone!
The show itself has suffered some growing pains this year with Kristin (Lana) Kreuk and Michael (Lex) Rosenbaum not signing up for the upcoming season. What's more, the influential creators/producers of the show Al Gough and Miles Millar also have moved on.
Newsarama has an interview with one of the new producers Darren Swimmer to discuss the upcoming season. Here is the link and the Kara bits.

NRAMA: It’s been announced that Kara is not returning as a regular in season eight. Did that stem from the writers feeling her storyline was tapped out or was it a case that the arc didn’t achieve what you intended?
DS: We had always imagined that Kara might only have one season. She had a great arc, coming to terms with her situation as a fish out of water on Earth, and at the same time, she served as a way for Clark to explore his origins and the history of Krypton.
NRAMA: Since she’s left hanging out in the Phantom Zone will we get resolution on her fate early in the season?
DS: We’re very interested in bringing Kara back for some episodes this season, schedules permitting.
I have read in different places that they brought Kara on board as a potential spin-off should Smallville completely unravel. Now they say they imagined her as being a one-season wonder? That her role was really to advance Clark's story rather than her own?
At least they leave an opening to bring back Kara for a few episodes next season ... schedules permitting of course.

The question is will Laura Vandervoort be able to or even want to return? She is now filming Into The Blue 2 and might want to stay in films. I thought she did an adequate job as Kara especially showing the feisty, stubborn, active side of Kara
It would be yet another slap in the face to Kara fans if the Smallville character stays in the Phantom Zone. Let's hope the producers do the right thing.
mm, yeah, smallville... i still have the last half of the season to watch. i haven't gotten to kara being rescued from amnesia yet...
its a pity kara's not being brought back, though. her first few episodes were great to see, with her attitude towards clark...
mm, yeah, smallville... i still have the last half of the season to watch. i haven't gotten to kara being rescued from amnesia yet...
its a pity kara's not being brought back, though. her first few episodes were great to see, with her attitude towards clark...
Thanks for post.
I agree it is a pity.
Definitely watch the rest of the season though. She gets that same attitude back when her memories are restored and she has some great scenes.
i will...
i was very excited about kara coming into 'smallville'. i'm a big fan of the kryptonian side of the superman mythos, and its been fun to watch this side grow a bit in the tv show, as well as the new stories in both the superman and supergirl comics...
"Schedules permitting"...geez that is a chilling thought, anyone else think the producers are earnestly hoping that Ms. Vandervoort's calendar fills up quickly?
i'm sorry but this situation is insulting to me as an SG fan, Kara is kast out because she is a "distraction" to Clark's moribund storyline. Yet at the same time the producers are bringing on Green Arrow as a series regular???
Jerks..oh well at least I get my Thurday nights back to go to the gym...frankly I hope the show gets cancelled.
John Feer
i'm sorry but this situation is insulting to me as an SG fan, Kara is kast out because she is a "distraction" to Clark's moribund storyline. Yet at the same time the producers are bringing on Green Arrow as a series regular???
Thanks for the post.
I completely agree. It is like Clark/Welling are going through the motions on the show. And his storylines seem to plod along.
And Kara was more pro-active and just seemed ready to take on the mantle of super-hero. So rather than use her as an impetus for Clark to act, keeping her on the show, they banish her to the phantom zone.
Jerks..oh well at least I get my Thurday nights back to go to the gym...frankly I hope the show gets cancelled.
With all the changes and with Welling in his 30's, I can't imagine the show going longer than this year.
On other sites they state that Clark will start to work at the Planet and that his escapades with Lois will have an injection of humor. Smells a bit too much like Lois and Clark.
I will DVR the episodes to scan for Kara sightings, but doubt I will watch otherwise.
So sad.
MAybe they're making a Supergirl series in secret. Hopefully.
They totally wasted Kara as a character in season 7. There was a lot they could've donde but didn't. And I've said the same other poster said:
So Kara was a distraction but now Green Arrow is a regular? Please.
They totally wasted Kara as a character in season 7. There was a lot they could've donde but didn't. And I've said the same other poster said:
So Kara was a distraction but now Green Arrow is a regular? Please.
Thanks for the post.
She was wasted. And I was so thrilled that Kara was going mainstream.
And I completely agree. The Oliver Queen character wasn't compelling enough to warrant such exposure.
Let's hope we see some Kara next season and that they treat her right.
I agree, I really hope they bring Kara Back. Maybe they think Her character would detract from Clark's spotlight, but maybe they want to focus more on their burgeoning relationship between Lois and Clark- Ah the Superman movies, but then what about Oliver; who would be his companion; the JLA; will they bring that plotline to the forefront?? I vote for Ms. Vandervoort, bring back Laura/Kara - if she leaves the smallville-verse, at least let her have a proper send off, that just made my hart plummet when she was left in the phantom zone...
I Hope that Kara come back because she is Fantastic.If they think that Kara cannot stay regular because the Personage is Clark.Put Kara living a double life.Kara helping Cloe on Tailon and Kara helping Oliver King and is Soldiers.Kara feet very well in Oliver King Group no doubt.The SuperGirl always be present in SuperMan and Justice Ligue Comics and I cannot conceive Smallvile without Kara.Clark deserve have Family on Heart and no doubt that Kara is the key for make Smallvile more brilliant.Please bring back Kara the SuperGirl.Thank you
"I have read in different places that they brought Kara on board as a potential spin-off should Smallville completely unravel."
It's so funny to read this eight years later, as a Supergirl show is on air!
Honestly, you could erase the half of the episodes of Smallville and they show would not be diminished. However, because it lasted so long, the screenwriters will eventually included Supergirl. The real Supergirl.
I agree "Smallville" could have treated Kara better, but it gave us a new live-action Kara interacting with her cousin and exposed the character to many people, so I'll give the show some credit.
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