There will be a Smallville panel at the SDCC tomorrow and any Kara fans in attendence should come out in force. Here are the details lifted straight from the SDCC website.
10:00-11:00 Smallville Screening and Q&A— Comic-Con favorite Smallville returns with series stars Allison Mack, Justin Hartley and the introduction of Sam Witwer alongside new showrunners Kelly Souders, Brian Peterson, Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer to talk about the year ahead, answer fan questions and give an exclusive sneak peek at clips featuring the new villains for season eight. Award-winning comic book writer, Emmy-nominated film and television writer/producer, and Smallville alum Jeph Loeb (Heroes) will moderate the session. From Tollin/Robbins Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, Smallville airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on The CW. Room 6CDEF
Now I admit that Kara's character on the show was written unevenly. But when she was not amnestic or missing, she was pro-active, heroic, and upbeat. She certainly deserves better than being dropped from the show entirely, left trapped in the Phantom Zone.
Over on other boards, fellow Supergirl fans, most notably johnfeer and aplayfulsoul, had the great idea that Kara fans should be at this panel and need to be vocal in asking the pertinent questions.
Mainly ...
1) Why was Kara dropped from the show as a regular?
and ...
2) Will she be brought back for episodes next season to wrap up her story?
I am sure the producers will wave hands and try to lull Kara fans to sleep with a lot of 'we loved Kara but ...' and 'schedules permitting she should be back ...' statements. Don't be fooled! Press them for a commitment! Be present and loud!
If I could be there I would be at the microphone asking myself, but I am on the opposite coast. I will be there in spirit though!
Kara fans unite!
And if anyone on the blog actually attends the panel, please post on how it went. Otherwise, I will simply report on what Newsarama and CBR tells us.
"Schedules Permitting" my @ss!
The Kryptonsite reports that Black Canary and Aqua-damn-Man are both already signed on for a JLA reunion ep.
But kara?
Somehow there is BAD FAITH where she is concerned suddenly Smallville's producer's can't figure out if Vandervoort is available...such rubbish.
I think Ms. V was the only player on Smallville this season who condescended to smile and act like having super-powers and doing good was the greatest job imaginable...whilst Tom Welling's Clark lumbered around pretending he was suicidal or some damn thing!
You see what went wrong, Kara overshadowed Kal!
So yes hold their feet to the fire at that panel....don't back down!
All Power to the Kara Soviets
No Superman without Supergirl
Midvale Uber Alles!
John Feer
I think Ms. V was the only player on Smallville this season who condescended to smile and act like having super-powers and doing good was the greatest job imaginable...whilst Tom Welling's Clark lumbered around pretending he was suicidal or some damn thing!
You see what went wrong, Kara overshadowed Kal!
I completely agree!
I hope we show up in droves at the panel!
It's simple ... bring back Kara!
I didn't speak up in 1985 when Jeanette Kahn sanctioned Marv Wolfman's "snuff Supergirl" storyline in COIE...to my eternal regret.
But now today, they will NEVER shut me up!!
If you like Supergirl and you are at the SDCC today, get to the Smallville panel...raise your voices...demand justice for Supergirl!
John Feer
I think it is a shame that Ms. V's character was so abruptly dismissed. I know it brought new viewers to the show (myself included). Gee thanks CW. Thanks a lot. You really disappointed me - and others. The Kara character was beautiful, a no BS kind of girl, a say-what-you-mean... mean-what-you-say attitude. She took accountability (when she didn't have amnesia) and there was so much you could have done with this character. Phantom zone: lame. What's next... bring her back so that Darkseid can kidnap her and corrupt her? Oh please. Maybe if this was the third season - but towards the end? Thanks a lot. The comics did a number (how many supergirls? Too many.) They learned from their mistake and fixed it by bringing [the cousin] back to the readers. Now - your viewers, and young viewers, including mine, who enjoyed watching Season 7 of Smallville (as opposed to Heroes... which just drags on and on like a bad soap.... oh just get to the point already).
It's not like the whole season 8 isn't wrapped up and in the can.
Please re-consider and bring back Ms. V as Supergirl. Schedules can be adjusted.... if anything - leave your viewers with something more pleasant... and honorable to Ms. V. After all... she was an actor that did a pretty good job... with the material from the writers (when they were not on strike).
There was so much more she could have brought to your show - especially new viewers.
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