It's hard to believe it, but these first issues of Adventure Comics has actually made me interested in the character of Superboy! That opening arc when he tried to figure out who he was, as he struggled with his past, the dark side of his ancestry ... it was written well and drawn lovingly. With that arc over and Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul moving on to the Flash, I wondered what I would think of subsequent Superboy stories. Would I continue to want to read about him?
Well, Adventure Comics #7 continued a stretch of good Superboy stories which makes me want to at least follow his adventures a little bit longer. That Superboy introspection continues here as he struggles to regain control of his body which has been taken over as a Black Lantern. Written by R.E.B.E.L.S. scribe Tony Bedard, we really get to see just how much Superboy is still trying to discover who he is and where he is going.

One thing I enjoyed about this book is that Superboy appears to be trapped within his own body. He can hear what his body is saying, he can see what it is doing, but he can't stop it. We saw that technique used well in Blackest Night:Wonder Woman. Superboy's love for Wonder Girl really permeates his internal dialogue here. We heard his words of love in the first arc. Here we read a bit of his regret as he remembers hurting her when Luthor triggered his rampage.

Cassie tries to maintain control and attempts to coax the real Conner back to the surface.

And then comes the coup de grace moment for Black Lantern Superboy. He tells Cassie that when he is alone he sometimes thinks about Supergirl not Wonder Girl. It is a delicious low blow. One that Conner knows hurts.
In fact it irks Cassie enough that she unleashes the power of her lasso onto Superboy. That shock to the system frees his body long enough for the real Conner to whistle for Krypto.

Who would think that Krypto would ascend to such a big role in the super-family? But he has been everywhere recently.

It is something that I wondered about back in Final Crisis:Legion of Three Worlds. So there are 2 Conners existing in current time ... one a dead body healing, another a resurrected body brought back in time. In the old DCU, the same person couldn't exist more than once at a single time. Remember all those time travel stories where 'time traveller Superman' observed his youth as a ghost like phantom? He couldn't be in the same time twice. I guess that soft rule doesn't exist now. It seems weird that there is a regenerating Conner buried in the ice while this one runs around.
With the ring 'confused', Cassie reminds Conner of his 'training'. It is revealed that after Luthor took control of him, Superboy and Cassie visited telepaths so they could build up his mental shields. With this training in his back pocket, he is able to reject the ring. It completely makes sense that he would do that and so I thought it was a nice twist.

With the ring gone, Conner swells with pride. And Cassie swells a bit as well. They both realize that Conner is a worthy legacy of the Superman name.
This book reads almost like an 'epilogue' of the Johns/Manapul run and was a nice capstone to that story. What would Superboy do? Act like Superman.
I also like how the relationship between Cassie and Conner is showcased here. Bedard writes it in such an easy way. You can tell the two have deep feelings for each other, that they truly love each other. And it feels right that they should be together. I especially liked how Cassie was able to shrug off all the terrible things the Black Lantern was saying. It shows some maturity. This is a love story worthy of being posted on the weekend of St. Valentine's Day.
The cover of the issue is drawn by Aaron Lopresti who has completely floored me with his run on Wonder Woman. The internal art by Travis Moore is sort of pedestrian.
I still love that Kara comment!
Overall grade: B+/B
Uhhh can I just say something INCEST!!!! Haha but funny incest...I kinda want to see what Kara's reaction to that would be...probably throwing up but still haha.
My mind was totally blown come the surprising revelations jn this particular issue (there being 2 Conners occupying the 21st century for one) that it truly has to be my fave issue to date from the title.
Question: would Kon's very first love Hawian reporter Tana Moon (who's now deceased) be considered as being his "Lana Lang" and Cassandra his "Lois" and the one he's truly meant to end up with? :/
P.S. unfortunately my PC recently died on me as of late (along with my art program to do my Supergirll art in *sighs*) and I'm having to use the wii if wanting to write anything on the net hence as to why my responses/posts may seem to be off come times of each posts.
Yeah...I'm gonna have to say that Kara comment from Conner ranks right up there with that Silver Age Superman story where Superman makes that creepy comment about the only thing keeping him from mating with Kara was because Kryptonian law said it was illegal.
eeew yuck to pervert Conner to the dead one at least what a weird story just to go through all that to become a superman with fully developed powers and point out that Kara is much more suitable to Cassie with innuendos gross out
its kinda neat to see that Conner is come around to become a real super boy with full krypton powers that finally kick in
thought Cassie should have strangle con until his head pop off with her lasso she such a weak character like to see her use her full potential
*blinks* Er, did Anj's blog just get spammed? 0_0
Jason wrote: "Yeah...I'm gonna have to say that Kara comment from Conner ranks right up there with that Silver Age Superman story where Superman makes that creepy comment about the only thing keeping him from mating with Kara was because Kryptonian law said it was illegal."
Ha, I had exactly the same thought: http://dangermart.blogspot.com/2010/02/adventure-comics-7-review.html
Great entry, Anj!
My mind was totally blown come the surprising revelations jn this particular issue (there being 2 Conners occupying the 21st century for one) that it truly has to be my fave issue to date from the title.
I can remember thinking about it when Con's resurrection was described in LO3W. I'm glad Bedard used it.
Yeah...I'm gonna have to say that Kara comment from Conner ranks right up there with that Silver Age Superman story where Superman makes that creepy comment about the only thing keeping him from mating with Kara was because Kryptonian law said it was illegal.
The famous 'Luma Lynai' issue. I think I called that panel one of the creepiest one in DC history.
Thanks for the post. You and Mart were on the money!
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