As I said last month, I have never collected an Outsiders title so I am flying blind a bit. The main theme of this book seems to be Geo-Force's near insanity and how it is effecting the team.

This Eradicator is a 'copy' of the original, sent to Markovia as an ambassador. There hasn't been a sniff of this guy in any of the super-titles so I am fairly suspicious. Exactly who or what is he? And what are his motivations.
Regardless, he reinforces Geo-Force's thoughts that he needs to run the team like a dictator. Only Katana seems to fall into line while everyone else seems concerned.

To stop the rampage, Black Lightning blasts Geo-Force. Suddenly it looks like a free-for-all rather than a heroes vs. villain battle.
I thought this issue was a bit better than last. The problem is I have never really cared enough about Geo-Force to read a book revolving around his psychoses. Don Kramer's style was fine but I preferred Tan's frenetic stylized look more. I'll stick around for a little bit more. But unless there is a hook to keep me, I think this will be a short run for me.
Overall grade: C

You need to roll a bit with the roster here as it is an amalgam of all versions of Titans. So it is inferred that Robin is Dick Grayson; we have seen both Wonder Girls, etc.

The first half of the book covers Superboy joining the Titans and the arrival of his Bizarro-like close Match.

The second half has the girl Titans each getting a Lantern Corps ring. It is funny to see who got what. Terra as a Red Lantern makes perfect sense. Duela Dent as a Yellow Lantern is inspired. But Starfire really needed to be the Violet Lantern.
This is such a silly book for kids and grown up fans. And one thing I like is that it is an easy way to begin covering some bigger concepts of the DCU in an innocuous way. The supergirls at home didn't know about this Superboy so it was an easy way to talk about him with them.
I never know how to grade this book. But Terra as a Red Lantern alone is worthy of a high mark.
Overall grade: A
Thanks for reviewing Outsiders especially. Having dropped it after the first Didio issue last month, it sounds as if I made the correct decision. Katana suddenly has admirers? The world's gone MAD!
And no Tan at all this month?
Ah, bit by bit you're helping me see why your family likes the Tinys. At the very least, I'm glad it's there.
Hmm I don't buy that the Eradicator is supposed to be this exact clone of the original sent from New Krypton who apparently just happens to retain all of his predecesors Earth memories (including his time as an Outsider) for just why would Kryptonian scientists choose to include his Earthly memories given their xenophobic like attitudes come anything Earth related? I think he's actually the original who awoke from his coma (sp?) around the time that 100,000 Kryptonians first appeared on Earth who Superman is using as his undercover informat to keep an eye on both worlds governments to try to prevent a war breaking out between the 2 worlds.
Tiny Titans penned by Geoff this time around introducing Superboy (and Match) to the title was just a really adorable and fun issue. Heh. :-)
I almost always browse through Tiny Titans. If I had a youngster at home, I would definitely be bringing this home to them. I really like how the writers toss in things that the grownups will appreciate!
Katana suddenly has admirers? The world's gone MAD!
As someone new to the book, I was not as floored as you are. Interesting.
And no Tan at all this month?
Outside of the cover, no Tan.
Ah, bit by bit you're helping me see why your family likes the Tinys. At the very least, I'm glad it's there.
I look at it like an entry drug for the DCU. Hee hee.
I really like how the writers toss in things that the grownups will appreciate!
Thanks for the post.
I love the grown up stuff as well. It makes it a bit more fun for me as I read the book to the supergirls at home.
It is weird that Philip Tan is hyped for months as the new Outsiders artist, then disappears after not managing even a single issue. I like Don Kramer - to me, he's more than a fake Tan - but not enough to buy this book until . . . Lord, what WOULD get me buying again?
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