It looks like I am going to have to start saving some pennies and clearing a spot in the shrine for a new Supergirl statue. Over on Comic Book Resources, DC Direct has announced that the next release in their Dynamic series will be Supergirl. Here is the link and the picture:
While no price is mentioned, the prior Dynamic studies were priced at a hefty $195.00. There isn't a release date on this post either but given the release schedule of the others, we are probably looking at early December 2010.
This is the stock description of the Dynamic statues from the DC Direct page:
DC Direct's exquisite new statue gallery series, featuring dynamic interpretations of classic superheroes, continues!
Award-winning sculptor Tim Bruckner has transformed his original designs of the most recognizable DC characters into some of the most outstanding, upscale statues DC Direct has ever produced. Each statue features a base that captures the character's interaction with the surrounding environment.

Here is a closer view of a very happy Supergirl twirling in flight. That 'dynamic' feel is evident here, the swirls of her cape and skirt evoking this joyous flying. She just looks so happy!
It is interesting that DC went with the true Silver Age costume complete with blue skirt. I suppose the blue skirt and lack of belly shirt makes for an easier visual transition from Supergirl to 'flight trail'.

But I had to show the other statues I am completely taken with. This Aquaman statue as he rises from the depths is fantastic.

The Wonder Woman statue is also spectacular. I love the Golden Age eagle top and the cloud base.
I suppose I have enough lead time to start squirreling away $5 here and there.
I don't like it entirely. I understand the idea but I would have prefer her legs to be sculpted, same for WW, not for Aquaman, makes more sense for him
The top looks great!
i hope the face gets changed..right now it's just weird. but the pose and cape trail is fantastic!
I like it,she looks like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting and that's awesome. Good job! I can't wait for this to come out
Tim Bruckner's statue of Supergirl looks great! I like how Kara is twirling in the sky with her face full of joy, and her arms extended so gracefully. The bottom really gives the impression of super speed motion. $195 is too much for my budget though. It is interesting Bruckner choose red loops for Kara's belt. Still, the color did change frequently for the loops! :)
Also, congratulations on your recent 500th post! Your blog is a great resource for Supergirl, and I visit daily. Thank you for providing excellent content on the Girl of Steel!
I like how Kara is twirling in the sky with her face full of joy, and her arms extended so gracefully. The bottom really gives the impression of super speed motion. $195 is too much for my budget though. It is interesting Bruckner choose red loops for Kara's belt. Still, the color did change frequently for the loops! :)
Thanks for the post and nice pick-up on the loops! I completely missed that.
I agree with most here that the swirling cape trail is pretty cool.
I don't like it entirely. I understand the idea but I would have prefer her legs to be sculpted, same for WW, not for Aquaman, makes more sense for him
I agree that some bases look better than others. The Aquaman and green Lantern ones are the most natural appearing.
GREAT SCOTT! 0_0 That is one of the most elegant and beautifulest looking Supergirl statues I've seen in a LONG time! :D
Her face is gorgeous. My opinion. The first four were supposed to mirror the elements - earth, wind, fire and water. I think they liked them so much they added Green Lantern and Supergirl. Supergirl should be out by December because DC has the first six statues listed as all coming out in 2010. Whether it goes on past that is speculation.
This statues are something else, it is just beautiful, outstanding, what a great job... I have to say this have to be the best statues ever made inspired by DC
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