Well we learn more about the Black/Slater story over on the DC Source blog. Here is the link:
And here is the accompanying blurb:
In addition to the special, 50th issue wonderful-ness coming your way next month from the stellar creative team of writer Sterling Gates and artist Jamal Igle, SUPERGIRL #50 features a story by none other than Helen Slater,who as some of you can recall, played Supergirl in the major motion picture by the same name. In tandem with co-writer Jake Black and the very talented Cliff Chiang, Slater will tell a story about a “Meet the Press”-type show where a panel discusses Supergirl’s merits (or, according to Cat Grant, her lack thereof).
So I as excited as I was about the writers on the story, I am really thrilled to see that Cliff Chiang is the artist on the story! That Titans splash panel is fantastic!

We checked in with SUPERGIRL assistant editor Wil Moss for the lowdown on the story, and not only did he share some info, but he passed along two lovely pages by Mr. Chiang. Take it away, Wil:
“We’re thrilled to have Helen Slater - Supergirl herself! - contribute a story to this special anniversary issue of SUPERGIRL. She and her co-writer, the wickedly talented Jake Black, have crafted a short story that really encapsulates everything that’s good and true about the Girl of Steel. The fact that we were able to get the A-list art team of Cliff Chiang and Dave McCaig to provide the art and colors just seals the deal - this is one story you do not want to let fly by!”
So looking at this page, my guess is the bottom rows of panels are a reporter asking people what they think of Supergirl.
One thing I have liked about the Gates/Igle run has been there willingness to recognize and acknowledge what the Supergirl character did in the early issues. They haven't simply brushed it under the carpet. They have dealt with it.
If I had to guess, it looks like Black and Slater are doing the same thing. Look closely at the people in those panels.

The girl with the headband has to be Brooke who was the little girl whose Christmas letter to Superman was answered by Supergirl in 2007's DCU Infinite Holiday issue. That story, written by Joe Kelly, had Supergirl drop Brooke's father Henry (I assume the man in the panels) from the upper atmosphere to spur him into spending more time with his estranged young daughter. I am over-simplifying it ... but it wasn't a typical hero move, something all to common in a Joe Kelly Supergirl story.

As a fan and a continuity nerd, these small homages recognizing this Supergirl's history are welcome. I can only hope that one of the people they talk to is Thomas' mother from 'Saving Thomas'.
I am really looking forward to this collaboration between Jake Black and Supergirl herself, Helen Slater!
As for Cliff Chiang ...

Well, this announcement is an excuse to repost my Chiang commission. I think his stuff is great. I love this piece!
I am very excited about this issue and hope it brings new readers to the book.
I LOVE they are looking back at the Kelly run and saying 'this isn't so bad' because it seems Helen and Jake got from those issue what I did. I don't understand what was so hateful about her in some people's eyes
my old Blog was hacked. The update address is http://jamalligle.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to this issue! I didn't recognize the little girl (that Supergirl shirt and headband is cute) from the Holiday Special and the high school friend from the Kelly run. I think its a great idea that the comic is touching base with them again. I like how the Supergirl title never forgets its history.
love cliff chiang! also loved the supergirl high school issue, so this will be good :-)
and off topic to this post, are you gonna do a review of world's finest #4? if you are could you post the supergirl yelling at damian panel? i loved that bit but can't find a panel online (and don't have ascanner) so was hoping to steal it from you (!).
or, tell me to bugger off if this is really rude. it probably is.
Wow, I can't believe you recognized Brooke and Sarah! I was trying my best but I was convinced nobody would figure that out.
I don't understand what was so hateful about her in some people's eyes
I just couldn't get into that version of Supergirl.
I understand it has its fans. And I am happy that the current teams are acknowledging those events.
my old Blog was hacked. The update address is http://jamalligle.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the update. My page's link has been changed.
Sorry about the blog. Now I am fearful of mine!
and off topic to this post, are you gonna do a review of world's finest #4? if you are could you post the supergirl yelling at damian panel? i loved that bit but can't find a panel online (and don't have ascanner) so was hoping to steal it from you (!).
or, tell me to bugger off if this is really rude. it probably is.
WF #4 review will be up soon I promise.
And yes, that panel is one of the ones going in. Too funny!
Wow, I can't believe you recognized Brooke and Sarah! I was trying my best but I was convinced nobody would figure that out.
Thanks so much for visiting!
I can't wait to read the story and really love your art.
Thanks again! Stop by any time!
Yeah, not meaning to pressure you to put WF4 review up, I just thought I'd get a request in early!
and, wow, you get all the good comic people here!
Yeah, not meaning to pressure you to put WF4 review up, I just thought I'd get a request in early!
and, wow, you get all the good comic people here!
No pressure felt. I have been meaning to get to it. Should be up in the next couple of days!
I'm so so SO looking more and more forward to the celebrationary milestone double sized #50 and if the leaked content (HELEN SLATER Y'ALL!) and art is anything to go by I think this is truly gonna be one for the ages! BD
@ Jamal: hacked? 0_0 Truly sorry to hear this being the tragic situation, mate.
@ Cliff Chiang: truly appreciate the bonus "Easter eggs" added in for us longtime fans in supplies preview too! BD
In all fairness, I can't take credit for those 2 cameo "easter eggs". That was all Jake Black, the writer! But I did my research and added Sarah's boyfriend and a few things on other pages. Thanks!
Wait, which one's Brooke?...
My God, I've been out too long.
Wait, which one's Brooke?...
My God, I've been out too long.
The girl with the headband is Brooke.
Maybe I need to review that Infinite Holiday story.
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