Greg Rucka and Eddy Barrows' hot start with Nightwing and Flamebird continued last week with Action Comics #876. This was, in essence, an issue long beatdown by Ursa onto Thara and Chris but enough new information was slipped to keep the story going.
One thing that did interrupt the flow of the issue was some fill in pencilling by Sidney Teles (who looked like he was trying to mimic Barrows' style as much as possible). Barrows' pencils on last issue and much of this issue looked like his best work ever. So it worries me a little that he already needed a little help to keep up. We already know that Fernando Dagnino is listed as the artist for Action 878 and 879. I was hoping to see Barrows stuff throughout.
Anyways, onto the issue.

Her battle skill are prestigious, true. But her thoughts are absolutely frightening. She defines sadist. She talks about how much she enjoys killing. But she also talks about how much she loves the build-up to the murder. And there is a clear joy oozing from her words.

She has just punched Thara through a wall when she has this interaction.
First off, she talks about how she isn't going to immediately chase Thara. By giving Thara time to recover, Thara will become shaken with fear. And fear disrupts technique and reason.
Throughout the issue it is clear that Ursa doesn't fear Thara or Chris at all. In fact, her internal monologue sounds more like she is play with them, like a cat who has cornered a mouse. But while it is clear she enjoys her work, she also stay cool and collected. Look at how easily she delivers a powerful kick to her own son's jaw.
My guess is that Rucka is having a hell of a time writing Ursa. The villains are almost always more interesting.

We had heard just a tease about Thara's parents last issue when it was implied that they served under Zod and were killed by Ursa.
Here just a bit more of the backstory is revealed. It seems Thara witnessed their killing. Ursa baits Thara out of hiding by calling her a coward for not rushing to her parents' aid.
Unfortunately for Flamebird, the baiting works. Thara bull rushes Ursa with little success. Instead, Ursa pounds her into walls and carves her up with a knife.

But it is more than a knife ... it is a Kryptonite knife with a frangible blade. For every cut, small pieces of Kryptonite have become embedded in Thara. And trust me, she was cut many many times.
This is the only part of the book that made me raise an eyebrow a bit. It seems a little odd that Ursa can so easily fight with such impeccable results while holding a chunk of Kryptonite in her hand. I know that she says it sickens her to hold it ... but I just felt it should effect her more.

Regardless, Ursa clearly has had the upper hand throughout the fight and moves in for the kill. In a blood soaked 2 page spread we see her stab Thara multiple times before burying the blade in Thara's chest. And when the probable killing thrust is made, Ursa rubs some verbal salt in the wounds ... 'Tell your parents I said hello.'
Brrrrrrr .... Ursa frightens me in ways Zod never has.

Luckily, before any further injuries can be inflicted, Nightwing recovers and is able to join the fray. It's funny to hear Ursa talk about Chris in a motherly way ... well, maybe more a Mommy Dearest sort of way.
Chris tells his mother that he is a hero and then discusses his unique status as a child of the Phantom Zone. Sure, he doesn't have the typical Kryptonian strength and invulnerability. But he does have some new powers. With a wave of his hand, he destroys Ursa's goggles, exposing her sensitive eyes to the light. We'll probably learn more about this, but at least it is the beginning of an explanation of the 'tactile telekinesis' we saw in 'New Krypton' which made us all think Nightwing was Kon-El.

He also shows that he is immune to Kryptonite.
It did strike me as a bit too convenient that suddenly Ursa is weakened from the Kryptonite blade that Chris is holding while several feet away. This was the blade in her hand 4 pages ago which she was wielding without a bead of sweat appearing.

Even more surprising is that Thara, cut in a million places and stabbed in the chest is able to stand up and talk to Chris. And she doesn't seem fazed by the K-knife at all despite being the same distance away.
Okay, maybe I am nit-picking. And maybe I am overlaying too much of my medical knowledge onto a battle between Kryptonians.
Thara basically tells Chris to murder his mother. But Nightwing takes the high road telling Thara that Superman wouldn't ... so he won't. Thara finally succumbs to her wounds and passes out. Chris scoops her up and leaves Ursa buried in under ice in the Fortress.

I thought overall this was a very good issue. I think like most Rucka stories, there are strong characters with 3-dimensional personalities. He has given the main players here (Ursa, Thara, and Chris) distinct personalities and voices. The fact that there is such a lush backstory for all of them ... Thara's parents, Chris is Ursa's son, etc ... only makes it a more complex story than just rounding up Kryptonian renegades. Even in this battle heavy issue, the story moves forward. And Barrows' art continues to be strong.
The only drawback was Ursa's use of the Kryptonite blade but that certainly isn't anything major.
Overall grade: B/B+
Let me keep it short and simple, "Too Much Blood and Gore".
As interesting as Ursa was (I'd pay money to see Kara smack her down hard), the overall RELENTLESS gruesomeness detracted from the story for me.
Oh and good call on the k-blade....details like that are important.
John Feer
Man wheres Wonder Woman when you need her? Had Diana been with Nightwing and Flamebird in the Fortress upon Ursa attacking Diana would've mopped the floor with Ursa before she even made it to Chris and Thara. (Extra points had Diana permanently blinded Ursa too. Heh.)
Er, question: I thought Superman and Supergirl put in fail safes come the Fortresses security in only allowing those closest to them in after the whole 'Last Son' arc where Zod, Ursa and Non first managed to breach the 'Superman-family' sanctuary? Wha? Anyone and their grandma can now enter it as they please? Also, no Superman droids to come to the aid of Chris and Thara upon Ursa breaching the Fortress even?? :/
*Sighs* I have to say though that seeing that last page cliffhanger's overdue Chris's reunion with his foster mother really warmed the heart. :)
P.S. If you can't tell I really hate Ursa something chronic after the way she has raised poor Lor-Zod/"Chris Kent".
"Brrrrrrr .... Ursa frightens me in ways Zod never has."
Especially when you read her words in Sarah Douglas' voice...
LOL, agreed! ;)
When I read the 'Superman-family' characters I usually imagine I'm hearing the voice of Christopher Reeve for Superman, Laura Vandervoort for Supergirl, Helen Slater for Power Girl and Margret Kidder(sp?) for Lois as just some people I think of upon said Superman-family character showing up on the page. Heh. :)
About the K knife and Chris threatening Ursa with it..I didn't read the issue like Ursa was suddenly susceptible to the knife, I read it as her being scared that Chris will stab her with the knife, and then she'll be poisoned. After all she's blind now and he's won the fight (for the moment). She's suddenly realised she's in a position of weakness, and that will scare any bully.
As for Thara standing up with lots of kryptonite in her, well that's cos she's a hero and always willing to go the extra mile, push herself through the pain barrier sort of thing.
I think the knife has been treated somehow, weakened maybe, so that Kryptonians can hold it without it killing them. *nods* yes that'll be it. (I insert my own backupstory if the main story doesn't quite cut it)
I really liked it, at the end, how Chris came to Lois calling her "Mom".
BTW - Do you think Chris might get his physical self straightened out and perhaps become the new Superboy? It's either that or a heroic death at the end of this whole New Krypton thing.
i really enjoyed this issue. though we had a massive smackdown for most of the issue, it went by quickly (for me), and suddenly the book ended...
big yays for lois showing up. apart from superman himself, she is my favourite character in the superman books (supergirl being part of the family, but not the four superman books :)...
Let me keep it short and simple, "Too Much Blood and Gore".
As interesting as Ursa was (I'd pay money to see Kara smack her down hard), the overall RELENTLESS gruesomeness detracted from the story for me.Thanks for the post.
It was pretty over-the-top, but I think it was semi-necessary to show just what a maniac Ursa is.
Now that we know what she is capable of, I wonder if we will continue to see that degree of bloodshed.
Er, question: I thought Superman and Supergirl put in fail safes come the Fortresses security in only allowing those closest to them in after the whole 'Last Son' arc where Zod, Ursa and Non first managed to breach the 'Superman-family' sanctuary? Thanks for the post and good point.
I also wondered about Chris' decision to abandon the fortress with Ursa still there. Isn't that where the jail unit for the sleepers is?
*Sighs* I have to say though that seeing that last page cliffhanger's overdue Chris's reunion with his foster mother really warmed the heart. :)It was a nice ending, especially given how Ursa treated him in the Fortress.
I didn't read the issue like Ursa was suddenly susceptible to the knife, I read it as her being scared that Chris will stab her with the knife, and then she'll be poisoned. After all she's blind now and he's won the fight (for the moment). She's suddenly realised she's in a position of weakness, and that will scare any bully.
As for Thara standing up with lots of kryptonite in her, well that's cos she's a hero and always willing to go the extra mile, push herself through the pain barrier sort of thing.Thanks for the post.
That is a better way to read it. It seemed like when Ursa was reeling and saying 'poison' that she was succumbing to the rads. But You're right, it could be she is afraid that he will be able to stab her with it.
As for Thara,she took a complete pounding. I was still surprised she could stand.
BTW - Do you think Chris might get his physical self straightened out and perhaps become the new Superboy? It's either that or a heroic death at the end of this whole New Krypton thing.Thanks for the post.
I think more the latter. I think Chris doesn't make it or ends up back in a Phantom Zone like equivalent.
big yays for lois showing up. apart from superman himself, she is my favourite character in the superman books (supergirl being part of the family, but not the four superman books :)...Thanks for the post.
I also was glad to see Lois playing a big part in this arc. I think Lois is going to be a major player here (and in Supergirl) and I am glad that the supporting cast members aren't going to be forgotten in the 'Year without Superman'.
One minor note? There's a 5- in front of the 4377. Shell. S-Hell? Worth mentioning.
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