It is hard to believe but we are a mere 14 days away from learning 'Who Is Superwoman?'
I have run a couple of polls on the blog before and even done some breakdown on all the Superwoman sightings. Each time, Alura garnered the most votes.
But now we have had more time to ruminate over the clues, I thought we would run one more poll. This poll has a few more choices as recommended by some posters - breaking down the Alura and Kara guesses into more specific motivations.
I will put some of my own thoughts of how probable a guess is in the descriptions. But my ideas shouldn't sway you. Remember I am the 'evil clone' guy.
The poll will close on Wednesday April 22nd in the morning, the day Supergirl #40 is released and we see who is under the cowl.
As always, the poll starts with Alura who's emotional cruelty and maniacal xenophobia has made her a top candidate. It would explain how Superwoman calls the Els her family, how she knows conversations Alura has had with Kara, how she is on New Krypton and knows Kryptonese. I have reviewed Alura's potential motivations to be Superwoman in prior posts. All along, we have known about the potential for K-poisoning induced madness and heard Zor-El's potential warning. But this poll, I thought we would break down Alura into some specific guesses.
1) Alura - sane: Alura is simply using the cowl as a way to forward some of her ideas anonymously.
I think impossible. We know that Superwoman is working in conjunction with General Lane and even provided Reactron's escape from the battle at Kandor where Zor-El was killed. I doubt Alura would knowingly work with her husband's murderers.
2) Alura - insane, split personality, or K-poisoned: Alura has been crazed by K poisoning or the shock of her husband's death has given her a split personality. The Alura persona is unaware that she is also Superwoman.
This idea has a little more legs to it. Alura has been acting ... well ... crazy since early on in New Krypton. And that was even before she got hit with the bolt of Kryptonite poisoning drained from Kara.
I think highly improbable. I just don't think Alura can be everywhere.
3) Alura - clone, black Kryptonite made or other: We know black Kryptonite can split Kryptonians in two. Maybe the K-bolt included enough black K to split off an evil Alura. It would explain a lot about Superwoman's capabilities and knowledge. It might even explain why she would do what she is doing and obey General Lane.
If Superwoman is Alura, I think it will be a duplicate of some sort. I would label this as possible.
Another popular candidate for Superwoman is some version of Kara herself. Maybe one of the pre-existing duplicates or a new clone of Kara exists and is doing her best to both survive and be part of the real Kara's life. If Superwoman is Kryptonian and claims to be more than super-fast, it might be Kara. Although it is hard to justify why she would obey General Lane unless she is simply evil.
4) Kara - split in time: The split Kara from '52' who landed with the Legion has never been fully explained away. Was there a merging of the two Karas? Or does this one still exist, albeit older from other trips through time.
I think improbable. The existence of the split Kara is too difficult to explain and DC might just want to forget about it completely.
5) Dark Kara - Black K clone: The Kara explanation that fits the best. At the end of Supergirl #5, we think Dark Kara has merged with Supergirl due to Diana's lasso. But who knows? And that Kara was evil and crazy. It could explain everything. It also would jibe with my original 'evil clone' idea. Of course, how Dark Kara grew into a woman would need to be explained.
So I rank Dark Kara as possible.
6) Kara clone - Zor-El created, or other (Bizarro, Brainiac): My other thought early on was that Superwoman was a clone of Kara that had been made by Zor-El and Alura when they were in the bottle to 'replace' Kara in their life. As a clone she would have all the powers of a Kryptonian. As a clone, she also might say something like 'who said I am a Kryptonian' since she was artificially created. She might want to both help and hurt Kara - feeling she is Kara but jealous of the 'real' Supergirl suddenly being in Alura's life.
That was my first guess and it still sounds plausible. However, it is (in the end) saying Superwoman is an 'evil clone' and that might be too cliche to pass muster. I think a Kara clone is possible but unlikely.

And now some singular picks.
7) Android: a Kryptonian made android might have powers and be invulnerable to Gold K. Superwoman has certainly acted robotic at times. I don't know what the motivations would be or why an android would follow Lane's orders.
An android is possible.

8) Linda Danvers: She is older and would feel connected to the house of El and might want to mentor Kara in some ways. She has weird flame vision powers similar to Superwoman. But the Linda I know is no murderer. And she doesn't know Kryptonese. And she was just dragged through the mud in Reign in Hell.
I am going to say Linda Danvers cannot be Superwoman.

9) Lyra Kam-Par: This is a guess that has become more plausible as time has elapsed. She would have the right power spectrum. She might think she is part of the House of El because of how long she has worked for Alura. She might be chastised for wearing the mask and so could be blackmailed. Anything that would make her be needed more by Alura (like Zor-El's death and Alura's ascension to leader) would be desirable and would make obeying Lane easier.
Lyra is highly possible. If I wasn't clinging to 'evil clone' I would vote Lyra.

10) Lucy Lane: She has landed on everyone's guess list. But she doesn't have the powers, knowledge, or connection to the El's to be an easy fit. Also, I don't know why she would need to be blackmailed by General Lane when she seems eager to obey him.
I think Lucy is improbable.

11) Lana Lang: another common guess is Lana. Like Lucy, she hasn't the powers or ability to speak Kryptonese and be in Kandor to be an easy fit. She does have a connection to the house of El, but I doubt Lana would do the reprehensible things Superwoman has. I also think Gates and Igle have a different role in mind for Lana.
It is highly improbable for Lana to be Superwoman.
12) Other: A bunch of other people have been mentioned (Karsta, Lesla, Kristin Wells, Thara) but I don't think any warrant their own slot (although Karsta might fit, including the need to wear a mask as she is wanted throughout the galaxy).
Maybe there is someone I haven't mentioned or thought about.
In the end, I think it is either a Kara clone or Lyra.
But I would love to hear what everyone thinks and more importantly ... why they think so.
14 days and counting.
Maybe there is someone I haven't mentioned or thought about.
In the end, I think it is either a Kara clone or Lyra.
But I would love to hear what everyone thinks and more importantly ... why they think so.
14 days and counting.
This is fun - trying to knock my brain around figuring it out. (Ahh, like the good old days of figuring out who was a Cylon)
At least, unlike Red Hulk, this secret will actually be revealed.
Hmm, man I truly wish Johns, Robinson and Gates had reintroduced Lesla Lar (Kara's own 'evil' Kandorian twin looking counterpart) as being amongst 'em 100,000 Kryptonians upon Kandor propers return for I personally feel it would've been just like Lesla to want to rain on Supergirl's parade (what with Lesla being the extreme jealous type when it comes to Supergirl) and what better way to rival Supergirl then opting to going abouts pretending to dub herself as being yet ANOTHER 'Kryptonian Superheroine' who's calling herself 'Superwoman' upon her 'Superheroic debut' on E-0 itself and is trying to out shine Supergirl herself as such. *Sighs* Ah well.
Anyways, as to the poll in question's main question being asked I think out of all candidates listed it's either Alura, Lana or maybe even Lucy, now as to why I'm nailing it down to these main particular 3 is simply because I recall Gates having had said that Superwoman is apparently someone we've already actually seen running around within the 'New Krypton' arc itself upon some later given interview after the arc had finished.
Hmm, so I think it might just be SOME form of Alura herself so my vote goes to 'Alura (clone or duplicate)'. Heh.
Question: do we really need yet another 2nd evil Superwoman in the main DCU when we already have the E-3 Crime Syndicates very own Lois Lane/Superwoman having had filled that role itself? What makes the all new E-0's very own Superwoman differ from the E-3 one in turn really at the end of the day is what I truly would love to know? :/
I tell ya, if I had my way I would've opted in having had Peter David's Linda Danvers make her triumphant return to the Post-FC DCU E-0 continuity as it's all new known Superwoman here instead (minus the evil deeds committed under Sam Lane's thumb) rather then opting to have yet another evil Superwoman who's in co-hoots with General (if you can even cal him that) Sam Lane.
Peter David's Linda Danvers, Kurt Buseik's Kristen Wells, Lana Lang or even Luna Lynai as a GOOD intentioned Superfamily member operating under the 'Superwoman' alias would have been my personal preference come handling an E-0 intended Superwoman.
In conclusion, in after having said all of that if it regardless turn out to somehow be the recently widowed Alura-El herself as our 'Superwoman' then I'd opt to have it be Supergirl who sends her mother in to an all new Phantom Zone where upon 31st Century is let out by the Legion of Super-Heroes who is truly more then willing to make up for her evil ways and becomes known as their eras all new truly reformed Superheroic operating Superwoman Superheroine proper henceforth! Now THAT would utterly rock not to mention the unlimited story potential that could be mined from this move at that! "Superwoman and the Legion of Super-Heroes!" I really like it!!! 8D
I voted for Lucy Lane.
I'm voting for either Bad Kara or insane Allura...
If I had to pick one it's bad Kara.
Honestly... I'm bad at this guessing games.. but while I was reading the last issue of Supergirl, I saw a panel of SW and it immediately reminded me of Lucy Lane. Jamal did say he puts visual clues on who she is, and that very few people has guess who she is but for the wrong reasons.
And something funny... back in FC people tried to guess who was Libra, in the end Libra was just Libra...
I voted for "Insane Alura" because it would offer more drama and cause more waves after the reveal. How will Supergirl deal with Superwoman when its her mother who doesn't know she is Superwoman?
Real quick, TalOs, I don't think that it was said that Superwoman is someone we've seen in New Krypton, but rather, I think the quote was something along the lines of that she's someone we've seen in the comics since the New Krypton story arc began. Phrasing it like that makes me think it could still be anyone in any of DC's monthly publications, so long as they've appeared somewhere, anywhere, since Kandor was un-shrunk.
That said, it could actually give Linda a foot in the door-o'-being-Superwoman, but I really don't want her being misrepresented... I do hope, though, that the fact that she is on a lot of peoples' guess lists, as well as on their lists for Flamebird a short while back, and even that people still talk about and miss her, gives the boys over at DC the idea to bring her back in a more meaningful, permanent way.
Aaaaaanywho, let me just say that I voted for Lucy Lane, since I think a lot of the evidence points towards her, and, I dunno, I think a lot of the other guesses are a bit too hokey.
Don't throw anything at me!
Hmm, so I think it might just be SOME form of Alura herself so my vote goes to 'Alura (clone or duplicate)'. Heh.
Thanks for the post.
Alura has won every other poll so it is a good guess.
I voted for Lucy Lane.
Thanks for the post.
Lucy is a way more popular choice than I ever would have guessed.
If I had to pick one it's bad Kara.
I have to say I wouldn't mind if it turned out to be 'Dark Kara'. She fits almost all the clues.
I saw a panel of SW and it immediately reminded me of Lucy Lane. Jamal did say he puts visual clues on who she is, and that very few people has guess who she is but for the wrong reasons.
And something funny... back in FC people tried to guess who was Libra, in the end Libra was just Libra...
Thanks for the post.
Lots of love for Lucy as Superwoman. Interesting!
I have to say the Libra thing was pretty lame. Although I was on the mountainside shouting that Libra was Professor Zoom, so I may be jaded as someone sucked into a non-mystery.
I voted for "Insane Alura" because it would offer more drama and cause more waves after the reveal. How will Supergirl deal with Superwoman when its her mother who doesn't know she is Superwoman?
Thanks for the post.
You are right that 'Alura as Superwoman' is rich territory for future storylines.
Aaaaaanywho, let me just say that I voted for Lucy Lane, since I think a lot of the evidence points towards her, and, I dunno, I think a lot of the other guesses are a bit too hokey.
Don't throw anything at me!
LOL ... Thanks for the post.
Lucy seems to be a very popular pick so I think people should be throwing things at me and my 'evil clone' idea.
At least, unlike Red Hulk, this secret will actually be revealed.
Thanks for the post.
I think Red Hulk is some amalgamation of all the other gamma-powered beings ... like if Doc Samson and The Leader merged.
I'm telling you people, its an android
Insane Alura for the win!
I'm still clinging to Lucy, Lya has an element of "easy out" to her, although the evidence strongly suggests she is SW.
Although why Superwoman is kowtowing to General Lane is a mystery unless she is a double agent, which somewhat supports the notion that SW is a Kandorian.
John Feer
Hmm, others seem to be raising some very valid points about the similarities to Superwoman and Lucy Lane and after re reading the current arc issues that have been released thus far from it I think I can see where they're coming from so I decided to follow suit and change my vote to Lucy now. Heh. :)
I'm telling you people, its an android
Thanks for the post.
Certainly with Brainiac playing a big part in the story, an android is as good a guess as any.
Insane Alura for the win!
Thanks for the post.
Alura has won every poll yet and she fits the bill.
We'll find out in a week and a half.
I'm still clinging to Lucy
so I decided to follow suit and change my vote to Lucy now.
More Lucy votes.
I have to say I am surprised by this.
I'm sticking with Maxima. A total longshot, but I'm not an expert in DC matters, and therefore lose nothing by being wrong.
But...Red Hulk is Carl Creel, the Absorbing Man. You heard it here. The use of the chain in Hulk #7, his dialect...too coincidental. (Sorry, Anj, I read the other posts and couldn't resist!)
I'm sticking with Maxima. A total longshot, but I'm not an expert in DC matters, and therefore lose nothing by being wrong.Unlikely ... but at this point who knows!
So, earlier, I noticed that there were 6 votes for Linda, and now there are 5. Either way, that's a significant chunk of the votes; I wonder if those folks who voted for Linda have some way to justify it, or if its just wishful thinking (I almost voted for her myself)...
Also, I wonder if Mr. Jamal Igle voted, as he's at least commented on the blog before... ;)
So, earlier, I noticed that there were 6 votes for Linda, and now there are 5. Either way, that's a significant chunk of the votes; I wonder if those folks who voted for Linda have some way to justify it, or if its just wishful thinking (I almost voted for her myself)...Thanks for the post.
As much as I love Linda, I don't think I would want her back as Superwoman given the despicable things Superwoman has done.
But I agree, that is more votes than I expected for Linda.
Also, I wonder if Mr. Jamal Igle voted, as he's at least commented on the blog before... ;)Hmmmm ...
That would be cool ...
I like supergirl linda, this is the way superheroes how to be, from normal, combine 2 person became 1 person makes people thinking who the actually which is the real supergirl, but they both and same person, I like they starting the stories, 1-50, because the starting is more to family life, love, caring and they way to know supergirl. The first 50 issues more sexies if you compare to 50 above. I hope that dc can remake the linda edition maybe in comic, or animation way..
I like supergirl linda, this is the way superheroes how to be, from normal, combine 2 person became 1 person makes people thinking who the actually which is the real supergirl, but they both and same person, I like they starting the stories, 1-50, because the starting is more to family life, love, caring and they way to know supergirl. .
Thanks for the post.
I am always happy to hear from fans of the Peter David run. And I also love the first 50 issues.
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