The art by Mauro Cascioli is simply stunning. His Supergirl is gorgeous. My guess is as a fully painted book, Cascioli couldn't keep up with deadline demands. That's why (probably) this book has yet to be solicited despite being announced a year ago.
One thing noticeably absent in all the sneaks was any sight of Freddy Freeman. He was named as being on the team and was seen in the team shot in Wizard a few months ago. Maybe he joins the team in the second issue.

The three pages are shown in full at the blog but here are some thumbnails.
This must be Hal telling Superman that he is forming his league. Of course, the problem now is fitting this in continuity wise. Superman is on New Krypton. And Hal will be enmeshed in Blackest Night when this finally gets released.
Anyways ... back to this panel. The look on Superman's face looks somwhat disapproving. I wonder what he will think when Supergirl accepts the offer. Hopefully Robinson shows that interaction.

But more importantly, that doesn't appear to be the belly shirt she is wearing!
If anything it looks like the movie Supergirl is standing there. I would love to see Cascioli's take on a Matrix-y version of the uniform!!

This panel of Hal and Ollie travelling through space is just amazing.

There is no doubt in my mind that the art throughout the series is going to phenomenal. But I still feel cheated that this book has been delayed so much. I also wonder how much the art problem impacted the decision to make this book a mini-series instead of an monthly. A mini-series story can be pigeon-holed into a continuity timeline.
Everyone on board for this title?
Looks beautiful. As for continuity, well, JLA#31 had Black Canary telling Hal that he didn't have the authority to form his own team. A caption said, "For the full story on GL's team, be sure to pick up the Justice League: A Cry For Justice mini-series coming this July." So the mini-series is going to be taking place in the recent past. Similar to how Final Crisis was taking place after all the other storylines that were currently running. Linear time lines are for sissies!
looks great!
in the top double page spread (i think that's the cover) - freddy is there as Captain Marvel. I actually just noticed that he's in the team shot on the Wizard cover as Captain Marvel Jr. But by now he's already the new Captain Marvel. But you're right, I don't see him in any of the previews, he'll probably show up later.
i'm super excited about supergirl's new costume! i really hope that it's not a coloring error and she's switching over to a more matrix-like costume!
I know ah! :D I was like "GREAT RAO! THAT'S HELEN SLATER'S SUPERGIRL MOVIE'S COSTUME THEY'RE SHOWING! YES! W00T!!!" let's just pray though that DC does give our Post-COIE Kara Zor-El/'Linda Lang'/Supergirl just this very iconic look back and that it's not intended as some cruel red herring here.
As to Anj's question asked HELL YEAH! Granted I'd prefer to have her be featured right now in Teen Titans but being this isn't meant to be (at least as far as we know) I'm now more then willing to settle for this instead! Heh. :D
P.S. Anj and everyone else, Diamond has officially listed the new Supergirl trade titled Supergirl way of the World as apparently being due out as of THIS week! ;)
Here's the specific link:
This is all very intriguing, the costume change etc, but for the Supergirl character to progress, she has to have an all-up team affiliation. Not an aborted four issue run in Teen Titans, not a stand alone miniseries, a TEAM, with her as a TEAM MEMBER.
She has been used as a circulation boosting guest star practically since her revival in:
Brave and the Bold
The Legion of Superheroes
The Teen Titans
And three other miniseries with another one around the corner.
DC needs to fish or cut bait...I say it bluntly
John Feer
I am so disapointed. Especially after seeing this art, that "Justice League" has been remade to be a limited 6 issue series, instead of an on-going.
I didn't expect the title to continue forever, especially if James Robinson left the title -- but I was really, really looking forward to his style of extended take on the Justice League.
I mean, how impressed are we going to be by that Golden Gorilla if he only appears within six issues? Imagine if Robinson's Starman only lasted 6 issues. Do you think the Shade would have been such a compelling and awesome character after only the first story arch.
Maybe DC will change their minds if the book sells. Or maybe Congo Bill can appear in Superman. But it still makes this awesome annoucement and preview really disapointing.
So the mini-series is going to be taking place in the recent past. Similar to how Final Crisis was taking place after all the other storylines that were currently running. Linear time lines are for sissies!Thanks for the post and the laugh.
I keep wondering where Final Crisis fits into many of the DC titles.
anthony said i'm super excited about supergirl's new costume! i really hope that it's not a coloring error and she's switching over to a more matrix-like costume!mauricio said MOVIE COSTUME!talos said I know ah! :D I was like "GREAT RAO! THAT'S HELEN SLATER'S SUPERGIRL MOVIE'S COSTUME THEY'RE SHOWING! YES! W00T!!!" Thanks for the posts ...
Seems like we are all pumped for this. I can't wait to see this.
This is all very intriguing, the costume change etc, but for the Supergirl character to progress, she has to have an all-up team affiliation. Not an aborted four issue run in Teen Titans, not a stand alone miniseries, a TEAM, with her as a TEAM MEMBER.Thanks for the post.
It's hard for me to figure out which team she could be on now given the stutter steps she has taken with JLA, Titans, and the Legion.
And ... to be honest ... I would rather see Gates/Igle have more time to cultivate and solidify the character before she gets written by someone else in a team book.
This Justice League at least was being written by Robinson, a member of the Super-team.
I didn't expect the title to continue forever, especially if James Robinson left the title -- but I was really, really looking forward to his style of extended take on the Justice League.Thanks for the post.
I'm with you. This book seemed like it had the right mix of big name characters and c-listers to be a fresh take on the whole concept of the Justice League.
A six issue stint probably doesn't give Robinson the time to make me care enough about Congorilla or the blue-skinned Starman.
P.S. Anj and everyone else, Diamond has officially listed the new Supergirl trade titled Supergirl way of the World as apparently being due out as of THIS week! ;)
JAN090238 SUPERGIRL WAY OF THE WORLD TP $17.99On my list of purchases.
It will be good to reread the 'Saving Thomas' storyline again.
Hmmm, Anj y'know I remember her last trade (Beyond Good and Evil) collecting the first half of 'Saving Thomas' arc however for some unknown reason had stupidly left out the whole Amazons Attack (which has actually been referred to within Gates/Igle's current run as still having occurred still) as well as the Countdown featured issues (where the latter even had Supergirl meeting the Pre-COIE E-1 eras Karate Kid and 'Una'/ Duo Damsel for the supposed 'first time ever' too) so I'm just really hoping beyond hope that DC won't be stupidly repeating this decision a 2nd time come her latest trade being due out this week come picking up the rest of 'Saving Thomas' arc and all other arcs released in between. :/
The Amazons Attack arc will be released in a trade paperback this July, so we'll see Supergirl in action with Wonder Girl there. But I do understand what you mean Talos, the trade paperbacks do not always give you the complete story and you are left wondering what happened between certain issues.
Exactly. Thank you.
I'm still steaming over DC doing what they did come Supergirl's last trade when they had never done such a thing before come her trades prior to it.
I'm still steaming over DC doing what they did come Supergirl's last trade when they had never done such a thing before come her trades prior to it.Thanks for the posts.
I have been wondering exactly where/if issue #34 (Gates/Igle's first) will be reprinted.
Numbers 35 and 36 will clearly be reprinted in a New Krypton trade. The next issue picks up the Superwoman storyline. So where would #34 be put?
Good question come the last bit Anj. Where indeed?? :/
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