Given that this issue represented the final panels of the New Krypton arc and the beginning part of the next big storyline, it really felt like a transition issue. The Jurgens story was almost like a palate cleanser between courses.
And I love Gary Frank's work on the Superman family, so this was a great cover to reel in the readers.

The first time they lay eyes on each other is while Lois is running away from the Parasite. The events leading up to this are inconsequential. The story here is that Lois finally is able to see Superman.

It didn't read as powerful as it should since he was gone for sooooo long. 'There is too much here in Metropolis for me to leave it forever .... just for a long long time.'

There is a lot of loving looks and nervous stammering which feels right given how long they have been apart.

She can't describe the horrors of seeing her father kill himself. He can't describe seeing his planet destroyed.
But they have each other. The thoughts of each other was the only thing that kept them going through despite the horror around them.

The Lois line above just reads a little off. It would be one thing for her to say she feels safe with him holding and carrying her. But why preface it with the known fact that if he dropped her she'd die. It just read a bit weird.
She asks him if he will never leave her again and he admits he can't promise her that.

The story read just a bit too long, so much of it devoted to Lois and Superman fawning over each other. I understand that the reunion between the two needed more than just a couple of panels. Their love for each other deserves some space. But after a while, it just felt redundant.
Part of that feeling might be that I know that despite all their showering of devotions and fidelity, that Superman is going for a year long walk away from his wife and she is going to aid and abet Lex Luthor in Action Comics. The lines sounded hollow because meta-textually I know the two are going to be separated again. Would this have read better if I knew that the upcoming arc was a standard 'in Metropolis working at the Planet fighting bad guys' arc.
Maybe Superman could become Grounded by actually being around for his spouse.
Bernard Chang's art is very nice here. I have commented in the past how much I love his art when there is a good disaster or battle happening. Here he mutes his scratchy kinetic style to make it a nice smooth pretty romantic tale.
Overall grade: C+

The story starts with Superman dropping off a boat and criminals at the Police Station. The crooks are gun runners who say within the range of Superman's super-hearing that their capture means the timetable of the other part of their scheme will be pushed up.
Is this another Donner movie homage? Is this the boat and crooks dropped off in the first Superman movie?

But this is a Robin:Year One story. This is Dick Grayson at the very beginning. Bruce forbids him from acting alone but the sidekick sneaks off.
Unfortunately his skills aren't up to snuff and he is trussed up and tossed into the bay to drown. Luckily Superman was around to stop this part of the crooks' plan. With Robin safe and sound,Superman easily captures the bad guys.

Superman flies him back home and even does Dick's geometry homework so Batman will have no evidence of the ill-conceived adventure. It is a nice moment, showing what a good guy Superman is. Robin sounded like he already learned his lesson ... why make him face Batman's wrath.

Simple, sugary, nostalgic - made even more nostalgic with Jurgens doing the art as well.
It also nicely plays on the more 'cool uncle'/nephew vibe that Clark and Dick have. Nice to see that has been there since the beginning.
Overall grade: B/B+
1 comment:
I loved the Dick and Clark part of the story. Their relationship makes sense. Plus Batman is like a creepy/cool uncle to Kara. I hope we see this played out again, maybe during Justice League with Kara.
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