In what has to be considered absolutely fantastic news, it appears that the next DC animated movie will be based on the Supergirl origin storyline from Superman/Batman #8-13. That certainly looks like the Darkseid-corrupted Supergirl in the lower left.
The official news broke on the Superman home page. Here is the link:
The movie will be released on September 28, 2010. There will be a single standard edition DVD, a double-disc Special Edition DVD, and on Blu-ray disc.
I have said for the past couple of years that this is a great time to be a Supergirl fan and this is further evidence of her popularity.

And thanks to blog friend Mauricio Hunt for pointing me to this TV Guide article:
Here we get a sneak peek of what Supergirl will look like in the book. Also, Summer Glau is revealed to be doing her voice. Summer Glau! Too fantastic!
Here is what Bruce Timm had to say about Glau's performance.
"It was a fun part for her to play because it wasn't one-note," Timm says. "She could be young and bratty, like a typical teenager, and then show a little bit more maturity, then get feisty, then scared. She's got quite a gamut of emotions to act out."

I have to tip my hat to blog-friend Gene who speculated this movie was being made when he saw that the Turner-based action figures were resolicited for an October release. That is some serious prognostication!
Having seen her performance in Serenity, I think Summer Glau herself has superpowers ! :)
She even could play the part in an action live !
Great now she is being jobbed out to Darkseid, well at least that is sort of on the A-List...Beats being jobbed out to Mister Freeze.
John Feer
Oh don't worry, I'll buy it, Kara First, Kara Last, Kara Always is my motto it's just that I'd prefer the Brainiac Mini or even better "Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade" as the animated template.
Just sayin'...
With DCE's no girls allowed animation edict I think beggars can't be choosers. We've read the comic though, hopefully they give her a few more positive actions.
I do hope they give this animation movie a more "mature, realistic" look than the traditional tv cartoon versions they usually use in their dvd movies.
So excited for this and can't wait to buy it. Supergirl is getting some great publicity.
I just wish the movie had been titled
Supergirl Apocalypse. I mean besides the picture of her on the cover how are you supposed to know it's about supergirl. She's evil on the cover anyway.
Anj wrote:
I have to tip my hat to blog-friend Gene who speculated this movie was being made when he saw that the Turner-based action figures were resolicited for an October release. That is some serious prognostication!"
Thanks Anj!
I feel like that USN intelligence officer who figured out ahead of time that the Japanese was going to attack Midway during the war.
Cheers to Mauricio Hunt for finding that TV Guide article with the cool Supergirl picture! Seeing it reassures me that Kara will appear in costume in the movie.
Casting Summer Glau was an unexpected surprise. She did a great job on the Terminator TV show so I'm looking forward to hear how she voices Kara.
Overall I am thrilled that this Supergirl storyline will be the next animated movie. I can't wait until Under the Red Hood comes out next month so we can see the trailer/first look for Apocalypse.
Now the speculation will begin on what the movie will keep/change/drop from Superman/Batman #8-13! :D
BTW, Lauren Montgomery who is directing the movie has her own blog:
Wow - this sounds like great news! (But does this mean they are going to make movies out of the other 2 story archs from Loeb's run?
And Summer Glau as Supergirl! Yippie!
The offical press release from Warner Home Video has just been issued:
i think Summer Glau playing Kara is the part i'm most happy about. I adored her in Firefly.
I'd always hoped the Supergirl origin story from Superman/Batman would be made into an animated movie. This is great news!!!
So it's gonna be a Batman/Superman world for the animated films from now on?
Which I understand from a business standpoint, I blame the silly fans for not appreciating and supporting all the great female characters out there.
Though Wonder Woman's film rebounded and sold nicely, it had horrible first week sales and that put an end to the Batgirl movie and it seems, even an end to putting the gals names on the cover.
Ah well, at least we get SG in a film and that's very cool. I hope she and WW get ample screen time. Frankly, while Batman is a great character, he's overplayed. So here's to girl power wherever we can get it!
Oohh, just saw this as an extra on the 2 disc edition...
"Featurette: Supergirl: The Last Daughter of Krypton - A comprehensive look at The Maiden of Might from her introduction in the classic age of comics to her death in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event to her appearance on Smallville and beyond."
Having seen her performance in Serenity, I think Summer Glau herself has superpowers ! :)
You're right. The fight scenes in that movie were unreal!
With DCE's no girls allowed animation edict I think beggars can't be choosers. We've read the comic though, hopefully they give her a few more positive actions.
I also wonder just how she will be portrayed in the movie. The way she acted in the story was occasionally off.
I just wish the movie had been titled
Supergirl Apocalypse. I mean besides the picture of her on the cover how are you supposed to know it's about supergirl. She's evil on the cover anyway.
I agree that it would have been better to have a pic of Supergirl on the front cover. I wonder if she is seen in the costume on the back cover.
Now the speculation will begin on what the movie will keep/change/drop from Superman/Batman #8-13! :D
Maybe another post here is warranted.
I know some things I would want to be changed.
Oohh, just saw this as an extra on the 2 disc edition...
"Featurette: Supergirl: The Last Daughter of Krypton - A comprehensive look at The Maiden of Might from her introduction in the classic age of comics to her death in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event to her appearance on Smallville and beyond."
I wonder if it is simply a re-edit of the similar featurette seen on Smallville Season 7 dvd or something completely new.
Ah I dunno, the whole storyline leaves me cold, Supergirl as a victim to be saa-aved by Batman/Superman or a commodity to be seized by Darkseid?
Say what you like about the Silver Age Supergirl, she was in Superman's shadow, that she was a bland suburban teenager written by befuddled middle aged men, but at least she was self reliant and self rescuing. She saved her cousin's life, secret ID or dignity a helluva lot more than he ever did likewise for her. And if there was a team up with Batman it was axiomatic she'd be stopping bullets for the Dark Knight...Today I sometimes feel we've gone backwards, retreated beyond even the minimum standards for female characters circa 1965.
AS I said though, I'm buying it...I'm just a unimpressed with the storyline choice.
John Feer
Anj wrote:
"I wonder if it is simply a re-edit of the similar featurette seen on Smallville Season 7 dvd or something completely new."
I have a bad feeling Warner Home Video is simply reusing the Smallville featurette. It would be nice if they updated it with interviews with Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, James Robinson, Landry Walker and Eric Jones.
I'd like to see a Supergirl roundtable with Helen Slater, Nicholle Tom, Lara Vandervoort, and Summer Glau where they talk about playing/voicing Supergirl.
Anj wrote:
"I wonder if it is simply a re-edit of the similar featurette seen on Smallville Season 7 dvd or something completely new."
I have a bad feeling Warner Home Video is simply reusing the Smallville featurette. It would be nice if they updated it with interviews with Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, James Robinson, Landry Walker and Eric Jones.
I'd like to see a Supergirl roundtable with Helen Slater, Nicholle Tom, Lara Vandervoort, and Summer Glau where they talk about playing/voicing Supergirl.
(Sorry about the double post)
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