As a big fan of Supergirl, I am always very happy to see her cross over into the mainstream. As the father of three supergirls at home, three budding Supergirl fans, I am ecstatic when Supergirl crosses over into the mainstream of their world.
So imagine how happy I was when I saw this post from Variety touting a new Supergirl-themed clothes line being marketed at JC Penney this summer. Here is the link and some of the post:
Warner Bros. is turning to Supergirl to battle Disney for a piece of the girls market the Mouse House dominates with its Princess franchise.
The studio has teamed with JCPenney to launch Supergirl as a lifestyle brand aimed at 8- to 12-year-old girls with clothing that prominently features the S-shield.
Warner Bros. Consumer Products enlisted five-time gymnastics Olympic medalist Nastia Liukin to lend her name to the new line as its spokesperson and push a message of empowerment.
Products, made up of T-shirts, dresses, dancewear and other apparel, will be priced from $20 and $38 and hit store shelves July 20, timed for the back-to-school season.
The Supergirl by Nastia line is the first of several new products WBCP is expected to introduce around the high-flying heroine after focusing heavily on the 6- to 8-year-old boys market using DC characters like Batman and Superman.
Warners saw an opportunity with Supergirl because "the Supergirl S-shield is embraced the world over as a symbol of girl power," said Brad Globe, president, Warner Bros. Consumer Products.
The studio has spent the past four years supporting female athletes with the Supergirl Jam, an all-girls action sports competition and music festival, and this month, launched the inaugural Nastia Liukin Supergirl Cup, to honor the accomplishments of young, rising female gymnasts.
I had heard of the Nastia Liukin Supergirl Jam before but never paid too much attention to it. But this seems like the perfect cross-cultural exposure of the character mixing the heroics and power of Kara with the accomplishments of the Olympic medalist. And the line is coming out in time for 'back to school'. My guess is that I will be shopping with the three supergirls when this is released.
If I were DC, I would piggy back on this phenomenon. What great exposure for the character! Now would be the time to get these new Supergirl fans interested in her comic book adventures.
How about another Cosmic Adventures mini-series?
Actually, it's already been 'drill' into the minds of girls the word 'princess' to describe female characters. That's how my 4 year old nephew called Supergirl when she first saw her.
Yes! more Cosmic Adventures, it felt like a 'Campbell' new book... you know.. no finish... ;)
The Tiny Titans is also a good idea, the latest cover featuring Supergirl is kinda of neat, and even this girl's work on DA:
Inspired me to draw my own super-gal TT style:
just so long as its not all pink i'll be happy. and so long they include they something with the traditional red/yellow/blue theme.
Interestingly enough, Supergirl has worked with JC Penny before:
Anj wrote:
"How about another Cosmic Adventures mini-series?"
Marvel is coming out with an all ages title called "HER-OES":
Is it just me, or does the theme of this comic sound just a wee bit familiar? ;)
This is all nice, I'm glad DC/Warner Brothers etc is still "leveraging" the charracter. Now where is that "Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade" animated series???
John Feer
Heh adorable.
Heres adding mu vote for a sequel of 'S:CA8G' too. :)
Inspired me to draw my own super-gal TT style:
Thanks for the post!
Good art as always!
Its not pink! They are catching on. I do like the connection between Supergirl and female achievement but I find it strange they use that quote about the 'supergirl' shield. Erm...its the same as the 'superman' shield. I hope they come to realise its not just little ladies that want to wear a supergirl Tee. I have two (both pink!) that actually have Kara's face on it. I'd like a V Neck fitted T Shirt with some classic Supergirl covers on. Like they did with the male heroes on men's shirts at bloomingdales. I also wonder how Wonder Woman fits in here, she's the usual token female. I'd like some cool zatanna stuff as well, thinking on.
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