I have to admit that I did not get Trinity when it came out. After being displeased with Countdown and with a pull list that was saturated, I did not think I could afford a weekly comic especially if it wasn't any good. I had heard that Trinity was a decent comic but just stayed away. Even on this blog, I can remember someone recommending it to me given its portrayal of Supergirl.
So in some ways I feel there is a little serendipity going on here. I would not have picked up this trade otherwise. I have to say that I thought this volume was a decent read. Decent enough to make me look for the other trades when my local comic bookstore has a big sale.
From what I can gather Morgan Le Fay, Enigma (the antimatter universe Riddler) and Despero have formed an anti-trinity and realize that the symbols of the Tarot can be utilized to effect lasting change in the universe. This collection starts immediately after a battle during which Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are branded with Tarot symbols and subsequently erased from history. With the Trinity no longer present in the DC Universe, history rewrites itself. It is a darker universe with a government controlled superhero army instead of a Justice League.Characters suddenly have new back stories and origins. One of those is Supergirl.

All of the major players seem to be at the site of this battle when reality shifts. So Supergirl is suddenly this visor-wearing aggressive government agent dressed in a sleek gray and white uniform.

She is now Interceptor!
And she is clearly a highly ranked, highly respected and feared, and unbelievably efficient agent for the military. We learn that she us a Colonel in the Army and is the lead on the dozens of important missions.

Those closest to the Trinity realize that something isn't right ... that something is missing. There are half-memories that constantly bubble to the surface of their minds. The individuals form an alliance to try to bring back Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and set things to right. The group consists of Alfred and Dick Grayson, Donna Troy and Nemesis, and Lois and Supergirl. (Thanks goodness Busiek ranked Kara as being that important a person in Superman's life.)
In this scene, Alfred uses some Kryptonite to weaken Interceptor and retell her other origin. He then tries to convince her to join their ranks. I love the dialogue from Supergirl here divulging a little of her new origin - her rocket was found by Navy Seals. Intriguing. Still, Supergirl agrees with the group's mission and joins them.
Their mission leads them to an alien world where the Trinity are worshipped as gods.

Here we see Interceptor as the responsible agent. Even as she is flying along, hoping to rewrite the fabric of reality and bring the Trinity back, she is wondering what mayhem is happening on Earth. Should she have left that upheaval knowing she definitely could be helping there as opposed to potentially doing something here?

I like his design of Supergirl as Interceptor here. The visor is a nifty addition. But Kara looks lithe and athletic in the Government issue one piece. She is battle-hardened and confident. I like how she looks here as the big gun of this alliance, front and center and ready to attack. I'd love to see a commission of Supergirl in that position but in her regular uniform.

So I was also thrilled to see Busiek address a question that I was starting to think as I read the book. Would Interceptor, knowing her position in this history as established super-power, want to rewrite history and go back to being Supergirl who is still 'becoming'?
The trade ends with the alliance facing the Trinity in their 'alien god' mode.
This certainly wasn't an unbelievably great book but it certainly was very good. Given the weekly format and the resulting length of the story, I think Busiek should be commended. A very good weekly probably equals a fantastic monthly.
So did anyone read this when it came out? Should I buy the other trades?
ok, that goes onto my to buy list.
Anj wrote:
"I love the dialogue from Supergirl here divulging a little of her new origin - her rocket was found by Navy Seals."
The same thing happened to Superman in a 1976 alternative reality story penned by Elliot S! Maggin. Kal-El's rocket landed in the ocean and the SEALS secured it minutes before the Soviets could.
I'm glad you're liking it, Anj, but (and I seriously don't mean to rain on your parade) after having bought this 3rd 52 issue weekly at the time I (as well as numerous others) unfortunately found it devolving as it went on in to such a mess for it becomes so very repetitive and borders on annoying that I actually ended up adding my voice to others pleading for DC to cancel the thing already and kick off their 4th weekly Wednesday Comics asap.
Anyways, that's just my own personal experience after having bought this 3rd 52 page weekly.
An Interceptor is a thing, an airborne weapon, Supergirl is a person and an icon...In the end who would wanna be a weapon even if you were the topmost weapon in the universe?
It's like being Doomsday with a better fashion sense.
John Feer
I'm glad you're liking it, Anj, but (and I seriously don't mean to rain on your parade) after having bought this 3rd 52 issue weekly at the time I (as well as numerous others) unfortunately found it devolving as it went on in to such a mess for it becomes so very repetitive and borders on annoying
To be honest, I can see that as much of the story away from the Trinity alliance is sort of repetitive battle scenes on Earth.
I really think that I enjoyed this as much as I did because I went into it with absolutely no expectations.
Unfortunately, the only reason I foolishly stuck around (apart from seeing what will become of Supergirl) is exactly what DiDio meant when claiming that the end of this 3rd weekly would have repercussions in the main DCU latter that exact year which as far as I can tell was never followed up on.
Again, I'm so sorry if I've been a party pooper here, Anj, for that truly wasn't my intent and only wished to share with you my own thoughts upon having had bought this at the time.
I didn't like the massive dollap of subtext that Supergirl can't be herself without Superman and that the world would fall apart without the damn trinity. I don't like throwing the term mary sue around but the trinity are dangerously close
Yeah true re. subtext, but I have a hard time imagining Kara as an commando/assassin. Her refusal to kill is part of what makes Supergirl special IMHO.
John Feer
I didn't like the massive dollap of subtext that Supergirl can't be herself without Superman and that the world would fall apart without the damn trinity. I don't like throwing the term mary sue around but the trinity are dangerously close
I can see that. Even moreso with characters like Lois and Dick Grayson who are very different as well.
This maxi-series had some good points, but it suffered from too much padding and too many ongoing subplots.
"I didn't like the massive dollap of subtext that Supergirl can't be herself without Superman"
But that isn't implied at all.
"and that the world would fall apart without the damn trinity. I don't like throwing the term mary sue around but the trinity are dangerously close"
No really.
Heroes are meant to inspire us. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are the world's greatest heroes. The world is a worse place without them because they were not around to inspire people, including other heroes.
Let's remember Earth 1 Superman's words to her cousin in Convergence:
"I act as a deterrent to those who do bad. I react to events after they happen and try to fix them. But you don't wait. You're always thinking of ways to use your powers to help others before they even know they need help. And you bring caring and wamrth everywhere you go. I've never quite said this before, but for most of my life, I thought I was alone in the universe. You came to Earth and your optimism and cheer helped me through the times when it looked like the bad guys could win. You've not only touched my life, but everyone else's. And we're all so much better because you're here."
It's the same principle.
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