Over on the DC blog The Source, Matt Idelson talks a little about Codename:Patriot ( http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2009/08/10/matt-idelson-talks-codename-patriot-crossover/ ). More importantly, there are 13 preview pages from a number of the super-title issues coming out.
I love preview pages and picked some of my favorite to comment on. But first, here is Idelson.
The fun kicked off last week in WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON (or as we call it, WONK) #6, as we picked up on the shocking act of violence committed at the end of WONK #5. And that’s only the first act, as the story flows into ACTION COMICS #880 this week, SUPERGIRL #44 next, with SUPERMAN #691 rounding out the month with the big finale. Along the way, we’ve got a SECRET FILES for ya (also out this week) to help you ongoing readers brush up on your facts in time for the crossover, and to serve as an introduction to those foolish stragglers who aren’t as hip as you are. August 19th is the date you should circle in your calendar for the payoff to Sodom Yat’s quest to find Mon-El in SUPERMAN ANNUAL #14, and the end of the month gives you the long-awaited sequel to SUPERMAN’S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN SPECIAL #1. We’ve cleverly numbered it issue #2, and you’ll get to follow Jimmy around as he delves even deeper into the mystery of General Lane’s 7734 operation.
So, at least we get a little more information about the upcoming issues.
I could get into the meaning of the story title, “Codename: Patriot”, and speculate with you on if this means we’re introducing a daring new character to Lane’s arsenal, joining Codename: Assassin, Codename: Reactron, Codename: Metallo and Codename: Superwoman (moment of silence), but hey, I ain’t the Shell Answer Man!
I'm thinking that Codename:Patriot is Zod's name for this little stratagem to stir the pot a bit between Earth and New Krypton.
And now onto the pages ...

First off, a couple of pages from Action Comics #880, coming out this week. This issue marks the first issue of Julian Lopez art on the title. Looks like his pencils are tight and clean.
Here we see Ral-Dar (the Zod shooter) crashing through a fighter jet thus getting the attention of both Jimmy Olsen and Mon-El.

And then this page where Superman and Supergirl are brought before The Guardian.
I think this is going to be a very interesting scene to see play out. How will The Guardian and the Science Police react? While Superman may be allowed on Earth, Supergirl is an illegal alien (hee hee) due to the UN directive. Will the Guardian be hard-nosed? Or will, having seen the renegade Ral-Dar buzzing around, realize that he needs all the help he can get and that includes Supergirl?
Judging from the bottom left panel and Kara's body language, I think initially The Guardian is following the letter of the law and asking Supergirl to leave.

Then we get a page from the Kara/Thara Fire Falls story from this week's Superman:Secret Files.
I like the more youthful appearance of Kara here, tying into the timing of the story. I also like the camping outfit with the family sigil.
This story seems to have some importance in the overall relationship between Supergirl and Flamebird so I am looking forward to this story.
First, Atlas going toe-to-toe against Ral-Dar in (I assume) Project 7734 headquarters. That looks like General Lane sprawled on the floor there. It could also be the Iron Works factory.
Atlas pretty much mopped the floor with Superman so I don't necessarily give Ral-Dar much of a chance. Of course, it was hinted in the Atlas storyline that magic aided Atlas. Perhaps he had some Superman-specific upgrades making his brawl with Ral-Dar more even?

I remember that in the Sterling Gates interview on Newsarama recently that he really talked up Jamal Igle's art in Codename:Patriot. Seeing these two pages, I can understand why.
Look at this page where Flamebird is surrounded by carnage, punching someone into a tour bus. And in Hollywood no less! Is that the old Capitol Records building in the background?
I especially love that last panel. It looks like a maniacal expression on Flamebird, no? The more her story unfolds, the more I think Thara is going to descend into madness.
Finally I thought I would post this preview page from the Superman:Secret Files book.
For one, I think Ursa is just spectacular as a villain ... crazy and ruthless! I guess I can only hope that she becomes a prominent Supergirl rogue.
I was hoping that the Kryptonian text might give us some clues. Unfortunately it is somewhat bland.
From the top it reads:
"- didence inc -"
"- gns of aggression"
"- ed states military"
"- lerts in sector 1o"
"- vididence inconclusive"
As always, I recommend heading to The Source to see the other pages. There are some from the Superman Annual (looks like Daxam might have been more expansionist in the past), the Jimmy Olsen Special, and Adventure Comics.
Looks like some good stuff right around the corner!
I love the animated series style outfit in the secret files. Beautiful art too. I don't think Jamal did that did he? I think Jamal may be the best regular artist on a super-book. I wonder why a star from the hollywood walk of fame is going through a london bus? I can't wait to see Mon and Kara team up. I wonder why they fight Nightwing and Flamebird.
Nikki said...
I can't wait to see Mon and Kara team up. I wonder why they fight Nightwing and Flamebird.
I'm actually more wondering as to whether Kara will remember their time spent together in the 31st Century from Waid/Kitson's Supergirl and the Legion title's run myself. ;-)
This looks really, really cool, heh.
Question: why is ‘Ral-Dar’ apparently faster to reach Earth then Superman and Supergirl? Is it because just like Supergirl upon her debut Ral-Dar also now has yet to learn restraint come his new found abilities? :/
"evidence inconclusive - signs of aggression - united states military - sector 10 - evidence inconclusive..." is this the intended continuous loop news feed in it's entirety that Ursa, Non and apparently Zod are all meant to be reading here? :/
Gotta give DC credit for making the events surrounding WONK feel epic, and giving Supergirl a critical role in all of it.
This looks interesting.... I don't know that Thara's going to be driven insane, but I imagine that things are going to get worse before they get better. She certainly looks to be enjoying the violence doesn't she?
I love the animated series style outfit in the secret files. Beautiful art too. I don't think Jamal did that did he? I think Jamal may be the best regular artist on a super-book.
I don't think Jamal is the artist on the Secret Files story.
I agree that Igle's work has been spectacular on Supergirl.
Question: why is ‘Ral-Dar’ apparently faster to reach Earth then Superman and Supergirl? Is it because just like Supergirl upon her debut Ral-Dar also now has yet to learn restraint come his new found abilities? :/
I think he got a head start.
He is discovered missing and is already on his way to Earth at the end of WONK 6.
This looks interesting.... I don't know that Thara's going to be driven insane, but I imagine that things are going to get worse before they get better. She certainly looks to be enjoying the violence doesn't she?
I agree. She seems pretty pleased with herself in that last panel.
I wonder if others will think she is mentally unstable if she starts talking about being the avatar of Flamebird.
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