First off, we have the New Krypton storyline moving its way through the Super-titles.

Written by Geoff Johns
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Alex Ross; Variant cover by Stephane Roux
“New Krypton” part 4! With thousands of Kryptonians being integrated into human society, the world believes they'll be watched over and protected across the globe. But not everyone was raised by Ma and Pa Kent. Meanwhile, the experiments on Brainiac continue as his mysterious captor builds an army against the Man of Steel and his people. Plus, who are the new Nightwing and Flamebird?

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle & Keith Champagne
Cover by Alex Ross; Variant cover by Stephane Roux
In “New Krypton” part 5, the new creative team continues to shake up Supergirl's life as Kryptonian-human relations are strained even further! The turmoil forces Supergirl to make a terrible decision: does she stand with the Kryptonian, the people she's longed to be reunited with, or with the humans, the race she's sworn to protect? On top of that, one of her greatest foes is reactivated with a burning hatred for anyone from Krypton – Rao help us all!

Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes & Wilson Magalháes
Cover by Alex Ross; Variant cover by Stephane Roux
Following closely on the stirring events of SUPERGIRL #35, “New Krypton” part 6 sees the unrest between the Kryptonians and humankind rapidly spin out of control. Superman knows it’s only a matter of time before widespread violence breaks out between the two cultures. But deep in the heart of the U.S. military, a deadly new Squad K is being organized. Its mission: clean up the “Kryptonian problem” before it gets out of hand!
"New Krypton" does sound like an interesting premise. When Kandor was enlarged in the Silver Age it was on the distant planet Rokyn, not Earth. Those Kryptonians wanted to start fresh ... not be part of Earth's culture. Certainly not take over Earth. Johns' plan to suddenly flood the population with Kryptonians is a very intriguing story.
As I said before and as the solicitation bears out, I think Supergirl is going to be a very conflicted person in this. It sounds like Reactron makes a re-appearance in her title.
As I said before and as the solicitation bears out, I think Supergirl is going to be a very conflicted person in this. It sounds like Reactron makes a re-appearance in her title.
Add on the that the other little things we are learning like the government experimenting on Brainiac and a new Nightwing and Flamebird and it just sounds like it will be a great sweeping storyline to refocus/reset Kryptonian culture and history.
I also noticed that all three books have Stephane Roux variant covers. I am a big fan of his art and love his Birds of Prey covers. I have a commission from him I will post when these covers get released. This storyline and the presence of variants can only increase interest in the Supergirl title and hopefully improve (at least stabilize) her sales.
Add to the Super-titles, these mini-series, discussed in a prior post:
I also noticed that all three books have Stephane Roux variant covers. I am a big fan of his art and love his Birds of Prey covers. I have a commission from him I will post when these covers get released. This storyline and the presence of variants can only increase interest in the Supergirl title and hopefully improve (at least stabilize) her sales.
Add to the Super-titles, these mini-series, discussed in a prior post:

Written by Grant Morrison
Art and covers by J.G. Jones and Carlos Pacheco & Jesus Merino
As the entire world turns against them, the last of Earth's Super Heroes must face the unstoppable power of the Gods of Apokolips for the final time. Supergirl vs. Mary Marvel! Superman vs. Darkseid! The fate of the Flash! And the incredible return of the New Gods! The End of Days has come and the ultimate war between good and evil will at last be decided on the battlefield of a broken world!And as the skies bleed, as the walls between universes crumble and fall, the ultimate threat to life makes its presence felt as an evil beyond imagining arrives to claim its prize. Mandrakk the Dark Monitor is coming and the DC Multiverse will never be the same again!

Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art and cover by Phil Noto
A vicious Apokolptian villain known as Maelstrom has arrived on Earth to kill Superman so that she might become The Bride of Darkseid! Superman and Supergirl join forces to battle the villain but at what cost to Metropolis? From Earth to Apokolips and beyond, Superman and Supergirl face unexpected challenges in this action-packed tale examining what it means to be a hero.
And for the Johnny DC crowd or the completist:
And for the Johnny DC crowd or the completist:

Written by Art Baltazar & Franco
Art and cover by Art Baltazar
It's girl's day out as Supergirl and Batgirl try to find the perfect location for a tea party. Let's just hope they don't forget about Steaky and Ace!
I agree with nikki, who posted on this blog earlier that she is excited about a Barbara/Kara team-up. While I don’t think it can happen in this current continuity, I did like the Silver Age friendship between the 2 characters. This issue sounds delightfully goofy. And, as always, I can’t get enough Streaky.
For the real completist:

I agree with nikki, who posted on this blog earlier that she is excited about a Barbara/Kara team-up. While I don’t think it can happen in this current continuity, I did like the Silver Age friendship between the 2 characters. This issue sounds delightfully goofy. And, as always, I can’t get enough Streaky.
For the real completist:

Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Pérez & Bob Wiacek
Cover by George Pérez
Now available in trade paperback, this volume collects the first arc of the new series from writer Mark Waid and artist George Pérez. The Book of Destiny calls out to several heroes across time and space in the DCU for an adventure starring Batman, Hal Jordan, Lobo, Supergirl and many more!
Waid wrote a great Supergirl in his Legion run as well as in this storyline. Perez really draws a nice Supergirl. Her team-up issue with Lobo in particular showed a strong, confident Kara. I have to admit I only purchased the 2 issues of this 6 issue run which starred Supergirl, but they were good reads. I might check out the extended story.
7 issues to review in one month! Let us give thanks for this bountiful Supergirl month!
Waid wrote a great Supergirl in his Legion run as well as in this storyline. Perez really draws a nice Supergirl. Her team-up issue with Lobo in particular showed a strong, confident Kara. I have to admit I only purchased the 2 issues of this 6 issue run which starred Supergirl, but they were good reads. I might check out the extended story.
7 issues to review in one month! Let us give thanks for this bountiful Supergirl month!
7 issues to review in one month! Let us give thanks for this bountiful Supergirl month!
Heh. A big AMEN at that dude! :D
Nov come all things Supergirl is gonna truly RAWK! 8D
Hmmmm, just a question I had recently thought of here come all things Supergirl/"New Krypton" wise though and that is, exactly how would us fans react to DC suddenly out of nowhere having revealed that our current Kara Zor-El/Supergirl who we thought was Kara proper was actually none other then Kara's evil Kryptonian/Kandorian City evil twin counterpart one Lesla-Lar INSTEAD! And that our REAL Kara was still residing with in Kandor till Superman manages to re-enlargen it next to his Fortress itself where he shortly after encounters his REAL cousin Kara along with Uncle Zor-El and Aunt Alura at that even who by the end of "New Krypton"'s arc finale results in giving us the 100% REAL Kara Zor-El becoming Supergirl: chosen representative of Krypton/Kandor City, eh? Would we call for DC's blood for doing this or would we overall be fine come this totally out of the blue startling revelation at hand now?
Personally, i think i'd have a LOT of mixed feelings come this whole sudden startling revelation as to our true Kryptonian Supergirl apparently being and HOW she in turn ends up on Earth itself in comparance to the so called "Kara" who we thought to have known this whole time who has actually turned out to be Kandor's own Lesla-Lar instead.
Hmmmm, just a question I had recently thought of here come all things Supergirl/"New Krypton" wise though and that is, exactly how would us fans react to DC suddenly out of nowhere having revealed that our current Kara Zor-El/Supergirl who we thought was Kara proper was actually none other then Kara's evil Kryptonian/Kandorian City evil twin counterpart one Lesla-Lar INSTEAD!
Thanks for the great post. Two Lesla Lar posts within the last 2 weeks! That is simply awesome!
I can't imagine that DC would ever ever do what you propose.
It would explain all the bad stuff that she has done since her inception, sort of her true colors coming through.
But I think there would be too much of an uproar.
Thanks for the great post.
No probs, mate! (Yes, I am an Aussie ;))
I can't imagine that DC would ever ever do what you propose.
It would explain all the bad stuff that she has done since her inception, sort of her true colors coming through.
But I think there would be too much of an uproar.
Hmmmm, an up roar in what sense do you mean by that exactly though? I mean, Supergirl fans world wide as a result of DC having now done what they did come "New Krypton" arc's out finale now resulting in their whole Superman/Batman: "The Supergirl From Krypton" origin arc up until "New Krypton" Supergirl trades out by then collected of who they thought was once the "real" Post-CoIE/IC incarnation of Kara Zor-El proper having only now learn't to revealed to actually have not been the case but instead that of now really being Kandor's very own Lesla Lar herself making fans collections worthless in turn and wanting to literally TORCH DC Comics building all the more for it, OR, say more along the lines of having fans gasping aloud in unison world wide all the while shouting "AW JESUS! Not YET ANOTHER Kara Zor-El/Supergirl now!!!" being the result meant by your reply instead here, eh?
Another question, lets just say for arguments sake here IF they DID chose to do just this come "New Krypton"'s deal exactly HOW then would DC now go abouts explaining away to the general public of their so called "real" Kandor's "Argo" sector Kara Zor-El proper still having to remain THE exact same age of what she had been at THE original time of Brainiac first having up rooted Kandor off of Krypton itself and as such NOT having had aged normally to womanhood instead as a consequence of this NOT becoming known as the adult Superwoman alias but that of Supergirl still as such, eh? Would DC just put it all down to the "bottle" tech Brainiac used to trap them in had some how miraculously all together STOPPED the againg process from ocurring until Superman frees them on Earth and at normal size? Could that be DC's answer to as to WHY the 100,000 residents of Kandor City itself haven't it seemed aged a day and as to WHY Kara is still that of a 16 year old Kryptonian teen girl who can still become known as Supergirl all because of what Brainiacs own "anti-aging" trap itself resulted in? Other wise, I wonder how else they could explain a NON fully grown to possibly ederly aged adult Kara Zor-El emerging out of Kandor City upon Superman having freed her, ah? :/
1) I think DC realzies that making this Kara be a lookalike would smell too much like a cop-out or retcon of a failed reboot of the character. Instead they will let Johns and Gates try to right the ship.
2) I do believe that there will be some sort of time lapse device within Kandor. Otherwise Zod's troops would be in their 70s, etc.
Thanks again for the posts.
I complain a lot but I can't fault DC's good faith attempts to push Supergirl into the mainstream of their continuity. The solo book has it's flaws (six nigh seven creative teams in less than three years for example) but she has had a number of notable guest appearances with the usual attendent hype.
And when the "Book of Destiny", Brave and the Bold TPB comes out, I will be buying it.
Now if only Laura Vandervoort could score a spin off...
John Feer
I'm totally getting that Tiny Titans. Streaky and Ace FTW!
I have to admit I only purchased the 2 issues of this 6 issue run which starred Supergirl
Actually, she was in issues 2-6. She just wasn't on the cover of 3, 5, and 6 (she met up with Lobo in #3, for example). You missed some good Supergirl action if you didn't read the others.
I liked the way Mark Waid wrote her. A bit flighty, perhaps, but unhesitantly heroic. And way cute, thanks to George.
I complain a lot but I can't fault DC's good faith attempts to push Supergirl into the mainstream of their continuity. The solo book has it's flaws (six nigh seven creative teams in less than three years for example) but she has had a number of notable guest appearances with the usual attendent hype.
That's a good point. She has been seen a lot in other books. It seems like she lags only in her own title.
But we have seen her in Titans, JLA, Brave and Bold, Amazons Attack, etc.
Actually, she was in issues 2-6. She just wasn't on the cover of 3, 5, and 6 (she met up with Lobo in #3, for example). You missed some good Supergirl action if you didn't read the others.
I liked the way Mark Waid wrote her. A bit flighty, perhaps, but unhesitantly heroic. And way cute, thanks to George.
Great ... now I have back issues I need to go out and find. LOL. Thanks for the tip!
I agree that Waid made her a strong and heroic but with a sense of adolescent exuberance both in B&B and Legion. She was more likeable in the Legion book than her own book when she starred in both.
Oh Lord, if only Mark Waid had been given the Supergirl solo title from the git-go, I'd sleep easier at night knowing the character was in good hands!
Mark writes a nigh perfect Kara Zor El, an INexperienced teenager who makes good decisions in the manner of a very clever kid. Her brain functions almost "too fast" so she comes off as little fidgety and goofy...but really it's all adolescent writ superhuman.
oh and George Perez is officially forgiven his role in CoIE #7 since he drew a very cute and winsome Supergirl in his Brave and the Bold run.
John Feer
Mark writes a nigh perfect Kara Zor El, an INexperienced teenager who makes good decisions in the manner of a very clever kid. Her brain functions almost "too fast" so she comes off as little fidgety and goofy...but really it's all adolescent writ superhuman.
Well my local comic book store had Brave and Bold 3 so I was able to read how she met Lobo in that arc.
Waid did right a great Supergirl
Man HOW I simply loved that there scene of the 2 first coming in to contact in that specific issue of Brave and the Bold followed with Lobo's reaction to Kara having revealed that she was Superman's actual Kryptonian cuz by the end was some funny stuff! Heh :P
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