We have been drooling over Josh Middleton's cover of Supergirl #38 since it was released a couple of months ago.
Newsarama has given us a sneak peek of the first few pages of the issue (http://www.newsarama.com/php/multimedia/album.php?aid=26031); now we only need to wait 24 hours to read the whole issue.
Based on what I have seen, Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle are treating us to a night at the fights. So get your popcorn ready.

Page 2-3: Great splash page of a left haymaker by Superwoman.

I love the 'psych' line. And the art is unreal! You can feel the punches here just by the positions of those on the receiving end.
But tell me this ... both combatants with blue eyes, both with an opening move of a left haymaker?I have been telling you this all along. Superwoman is an evil clone or at least some warped version of Kara!
Lastly, can you believe this is another issue of Supergirl spotlighted on Newsarama! To think that 6 months ago I was worried about this title being cancelled. What a great turn around!
Old guys like me with Silver Age as good memories would like to see elements from that time to be use, I wouldn't mind it to be Lesla Lar or another clone, like the idea of Galatea from JLU. But the fact the Lane told he that he knew who she was complicate things for her been cloned Kara... I mean.. how would he know..
But the fact the Lane told he that he knew who she was complicate things for her been cloned Kara... I mean.. how would he know..
Thanks for the post.
I know that is the monkey wrench.
That us what made me put 'Black Supergirl' back on the short list, someone who may have been active on Earth and Lane might know.
Trust me, I realize it is a lousy guess.
Thanks again.
HELL YEAH! Take that "Superwoman"! GO SUPERGIRL!!!
As per usual THIS is the title I'm definitely looking forward to this week the most! :D
Anj said...
I love the 'psych' line.
Heh, you an me both! ;)
Anj said...
But tell me this ... both combatants with blue eyes, both with an opening move of a left haymaker?I have been telling you this all along. Superwoman is an evil clone or at least some warped version of Kara!
But, and with all due respect anj, isn't that really the whole point for our Black K inducing so called "Dark Supergirl" evil twin counterpart really? :/
Personally I think "Superwoman" is a deluded in to believing she's that of an actual blood line member of the house of El Lelsa Lar, or, barring even that possibly Jor-El and Zor-El's 3rd biological brother Nim-El (twin look alike brother to Jor-El)'s very own widow, A.K.A. Dondra-El herself here who made it out of the Survival Zone instead even. The latter would certainly verify as to why Superwoman thinks she's entitled to the House of El family crest 'S' shield itself no? :/
*WINCE* Did Supergirl just lose a tooth on pages 2-3? Something rectangular seems to be flying out of her lips right behind the saliva. Ouch.
*Clicks on pic for closer inspection* Aw crap! You're right, it IS indeed a tooth there, Gene! :(
Well,I've been telling people at the DC Message Boards that I'm pretty sure Superwoman is Kara from decades in the future -returned to the present to prevent the CATASTROPHE that seems to be brewing in the Superman titles. I might be dead wrong on this,but it's consistent with the original concept of Superwoman as a time traveler.
Andrew L. said...
Well,I've been telling people at the DC Message Boards that I'm pretty sure Superwoman is Kara from decades in the future -returned to the present to prevent the CATASTROPHE that seems to be brewing in the Superman titles.
With all due respect, man I truly hope not. For one, I just couldn't see Kara ever of her own free will adopting such an ugly looking costume in the first place upon her wanting to be known as Superwoman be it future or present, I think she'd instead have gone with that truly sad (sad as in absolutely heart and gut retching) Thomas/cancer arc's own futuristic Supergirl look on top of possibly adopting a lead lined mask to go with it. Oh and two, IF she IS indeed Kara from the future as Superwoman then how can present Supergirl and her future self occupy the same time and space on the very same Earth at the very same time for such a long period of time now without their being dire consequences to the fabric of time and space itself? The only way she could is if the future Kara Superwoman belongs to one of the 52 Earths own future time lines just like how Power Girl is an adult aged alternate Earth twin counterpart of Post-FC DCU E-0 Kara Zor-El/"Linda Lang"/Supergirl. :/
I might be dead wrong on this, but it's consistent with the original concept of Superwoman as a time traveler.
But for it to be revealed that Superwoman is a future era Kara Zor-El who apparently has no qualms traveling back to the present and killing Super heroes such as Agent Liberty? No thanks.
Well,I've been telling people at the DC Message Boards that I'm pretty sure Superwoman is Kara from decades in the future -returned to the present to prevent the CATASTROPHE that seems to be brewing in the Superman titles. I might be dead wrong on this,but it's consistent with the original concept of Superwoman as a time traveler.
Thanks for the post.
I do like how it would jibe with the original Superwoman Kristin Wells and her powers.
But this Superwoman has killed and is aiding the bad guys. I'd hate to think of Kara, even a future version, taking part in that.
Who knows though? That is probably a better guess than my 'evil clone rant'.
She is a bizarro....hence the mask to conceal the inevitable calcification of her epidermis.
Okay that is my guess for today, gonna re-read #37 tonight to see if new clues present themselves.
Damn this is fun...
John Feer
My top 3
Could be 1) bad Kara/Bizzaro SG..... 2)Linda (I hope not) or 3)Lesla Lar....
Bizzaro SG...eh.... maybe...
Bad SG...more of a possibility considering the visual clues Igle and Gates is giving us in each preview.
The whole speaking kryptonese thing scratches out Linda....
(Unless she somehow speaks it... Don't know where or who she would learn it from, though...)
I personally, never knew what a "haymaker" was until you guys pointed it out...
I thought It was similar to an uppercut to the jaw.
Or Lucy Lane...that is my other theory at the moment. I'm feeling pretty sure that SW isn't a Kryptonian and I'm also fairly certain that indeed it's a "name" within the current mythos.
Kara's line during the beat down was significant "Thara? Is that you" is a clue and red herring all at once.
Thara Ak Var has been a stronger SW contender all along, but she is Kryptonian and as well, the creative team seems pretty intent on leaving a trail to her doorstep so to speak.
But what if, it was SW's soldierly bearing that Kara was reacting to? She guessed and guessed wrong on the only Kryptonian soldier she knows...Thara Ak Var...but there again maybe it was Lucy Lane's martinet style coming thru.
Moreover, General Lane's "I know who you are" line is a threat but also almost an endearment as well. Assuming he and Luthor could "Kryptonize" a suitable human subject they'd have a prize infiltrator of New Krypton and a powerful weapon as well.
My only qualm...Kryptonizing Lucy is a pretty hoary Silver Age concept, making it seem fresh and un-cliche'd will take some heavy lifting.
Moreover Lucy is enough a name within the mythos that she satisfies the surprise factor, but she is not so central that she can't be killed off and increase the misery and mishaugas quotient for Lois.
Damn this is FUN!
John Feer
I voted for other because I still think she's the Kara mentioned in World War III book three [inside front cover] the one lost in space.
I concede she could also be black K Kara.
I think that somehow she ended up in Kandor.
I think that more time has past in Kandor than has pasted on Earth and that is why Kara 2 (Superwoman) is old.
I think that people in Kandor stop ageing once they reach a certain age and that's why Zore-El and
Alura didn't get older.
It may not mean anything but so far we've seen no kandorian children.
Kara 2 (Superwoman) old
should read:
Kara 2 (Superwoman) older
NO, the line should be:
that's why Kara 2 (Superwoman) is older.
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