It's officially Convention Season!
In a couple of weekends I'll be driving north to Concord NH to attend the 'Old School Comic Show' for the first time. I was unable to go to this show last year and I am thrilled that things worked out for me to head to it this year!
I'll definitely do a recap post afterwards but I am basically heading in blind.
That said, it appears to be a great show with a decent guest list of creators, many of them which could be called 'Old School'.
One of the things about attending conventions for the last 15 years or so is that I have met a lot of creators. So when I see someone new at a con I get pretty excited!
I'll also say that given the roster I doubt I'll be getting a commission at this con, concentrating more on signatures and comics!
On to the show!
The guest I am most excited to meet is Mike Royer, a legendary inker who worked with Jack Kirby on a ton of The King's work in the 70s. I've never met Royer so it will be great to meet him.
The tough thing is trying to figure out what to get him to sign. I don't think I want his sig on my New Gods comics, thinking that leaving them pristine makes the most sense.
So issues I am leaning towards include OMAC #1, 2001 #1, and Captain Victory #1. All those are Kirby books.
But I am also thinking of bringing two other books. First Issue Special #7 is a Creeper issue and you should all know I love the Creeper. The issue is written and drawn by Steve Ditko! So Royer inked Kirby and Ditko! I also think I'll bring the Mister Miracle Special #1 from 1987. Royer inked Steve 'The Dude' Rude on that book, in which Rude channeled Kirby.
Really thrilled to meet Mr. Royer!
John Beatty is also heading to the show. I haven't met him before either. Beatty is another inker extraordinaire.
Looks like the bulk of his work is in Marvel but he has had some notable stints in DC.
Can't wait to bring Superman #21 for a sig, the first part of the Supergirl Saga, a book I already have signed by John Byrne! But he also inked Pat Broderick on the first few issues of Batman Year Three so think I'll be bringing these too.
There are a bunch of other great creators on the docket, mostly folks I have met, including but not limited to Jim Steranko, Al Milgrom, Jim Shooter, and David Michelinie.
I'll probably have some books to sign for all of them but definitely Michelinie. He wrote
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8, an issue I love complete with Howard Chaykin art. He also wrote
Amazing Spider-Man #306 which includes a backdoor homage to
Action Comics #285.
I'll probably ask Beatty if he is sketching but I don't know if anyone outside of him is someone I'd be looking to get a commission from. Which just means I'll have a few more bucks for comics!
Anyone else heading there?
I wish my local comic convention were as diligent about bringing in great comics creators as this one is. The only old school comics creators we have are Steven Butler-a decent penciller and from Mississippi but not a giant-and Mike DeCarlo whose overbearing inks kept me from realizing for years how great a penciller Greg Laroque really was.
First-rate creators all, I especially loved John Beatty teamed with Mike Zeck on Captain America.
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