Earlier this month, I reviewed Amazing Heroes #136, including some interesting comments from Jerry Ordway and Mike Carlin about the (then) upcoming Supergirl Saga, the ideas around the new Supergirl character and the Pocket Universe from where she came.
I had a few questions percolating in my brain, especially knowing how that whole storyline ultimately played out, with John Byrne leaving, Matrix going mad and eventually becoming Supergirl, and the utter destruction of the the Pocket Universe.
I reached out to Jerry Ordway who was kind enough to answer most of my questions and provide his recollections on things.
As a long time fan, the peek into the creative process is always appreciated. So I can't thank Mr. Ordway enough for sharing! Here is the brief interview.
Anj: How far did this 'Power Girl' idea go? A mention? A deep discussion? Matrix IS found in the Arctic. Was that piece of your pitch kept? Or just coincidence?
Jerry Ordway: The Power Girl idea was likely only a brief paragraph I wrote out, to pitch as a story.My Power Girl idea became Supergirl being found in the arctic.
Jerry Ordway: The people who find her are the characters from John Carpenter’s the Thing:)
Anj: Carlin says the new Supergirl might die in the Saga story. Was 'Supergirl' dying again an actual possibility, discussed in creative meetings?
Jerry Ordway: As to her dying in the pocket universe, I think I was the one who asked her to survive, as a kind of protoplasm looking being. I think at that time, Byrne was already going to quit. He gave little notice, just quit with the last issue.
Anj: It also sounds like Carlin wanted the Pocket Universe to just go away. Was that always one of the thrusts of this storyline? To remove that thread?
Jerry Ordway: The pocket universe was torched, likely because it was meant as an olive branch to the Legion of Superheroes office, but they kept being jerks, as far as playing along.
Anj: Carlin says the new Supergirl might die in the Saga story. Was 'Supergirl' dying again an actual possibility, discussed in creative meetings?
Jerry Ordway: As to her dying in the pocket universe, I think I was the one who asked her to survive, as a kind of protoplasm looking being. I think at that time, Byrne was already going to quit. He gave little notice, just quit with the last issue.
Anj: We've seen your character ideas for Matrix on the site before. Interesting! And thanks for keeping her around!
Anj: It also sounds like Carlin wanted the Pocket Universe to just go away. Was that always one of the thrusts of this storyline? To remove that thread?
Jerry Ordway: The pocket universe was torched, likely because it was meant as an olive branch to the Legion of Superheroes office, but they kept being jerks, as far as playing along.
Jerry Ordway: So it was a casualty of that outreach. But my idea and plans for Matrix were tied to her being a new character, as the last survivor of her world, similar to Superman. But as it went along, I think the group decided to make her Supergirl, to maybe appease fans wanting her back.
Jerry Ordway: When Byrne was still around, I know we talked over the identity crisis story, because Byrne suggested a new hero shows up in Metropolis, called Alter Ego, to be later revealed as Superman. I suggested Gangbuster instead, because he was already established and would be a bigger shock to fans. So that was set up before the Pocket Universe 3 parter.
Jerry Ordway: When Byrne was still around, I know we talked over the identity crisis story, because Byrne suggested a new hero shows up in Metropolis, called Alter Ego, to be later revealed as Superman. I suggested Gangbuster instead, because he was already established and would be a bigger shock to fans. So that was set up before the Pocket Universe 3 parter.
Anyhow, Carlin was always a creative partner/ sounding board for ideas, and an important part of those comics. He didn’t rubber stamp everything, he rejected stuff all the time. That’s what made him good, and made us work harder:)
Anj: Can't thank you enough for a peek behind the curtains. That Power Girl comment really grabbed me, wondering what that comic universe would be like so glad to hear your memories about it!
Nice one, it’s good to have the extra info. Honestly, why couldn’t the Legion and Superman people get along!
I'm curious about this issue between the LSH and Superman people considering the VICE-PRESIDENT and effective COO of DC was writing LSH at the time.
Good for Jerry Ordway for responding
Never knowed there wuz a feud goin' on betwixt the Superman and Legion offices back in them days. I wonder if Paul Levitz's advocating for Supergirl (his original plan for Sensor Girl, the commemorative statue in Legion HQ) may have had something to do with it. "Jerks" seems a little harsh, though.
I read somewhere (maybe on this blog, though I'm not sure) that Jerry Ordway was one of those most against that Alan Brennert story in Christmas with the Super Heroes.
Thanks for comments.
Levitz being COO is interesting. And Ordway being against the Christmas issue is news to me.
I could see the Superman Office being peeved at the insertion of Ghost Supergirl in a strip and drawn by a bigwig at that, so soon after they’d had her snatched away and been banned from using her.
I probably read about Ordway's response to Christmas with the Superheroes in a magazine, but I don't remember where. But I did find an article on Comic Book Resources from 2/8/2008 titled "Comic Book Urban Legends # 141" written by Brian Cronin dealing with the subject.
Cronin wrote: "From Ordway's (and most likely the Superman office as a whole) position, the story, while certainly innocuous on Brennert's part, was a sign that DC was not being consistent with the position they promised when John Byrne relaunched the title."
Cronin spoke to Ordway, who said: "Even after John left the book, Carlin fought many battles on our behalf to keep what we were doing consistent across the other books in the DCU. I have always felt strongly that a company should keep their characters consistent as a service to readers...."
I can see Ordway's point, though I think that killing off Kara and erasing her from existence was a bad idea. And I loved the story in "Christmas with the Superheroes". And in the end, it didn't affect then current continuity. It was just a nice little story for Supergirl fans.
I think Carlin and anyone who supported him deserved everyone being dicks to them for what they did to the Legion.
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